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frank bagley

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  1. Hi Guys Does anyone have pics or dim's for how to achieve an adjustable engine offset with Cub in Bantam Frame Any help appreciated Frank
  2. Hi Andy You have a superb set up & exactly what I want to achieve but with a Cub Engine. I think I know what you mean - the front upright tube is reduced in length & re-welded thereby drawing the headstock down??? . Did you make the frame changes yourself & if not who adapted the frame for you? Thank's Frank
  3. Hi Guys Thinking of building a Trials Bantam/ Cub & my first issue is front frame modifications. Before I decide which way to go I thought that there must be members out there who have already been down this road. Headstock angle I have a D10 front frame & want to sharpen the headstock angle, been advised to change the front down tube for a C15 tube which is one inch shorter. What headstock angle are we trying to achieve? Please suggest how best this can be done Engine mounts It's usual to move the engine mounts to the left to aid the chain run with a Cub Engine in a Bantam frame, Does anyone have the details? Also what other front frame mod's should I be considering? Cheers - Frank
  4. Hi there Back again with more questions Got the chance of a bored out Cub barrel but don't know which piston to use? The Barrel is 68mm from 63mm & I would like to avoid any issues with a change of stroke. Is there a straight replacement at 68mm? Thank's Frank
  5. Hi there, Can anyone help??? How do I add a picture (.jpeg) within a new post? Thank's Frank
  6. I now understand that my B44 round Al. barrel has been shortened & to return to the B40 set up using the B44 barrel I need a spacer under the barrel Does anyone have the length of a B40 cast Iron barrel between mating faces (gasket face to face? This will allow me to decide the spacer thickness required Thank's Frank
  7. That's excellent - Thank's I have been in touch with this company a few months ago concerning footrest plates, give them a try tomorrow Thank's Frank
  8. Hi Cygmmartin Good point, just measured 70mm stroke ie, B40. Would still like to understand B40 & B44 Barrel lengths from gasket face to gasket face? Anyone out there with a barrel on the bench please measure for me? This will allow me to modify the length of the B44 barrel using a spacer Thank's Frank
  9. Can anyone help with an issue relating to B40 / B44 engine specifications? I have bought a B40 to convert for Trials. The B40 Engine has a B44 round Aluminium barrel with std bore. Found so far;- B44 Al. round Barrel marked 41-42 with a gasket face to face of 82.4mm B44 piston 41-571 (std bore) B44 con. rod marked 41-550 Problem When turning the Engine without the Head the piston at TDC is above the Barrel by approx. 3mm Same problem with a std B40 piston 41-075. I believe the Barrel has been reduced in length but suspect machined too far. really would like to use this Aluminium Barrel, The B44 con rod results in a stroke of 90mm (not 70mm as B40). Questions;- - What is the B44 Round Alunium Barrel length gasket to gasket face? - If I have interpreted the issue correctly then one option would be to add a spacer between the barrel & crank case to correct back to the B44 barrel length enabling me to use the B44 push rods. Can anyone suggest a supplier for the spacer? - I want to achieve a compression ratio of 6 or 7:1. By returning to the B44 barrel length, what ratio would I achieve with the B40 piston? - Are there alternative 79mm dia. pistons to achieve the desired compression ratio. I hope there is someone out there much smarter than me to help me out. Any help is much appreciated Frank Mobile - 07989 566 219
  10. Thank's I will have a look Frank
  11. Hi Guys My first post & I hope it's in the right Forum Can anyone recommend a supplier near to Solihull West Midlands able to rebore my B40 barrel & supply a new piston, ideally at a sensible price. Thank's in advance Cheers - Frank
  12. Just found & joined the site. Currently building a BSA B44 & thinking about getting into pre65 trials. Hope that you can help with any questions that I may have. I am an ex BSA apprentice, I worked in Small Heath for the last seven or eight years. I would be interested to here from any ex-BSA employees. Cheers - Frank
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