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Everything posted by motosinge83
  1. Nice one TFT.. This one on there is up with your avatar as a classic vintage shot ..! All Toms photo's are well worth a night of viewing..! http://www.flickr.com/photos/tom-margie/13...in/photostream/ Happy New Year to all Motosinge83.
  2. Don't know if you Fantic boys have seen this on the net, but.. Take a look at this gents Fantic 303 restoration..100% superb work. Flawlessly Documented..good 20 minutes of reading. All with the help of a trusty Black and Decker Workmate. And a lathe..and welding gear..and some excellent jigs. No fridge in any of the pic's or cold Stella..? Have a browse here. http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/sw.zeinstra/ Makes you want to spend forever restoring.. Cheers Chaps Motosinge83.
  3. Fantastic pictures..Mr Chapman.. Young Emma Bristow........ Great facial expressions on all the girl's trying hard... Kate Hunter Love the pink bike..! Louise Alford What lies ahead..? Watch out young Chaps they could take over your world..! Motosinge83. http://www.lincolnmotorsport.co.uk Some photos of the Majestic Crystal Trial, the first round of the Womens & Girls Champs at Lincoln on the web site now. Photos by David Chapman. P.S Seen this on the TC front page..!
  4. Guess it would make your eyes water at that money.... 850,000 quid....! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x157l2_bu...on-at-top-speed Cheers Chaps Motosinge83.
  5. Hello.. So it was true all along... the r2w mid 80's Fashion thing.....! Never a doubt really... case closed... Cheers r2w Motosinge83.
  6. motosinge83

    New Fantic

    The new Fantic does look the part....!
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