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Everything posted by subira
  1. It was a stainless pipe made by Aeffe Racing in Italy, took some tracking down.
  2. Saunders was riding like a demon. Really smooth and controlled as you'd expect. He looks effortless, but I'm sure that's misleading. I didn't see it but it looks like he 'blew' up four sections from home and slacked two dabs - must be the years catching up with him.
  3. On Eurosports 2 now: 21:00 - 21:45
  4. There's a few more of the Italian Indoor on mototrial.it
  5. You'd probably want to start with an alloy barrel as it will run cooler, then I think it you can out to 220/230 leaving the crank alone - think it might be a Kawasaki piston. Crank mouths have to be opened out to fit the bigger dia. liner. So its a full strip down etc. I costed it out many months ago and it didn't work in for me, so have stuck with a 199. I think DaveD444 sold a complete engine a while back on ebay, he might be able to help out on the spec.
  6. Technosel is a good start. Make some templates in card first of the areas that you want to protect, then cut up you sheet and replace as you need. Airbox side is important to do. If that's not enough for you try lewisportusa.com. Adrian used to do some poly engine covers that were a bit more substantial. I owned 5 315s and just did the Technosel thing and it kept them looking neat and tidy. The frames take a hammering and still come up looking good when freshend up with a Johnson Baby Wipe!
  7. subira


    I see its now full according to TMX. Is there an entry list about?
  8. Forget all what you heard above - lots of people have dealt with BVM with no problems at all (including me - I have bought bikes and parts there and the service has always been excellent) , the post has been ****e down here over the Xmas period and there's this nice looking '04 on their website http://www.bvm-moto.co.uk/offroadbikes/off...ey=MONTESA05080 I'm not on their payroll, I just think that in the interest of balance you should also hear some positives.
  9. Try the guys at H and D Racing http://www.handdracing.co.uk/page8.htm They did an 06 frame for me and it looked great, pretty sure they can do the rest but worth dropping them a call / mail to find out.
  10. Are you taking up a role as a cultural attach
  11. It's all down to taste. I quite like the fat lass in her new outfit. Looks a bit like she's tarted herself up for the Xmas party. Trouble is I don't think she'll look that great the next morning Can't help thinking how ****e the frame and swinging arm will look after a year or so. So would not want to own one. The anodising wears on the silver frames, around the boot area but doesn't notice, and on my bikes I like to scrape the swinging arm along rocks etc (habit I can't break, I'm a crap rider) - so its not going to look to hot when the black wears through to silver, not such a problem when the silver wears through to silver. The 4RT frame guard market is bound to take off as a result.
  12. 22mm PHBL I need to check the jets etc. tomorrow
  13. Having stripped a GG down to the frame, its surprisingly heavy. But remember its built for the masses. No reason why a lot of weight couldn't be saved from the frame using better materials, butted tubing etc. I would guess that the frame spars are about half the size on the prototype. If cycle frames are anything to go by there's no reason why you wouldn't lose strength. It would just cost a lot more!
  14. subira

    Pimp My Ride

    04 Montesa will do the job.
  15. This might be more helpful. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?sourceid=nav...sa=N&tab=wl Approach from the A413, Chalfont St. Peter to Denham Road, turn right before the railway viaduct, parking and the trial is normally west of the M25. If it rains it will be muddy.
  16. subira

    Silencer 4rt

    As this is heading down the general noisy 4 stroke route, I'd thought I would chip in. I own a Pre-65 'pile of scrap', I previously owned a 4RT and GG Pro. My Pre-65 is noisy, even the MOT tester commented on it but still ticked the box, (noise is only observed in the MOT not tested). The GG was noisy when it popped at tick over, then less so on the throttle (that's what my elderly neighbours think) and the 4RT while quiet at tickover then barks at mid to full throttle (my opinion). All ran a manufactured exhaust / silncer that hadn't been modified by me. No problem with any of the bikes unless anyone is around to complain. However all three bikes could do with being a lot quieter when you consider the sensitive nature of most of our venues. There'd be a lot less pressure if there was no noise that accompanied our sport, however that isn't practical until the OSET grows up. So in the meantime we all have a noise problem, Josephine Rambler (read Janet Street-Porter) doesn't care whether its a 4RT, Pro or Pre-65. She just hears one noise and that's the nail in our coffin going in blow by blow. Most of the time in open country you hear a bike but rarely see it. We ALL need quieter bikes, not just within ACU limits on a noise meter, but standard road bike quiet.
  17. Whatever he's contracted to ride. Seems most contracts run through to 31st Dec. So everyone's out on their 07 bikes before changing seats for 08. The old Jan date meant that folks turned out on their new rides.
  18. I think that its a 'spoilling' tactic, dangle the carrot of a GG 4T on the way for those brand loyal riders out on Pros. In the hope that it stops them defecting to a 4T in '08 when there's something 'much better' coming along in '09
  19. I believe that both the 230 or 250 routes need a new alloy barrel. Then the crankcase mouth needs machining to accomodate the larger liner. I'm not sure if the new 250 crank needs roller bearings - 230 uses your existing crank. I have the same set up as TRF and agree that it seems to work reasonably well. If you do the conversion you'll want a PVL fitting, and so maybe it would be best to start with some later cases.
  20. Look carefully, He'd been getting tips from Dabster and Wiggy before he started
  21. Cool enough for cold beer! Only had Powerade on tap though It's becoming a ritual for us southern observers to bathe in the beck before the 1st rider appears, blessing the section so that all riders get a safe passage. Thought I take some slime of the section, but I wasn't intending to take it off with my a%*e
  22. subira


    No I think Dabster's finally seen that 4 stroke is the way forward after Saturday, first three bikes home were 4Ts and 1st and 3rd were 4RTs. He's just easing himself out of the closet with the 'friend' business.
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