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Everything posted by connorbeamish
  1. I bought those McDavid knee pads off a well know online auction site, and i cant recommend them anymore, they were exactly what i was after! They are so flexitble but yet give the right amount of protection i was after and perfect for trialing.
  2. I have some 661 hard knee pads, but i dont really get on with them and i find them very uncomfortable. But, i may try another set as it might just be the pair i have.
  3. Ahh that is exactly what i was after, just bought a set. Many thanks for the heads up
  4. Hello, my name is connor, 21 years old from essex. Just been introduced to trials and i love it, so bought myself one... A suzuki RL250 beamish It was the 1st trials bike i rode, and i love the old twinshocks. I've been practicing on it at a local pit (Raydon) and have decided to sort my ACU license and start trailing in the new year so gives me time to sort a few things out on it. I have also purchased a sidecar outfit to go with it, which needs restoring, but it will keep me entertained in the winter. Only bought it as it was local and i think it will be a laugh, not sure i will trial with it but you never know. Quick mock up.. Anyways thats me and my bike, hope to maybe see some of you at the trials
  5. Hello chaps, I'm new to trials and in need of some knee protection. I have quite bad knees for a 21 year old due to previous sports injuries . My question is what kind of knee protection do you think would be suitable, i was thinking moto-cross style trousers with built in knee pads, or just to have trials style trousers but with actual knee pads on top. As i said i'm very new to trials and are still to compete so have little knowledge on to what other riders use. I don't want to go overkill with the pads and loose flexibility, but then again i want to protect them. Any help/links/tips would be greatly appreciated
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