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  1. Is pre-entry mandatory, or can you still show up and sign up on the spot? Thanks, -Matt
  2. Perhaps because all of the previous bikes have been 'replicas' of what the previous year's world champion rode. And the 4RT would not really be a replica of the 315R that Fuji rode in last year's WTC.
  3. If this rumor is true ? my take on it is the new 4 stroke bike!! a big question was the worlds #1 and two where going to have to start a new indoor season on a new bike against the world #1 indoor rider. The first thing that would happen, people would compare the results and if the Mont didn't do great even when it's a learning period they would blame the bike, or do they ride the 315 and try and get outdoor practice on the 4T when they can, not giving them full time on the bike, again starting the outdoors with less time on the bike than they would like. I think the whole thing is how they can give the new machine the best intro, great solution to Mont/HRC problem would be to have the top three riders in the world on their bike. GG USA pulled the same move getting the top three riders in the US championship and the top woman, two of the riders from Mont, same reasons they moved for a better deal, what goes around comes around. If true the top three riders on the same brand would make for an interesting outdoor season, no holds barred full chat let the best man win I agree with the bit about the 2-stroke vs. the 4-stroke for indoor and the politics that go with it. I'm wondering what Sherco is going to do for next year since they have both. I'm thinking that Sherco wants Jarvis on the 4-stroke bike to show the world that it is a capable bike at the world championship level. But I think that after so many years at Sherco riding the 2-stroke he might do better on that, but if he rides the two stroke it might scare people off the 4-stroke. However if he rides the 4-stroke and doesn't do as well as he could have with the 2-stroke that might not sit too well either. It sure is gonna be an interesting season, I wonder how the 4-strokes are going to do in the Indoor, my money's on Raga again.
  4. The clothing is very good quality, although it doesn't seem as durable as the Hebo pants I had before. It's really thin and light, no problems yet though. You should try it on to know how it fits as it'll probabbly depend on how tall you are relative to how...big your legs are. I have very nicely proportioned and attractive legs and it fit's kinda tight on me but no where near one piece tight, not that I have one of those or anyhting... -Matt
  5. mattzajac

    2005 Beta

    They'd better not change the colours from the ones they have this year, they can't get better, only worse. -Matt
  6. Can someone please post them up here or in the gallery. You have to be a member to view them and it would save alot of people from creating an account they're never going to use again. Thanks, -Matt
  7. mattzajac

    Info Needed

    I've heard about a a problem witht he stators from someone with a 270 so I'm assuming it's only 270s. I've been riding my 250 quite a bit and no problems yet, just put gas in it and go. I deffinitely recommend the Beta, maybe it's just my first new bike but I really like it. -Matt
  8. Well Raga is head and shoulders above Doug and Fuji today, almost 1/2 Fuji's score and less than 1/4 of Dougie's.
  9. Lets just say I responded with a little business proposition on my own. As luck would have it I just happen to be on vacation in Kenya, but my friend is in Canada and he can get the bike, but that friend owes me $12,300 and if it's not trouble I'd get him to send you a check, then you can wire me the money but keep a little something for yourself... Thanks guys, -Matt
  10. Hi, I just found someone intereseted in the bike I'm trying to sell. I remember reading about some scam similair to this, and I searched the forums and couldn't find it. Just wondering if this is it, I'm pretty sure it is... "Hello, Thanks for your quick response towards my interest in your Bike ,i really appreciate it, i thank you for that, i will handling the shipment and pick-up myself, as a matter of fact i have already contacted my shipping agent for the transcation,all that remain is your go ahead.well i am ready to buy your Bike which is $5,200 USD. i will be glad i you could act on my request fast, so that we may proceed. i will also want you to know that i am serious about this purchase. Well first, i hope i can trust you enough,i have a client in the States who is owing me a sum of $9,500 , i will Instruct my client to issue you a Certified America cashiers cheque of $9,500 ,so that the remaining balance of my money could be sent to my shipping agent through Western Union Transfer as soon as the check is been cashed.Then my shipping agent will be coming to pick the Bike up in your place.i will like you to send me your Home Address, phone number,and the Name that will be on the cheque,in order for me to foward it to my client who will issue the cheque as soon as possible. Please i want you to know that the Bike is been needed urgently,so i will want you to be fast about your decision.i will also be very glad if you could do me the favour of selling the Bike to me,because i have been searching for used Bike for a long time,so i will appreciate it, if you give me the opportunity of buying the Bike from you. Hope to hear from you soon...... Thanks. Regards. " Could someone please explain how it works, mayhaps there's some way to get out of it... Thanks, -Matt
  11. I also sell trials paintings if anyone is interested. This is just 1 example, full colour prints are available, as well as custom paintings or paintings from photos by request. Generally pricing is around $90 for black and white, $100 for colour, and $110/$120 for custom paintings (black and white/ colour). The way I see it, it's about 1/5 of the quality of those paintings at 1/10 the price, you're getting an amazing deal. All prints are signed by me personally and come with a certificate of authenticity. Let me know if you're interested. -Matt NOTE: This is an extremely poor quality picture due to the maximum size limit for attachments. Actual pictures are printed on 25% cotton, certificate bond paper 81/2" x 11" or customer's choice of paper + size for additional cost of paper and $5. All images are printed at the Very Godd(Highest) quality setting on a Hewlett Packard Deskjet
  12. My advice, if you can, go watch a Euro round somewhere and check out the International class sections. There's two lines hard, and less hard, and it's going to be hard for people to recommend you a line to ride not knowing what level you ride at. Everyone's idea of difficulty will be relative to their skills, I was in Poland last year and I thought I could ride the Inter class, but that's just me. I hate to give advice without any info but if you have to ask about hopping I'd say to reconsider, check a round out or talk to someone who has. -Matt
  13. One more thing, how often do you break your forks? I'm still on my original set, I guess I'm just lucky. -Matt
  14. I seem to remember Dougie taking the win from Fuji in Duluth on a bad protest, I have it on video (TrialsTV DVD actually) that he put his foot down. So even if he didn't really disturb the marker consider it even, I think Dougie gets too many breaks everywhere else, simply because he's riding with the number 1 bib. -Matt
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