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  1. Steve Colley, both hips done, riding as well as ever, David Knight had one hip done, about to have the other done, still riding at a top level. ?
  2. cubby

    Beta 50cc Zero

    Don't know specifically about this model, but the engines were generally from something else adapted for trials. Speaking from experience with more modern Beta 80's I think they are based on a KM model, so its likely this early one was based on an italian scooter engine or something similar. They are kids bikes designed for kids riding so can be prone to wear and tear and issues, and won;t take the kind of riding a larger capacity engine would. A rare find I would think!
  3. Manx 2 Day Trial - this year July 13/14. Proper Clubman National, daily 40 sections, approx 40 miles, different route each day. Finished off with presentation and beers on the Sunday night!
  4. Agree that the work put in to organising trials is much more than people assume. Trials is in general a niche sport with relatively few people involved as a whole, but plenty of 'Experts' If the idea of the change in ages of the Youth B class is to allow riders onto a 125 a little earlier, without affecting the riders who will now be going into their final B class year then I think that is fine. I speak as having one of those kids who is going into that final year at that level. Bringing into line with Europe is a good thing, however I do always personally like the idea of a rider being able to outride the capability of a bike before moving on. A.k.a Jack Dance in B class on an 80 last year!! Poor bike lol
  5. My 4RT came with Dunlops in 2016 when new, had never had Dunlps before but were fine. Back on Michelin now.
  6. A couple of years ago my Gas Gas packed up after the first day of the Manx 2 Day. I borrowed a friends 4RT (think it was an '09) having never ridden a four stroke in anger before and literally had the most fun on a bike I'd had in ages!! Completely converted me and have since bought one and love riding it. Haven't really found it lacks in any particular place if you know how to ride it, can plod around on it or can use it aggressively. Just a lot of fun and they sound good too!!
  7. Wondering if a fly wheel weight on a 125cc Gas Gas Racing would be an option??Anyone any experience of this, does it help smooth out the bottom end??
  8. cubby

    Which 125?

    Went for the Gasser in the end, eagerly awaiting its arrival!!!
  9. cubby

    Which 125?

    In the market for a new one, have pretty much made up my mind but any relevant experiences with Beta, Gas Gas (new ones), Sherco or Scorpa that may help or add to the picture?? All comments appreciated! Cheers
  10. Its going to take him a good couple of hours to get around and I just can't see that fitting into the race programmes as they stand, but also at TT there is Monster sponsorship to consider! Its going to be very interesting and I'm quite looking forward to it.
  11. Cheers for the comments guys He's currently 11 and riding C class, done a few of the nationals this year and hope to do some more next season in his last year in that class, so it seems like he will be 12 1/2 ish when moving to the 125. Doesn't sound like there is one particular brand or model that is head and shoulders above the others.
  12. My young lad will be moving to a 125 this time next year but I'm already thinking about which direction to take. He's big enough and currently rides an 80 Gas Gas Rookie so is used to the weight and size of a virtually full size bike. But what comes next? Not so much a fan of Beta's, Sherco 125's seem popular but have changed for 2016, same with Scorpa's, who knows about Gas Gas, although I do like them. Any advice or experience gratefully listened to
  13. It was really unfortunate that this year for the first time I can remember the Manx clashed with the BTC. Back in the 90's we had one route where there was always a few testers in for the top boys, but for the better clubman riders they could still make a fair attempt and with luck get through. Not dangerous sections, just naturally hard. We've had a Clubman route for around 15 years, and for the first few years the bulk of people stuck to the 'main' route which we called the 'National' route. But that gradually got harder, and more and more dropped to the Clubman Class. Same story all over the place I guess. Things have moved on and really it is so difficult in a trial like ours to take marks of the top men as whatever you put in front of them gets levelled, they just ride better. Obviously the cost of getting here and accommodation puts a few off, but there currently isn't an solution for that. But would a single route trial work with trials as it is now? Some seem to think so, but we still want to attract a group of 'better' riders in the now 'Expert' class as for many locals, kids especially they wouldn't see many people riding at that level through the year and obviously gives the event a bit more attraction to sponsors and the public generally. But the main bulk of the event is still as a Clubman event and the sections for that have been spot on in recent years. But it is true that less of the young lads are trying the event, a weekend away with the lads etc possibly because they can have that every weekend around the country at the large number of other trials that are on through the year? And if they never try it, they can't tell their mates and don't start coming back year after year. The stalwarts of our event are now mostly over 40, some over 50 and they still love it!!!
  14. Got them off the ACU, no problem. Just highlighted that there isn't a history readily available online anywhere of the final positions. I think there should be
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