Hey mags, yer I just cut it off rite at the base plate, then cut 12mm off the tube and butt welded base plate strait back on
I found that the bike stood to upright on the standard side stand, had to be very careful when parking out bush and if I left it idling on concrete in my shed it would fall over (luckily I caught it before it hit the deck). So I shortened it by 12mm and now she just leans over enough that it doesn't fall over when idling and is much more stable when parking out bush
Thanks mate, I will look into getting one
Hey mags, what is the brand, and where did you get it??? of the hour meter. I recently got one for my new Monty and it is wired differently and to be honest the RPM readout on mine is very suspect. Where you have put it looks like a good place to locate it, out of the way and well protected.
I have a 2013 which on 2 occasions now have noticed an oil leak at the breather elbow, both times I found the hose end was blocked up with chain lube. I cleaned the hose out and the problem was fixed.
I have checked the valve clearance, isn't it fun working out how to get the tappet cover off for the first time lol. Inlet was nearly 0.15, exhaust was out to nearly 0.35. The exhaust is loose I know, but better than binding up. Will start looking at other suggestions now.
Thanks for the advice and info guys, I am having a week or so off work over xmas so will try as many of the suggestions as I can and see if we can get the old girl sorted out.
I recently bought a 2008 4T 320, wanted to try the 4 stroke thing. The bike starts very easily cold but is a mongrel when hot. Appears to be a fuel problem, the only way I have found to start it hot is 1 or 2 soft kicks with the throttle open a little, then after a few normal kicks it will fire a couple of times then start. Have had a couple of 4 stroke rider mates try to start it but with no better results. Spoke to a dealer who suggested the fuel line was to close to the cylinder and the fuel was getting hot and vaporizing, I rerouted the fuel line with no improvement. Any ideas?
Yes, very nice indeed jk. I have one of those "odd bikes" that wont start, lol. Could you do a simple wiring diagram on what you have done with the 12v battery, switch and capacitor and post it on here please? Maybe I can make my bike easy to start from cold.
I have a 2013 TR280, and yes I am not completly happy with starting from cold (no problem when warmed up) other wise extremely happy with the Ossa, but I am giving very serious consideration to a 300R. So YES, I would do it again, and hope to.
Thats the one ric, is the factory made kit. it is very easy to make ur own as well, I just have a small switch mounted between the handle bars, easy and convenient. You should be able to find the wiring instruction on that same web site.
Already on the road and no room in my work vehical for pleasure lol, send me a private message with ur contact number (urs isnt acepting messages) and maybe we can have a chat about these Ossa things.
Thanks Deon, I will be in Mackay next week with work so will see if I can pick some up.
Hey digga,
Mine is a new 2013 with only a couple of hours on the clock and the clutch is very good, no problems so far, so for now at least will stick with the GRO if I can get it easily enough.
Hey Deon, where do you get your GRO 75w from, I am having a little difficulty finding it here in Oz? Btw, have just come home after working away for ten days and the Ossa started 4th kick instead of 4 hours, lol. The 9v set up is well worth it.
I ask myself that same question dabster.
Last Friday my new 2013 arrived, after opening the box and assembling the bike I spent 4 hours kicking my guts out to try and start it. Managed 1 start after about 3/4s of an hour, rode it enought to have the fan come on twice them I stalled the bike and could not start it again that day. On Saturday I spent about an hour kicking before she fired up, I actually went riding for about an hour (great bike when its going). Sunday could not start it. This morning I say the last two replys on this forum, went out bought the few items I needed, fitting the 9v system up and now she fires up 1st or 2nd kick every time (so far). Hopefully many enjoyables hours riding ahead of me, thanks for the help guys, its like chalk n cheese, day n night, I was closed to putting it back in the box and sending it back to the distributor, lol.
No nigel, I ordered the big boy, the 280.
Well I hope they are good. I ordered a 2013 this week, should be about 8 to 10 weeks before they arrive in the country and I take delivery.
Thanks for the info naichuff, have had more of a look around now and see various models with the banana muffler, mostly around the 73 / 74 /75 mark, but still most seem to be the triangle or box type, not many with the banana.
Thanks guys, also avail from Bultaco Parts Australia by the look of things.
I dont know about in ur part of the world jsp, but I have been talking to the Australian importer and they are hoping to keep the price about the same as last year (due to a very strong Australian dollar) and will be setting the price by the end of this month. Just got to place an order then and wait till November for delivery (bugga, I hate waiting).
Thanks Paul, I will give them a try.
My 158 Sherpa T (1976 I think) has a slim muffler and not the square boxed one (rear of shocky) usually seen. It appears to be a genuine item as it matches the main exhaust. Can any body tell me if this is correct for this model?
I am just starting to do a restoration on my 158 Shera T, where can I get a parts list for this bike?