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Everything posted by sykes
  1. sykes

    Tys 175 Choke

    cheers guys will have a bash at stripping it and hope it will free up
  2. sykes

    Tys 175 Choke

    the choke on my 2007 bike is operated by a lever on the handlebars which in turn pulls a cable that goes into the carb, so it looks like when i pull the lever on the handlebars it pulls on the cable and pulls the choke to the up position in the carb, which i take it is the on position...when the lever is released it looks like the spring thats encased on the cable end on top of the carb pushes the choke slided back down to the off position....i think the older models just had the pull up push down directly on top of the carb but the cable setup is meant to be more convenient. the problem looks like the slider is maybe seized to the side of the carb as i gave it a bit of a push and it would not move so seems to be stuck in the up position looks like a bit of cloudy fluid around the top of the slider so i am thinking if it was maybe water getting down the cable to the carb and then reacting with the different metals between the carb and slider and causing it to stick....i just dont want to put too much pressure on it incase i damage it so was wondering if anybody else had problems with this and how to go about fixing it. i know this is a bit long winded but it hope it is a bit clearer.....as mud..
  3. sykes

    Tys 175 Choke

    hi all i seem to have the choke stuck on the bike....i took the cable of at the top of the carb and the spring is ok but it looks like the choke is stuck in the up (on) position as i take it the spring should push it down once the choke lever cable is released? so looks like the choke slider seems to be stuck to the sides of the carb anybody else had trouble with this and any ideas how i could free it without damage.? cheers for any ideas
  4. sykes

    Scorpa Tys 175

    cheers andy checked with birkets today and even they were unsure as they reckon the bearing may have changed in the later ones but said it should be the same as the sy 250 and that was 6905 front which is thin type bearings and the rear is 6004, but i suppose the only way to be sure is to knock them out and see. did a search for more info today and seen this guy selling them on the bay called Gap Bearings,,,,very cheap so wonder if they would be ok as 6004 were only £1.80 each posted.
  5. sykes

    Scorpa Tys 175

    hi does anyone know what size and part number for front and rear wheel bearings for this bike and the best place to get them its on a 2007 plate cheers..
  6. hi anyone know how to adjust the play in the rear brake or these bikes? i had the caliper off and everything is moving ok but the brake is not coming on fully to lock the back wheel. it feel like the foot pedal is bottoming out where the adjuster rod is on the brake pedal. online manual says it should be adjusted by slacking the lock nut and shorten or lenghten the rod, but i cant see how it is adjusted as it just looks like a locknut on a threaded rod, but how do i adjust the rod. its pretty hard to get to also as the diagram shows just adjust the rod but the adjustment end goes ito a rubber cover and then it is some kind of valve that takes the brake fluid clear as mud as i read it back, but if anyone has any ideas on it can you post it up please see link http://www.scorpa.fr...Ride_Racing.pdf cheers....
  7. hi what oil would be fine for a scorpa 175f? i see they recommend motul 300v fully synthetic, but i cannot get this locally. i take it something like shell advance ultra be fine for this engine as it does not work hard anyway, and i can get it locally....better price too. i want to use good oil, but are some of the recommendations overkill? given it not a race bike.... cheers
  8. hi does anyone know if there is any difference in these new models compared to the older 2007 models? i take it they all now have hydraulic clutch and i think, maybe an electric start. would maybe have rathered a 175 but not seeing any for sale right now, so how does the 125 compare with power/performance any info would be great cheers.....
  9. thanks for the advice guys
  10. i think the add i seen said it was 16 year old so guy must not be sure of actual year what are the last ones made like then?? i just think if it is in ok nick it might do me for a bit.
  11. hi whats the general opinion ot the 96 aprilia climber 240 for reliability and spares just looking for a muckabout until i find the right bike cheers...
  12. sykes

    Yamaha Ty 250 Mono

    cheers for that....thought it might be a bit on the high side
  13. hi i have been offered a 1987 ty 250 mono in what seems reasonable conditon for £750 is this too much to pay for this bike? cheers..
  14. hi what is the difference between the ty250 mono and the pinky version and which one would be the best to have cheers....
  15. sykes

    Beta Tr 34

    cheers eddie l like the 315 but need a bit of a seat and its only for mucking about a bit choices ...choices
  16. sykes

    Beta Tr 34

    what are these bikes like for reliability and avalibility of parts. looking at one of these, or yamaha ty 250 mono or montesa 315 but not sure which one will give me the least hassle cheers....
  17. sykes

    Road Reg Ty 250

    just wondering if you can still get a yamaha dating certificate for these old yams if i managed to pick one up and it was not road reg would like a proper year plate and not a Q plate as insurance does not seem to like it cheers,,,
  18. sykes

    Ty 250 Mono

    thanks jon just have to find one now do you know of any.... seen a couple on the bay but are far from me i am in the highlands
  19. sykes

    Ty 250 Mono

    hi is the standard tank on the ty 250 mono plastic or metal? looking to possibly buy one so anything i should look out for if i see one for sale. just wanting an old ploder that does not give too much trouble and i think one of these might fit the bill better than the older twin shock model. cheers....
  20. thank for that tobeee i was thinking myself it was a bit much for one of that year. it gets better though...i looked at it and checked the frame number with the information on this site and it show the bike to be a 1997 and not a 2001 as the guy had said. i dont know much about them so i better read up more to make sure what i am buying. just want something for hills/ pottering about and maybe the odd club trial.....not seen much about and the ones that are for sale seem to be asking a bit much.
  21. cheers guys so it should cost about 150 just for paperwork then...someone told him Sandiford closed 2 year ago and you cant get a certificate? have looked at the bike and the boy says its a 2001 but i have seen on the montesa forum that if the frame number ends with a V after VTDMTO3AO its a 1997 but it does have and inboard rear brake caliper bikes in fair condition and he wants £1000 for it.....is that ok ish? as i would still need to add the reg cheers...
  22. hi does anyone know what it takes to road reg a montesa 315 that has never been on the road and what are the costs involved in doing it. thanks
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