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Everything posted by cubby
  1. Agree completely, brilliant news for him and his career and great to have and Italian team with the faith to sign 2 British riders. proves they are going on talent etc etc. Kick in the sack for Shirty though as Alexz is the future and he has looked after him for 9 years. The Factory are putting all eggs in one basket with Raga and to be fair you could argue he has already peaked. Resources are limited and I guess it is cheaper for them to invest locally i.e. Spain rather than further afield. Shame though eh? Good luck Alexz!
  2. I'm more involved with the National Two Day the weekend before but by all accounts it is an enjoyable trial with old fashioned straightforward sections. Nothing stressful and a good ride round. There are seperate classes for pukka pre-65's (if there is such a thing these days) and twin shocks, with the main premier award going to a combination of oldest bike/rider i think. It is a relatively busy time on the Island as it is at the end of Manx Grand Prix race week. People do all sorts in relation to accomodation, some camp, some in boarding houses and hotels. Depends what you fancy but there isn't one central campsite where you would find a load of fellow competitors if thats what you're looking for. The best bet is to call the IOM Tourist Board or visit the website at www.visitisleofman.com where you can get an idea of prices etc.
  3. I think Robin has really hit the nail on the head - the ability gap between the rider finishing in 1st place or the rider in 30th place is huge, and to upgrade the sections much more would at the moment make the whole thing questionable. So just to recap the ladies scene looks like: 3 x Euro rounds 3 x World rounds TDN Wouldn't want to add much more to that before it becomes difficult to manage or afford would you? BTW, and slightly off topic, I really did enjoy watching the ladies in the IOM as exactly as Rappers said in his column you could relate to the sections and could admire a good ride. The mens was just as good but for different reasons, but if you haven't seen ladies trials at the top level then make sure you do.
  4. Yeah I missed the bit about dropping a couple of rounds - but agree that could lessen the burden. The ladies side of the sport is on the cusp (good word eh? ) of getting bigger but it just has to be done sensibly and with the buy-in from the people who are going to compete. I like Vicx idea of each team giving support to a rider, that might be something that could be explored, but would also not necessarily solve the problems as the best would just get even more exclusive in what is already a small field with a huge difference between the top and bottom riders. And Nigel's comment about the support truck well made - I mean really is it necessary for the Italians to have quite such a big truck!!!! It was huge, and dominated the paddock at the TDN. The rest of the team trucks were also impressive, and then English team turned up in an assortment of Vitos, Transporters etc. You still have to go out and ride though and a big truck isn't necessarily gonna help you but as a base for non-factory British riders it would be nice.
  5. I agree with that it could be perceived that the championship was devalued by only having 2 rounds, but in the not too distant future all people will remember and all the history books will say is that Iris won so I reckon that can be gotten over. And no matter how many rounds there are you have too ride and win what is provided. But planning in at least 5 or 6 rounds would solve the problem should for any reason one round get cancelled. How about aligning them with the European Champiionships? Is this feasable? The other thing that needs to be thought of when planning a radically bigger championship than at present is expense. As we all know the only factory rider is Laia, and whilst maybe Iris and one or two others might have some decent support, the rest are pretty much self supporting like the rest of us and you might find there is currently a limit to how many rounds will realistically be supported. People will always turn up but to suddenly go from three rounds to six rounds doubles costs straight away.
  6. I don't think you can dispute that Laia is head and shoulders above the rest of the girls riding. She just has that something extra and is completely competitive with the men she rides against. So it is a shame on one hand that she lost, and it certainly meant a lot to her as she was in tears coming out of the last section, so don't think it doesn't. But there are two points I think that are worth mentioning. Firstly that the value of the ladies WTC has increased now there are two riders capable of winning, and possibly more if you include Becky, Maria and Donna. This can only be a good thing and hopefully will make the standard get even better. And secondly, it is sometimes nice to have a change, and this win certainly spiced things up, however I personally don't like the last round winner takes all rule, but a decision has to be made somehow. The strength of Laia will now be shown as I would bet a fair wad of cash that she will be completely dominant next season.
  7. Personally when riding a section I tend not to ride with the front half of my foot hanging over the front of the pegs, so that my toes don't touch down or get snapped off! Ishy hit the nail on the head, they are the top boys pushing the rules to see how much they can get away with. Sometimes they will and sometimes they won't. It really is a different sport to what the rest of us ride. Two other examples from last weekend: 1) Japanese team riders walking sections with drinking bottles, you would have thought to aid re-hydration. But sneaky little sprays of water on rocks were happening left, right and centre. This cleans the rock and can perversely aid grip. Apparently this is a practise that has been outlawed at WTC level as minders started following round with large water supplies mainly to be sprayed on rocks to get rid of the dust. What would you do? 2) Fancy french rider does fancy jump off last rock in pitlane section and waves leg across onto the other side of the bike (a la FMX). Doesn't get it back in time though and therefore lands and rides through section exit with both legs on same side of machine. He was fived as the rules state legs must be on both sides of bike. Difficult job eh!?
  8. Rules at WTC level allow a stop for no penalty, no moving backwards however and a 1min30sec time limit for the sections.
  9. Have a look at this and see what you would do? My view, it's harsh but as long as everyone is marked the same technically correct. This is footage from last Sunday at the TDN. http://www.iomtoday.co.im/sport/Lampkin39s...udge.3255475.jp
  10. I agree, and you should have seen the Latvian boys at the after party last night! They had finished their two laps before the British, Spanish and Japanese had even done one. Actually it was a great night and some antics must stay unreported needless to say the Isle of Man held it's own in the ''Dance off Des Nations'' against the Portuguese, Spanish, British and Swedish (I think). Much hilarity and end of season partying and a great way to round off the weekend. Pity I've got to work today, could do with a few hours sleep rather than sat at my desk
  11. Jake will send pics over and, of course, there will be reports and results. There just won't be the level of photo or video coverage there normally is from world events. Andy I think the guys from ActionandEvents.co.uk may be attending in a photographic capacity so might be worth trying them for some additional pics?
  12. If you see on one of the other threads Mick Wren has posted an update. Lokks like Saturday is the day - hope it's on otherwise I will be spending a weekend in the Trafford Centre!!!!!!
  13. Those of you who over the years have been regular visitors to the Isle of Man will at some point have come across Geoff Cannell. Sadly he passed away very suddenly yesterday. Geoff was one of the Islands leading sports journalists both in the local newspapers and on radio, and a former Centre Solo Trials Champion. He will be most famously be remembered for being one of the main commentators on the TT races and had what can only be described as an encyclopedic knowledge of the event. What he didn't know didn't happen! He commentated on Steve Colley's displays during TT on the promenade and was due to be press officer for the TDN this weekend. Such an enthusiast for trials, motorcycling and sport in general is hard to find and he, and his forthright views, will be sadly missed.
  14. Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it. Always nice to know that the hard work is worthwhile.
  15. In the IOM you are able to ride and drive at 16. Not sure of the specifics but I am pretty sure you're supposed to be restricted to 125cc until 17. It is the riders responsibility to ensure compliance with the laws of the land, but if we spot blatent things obviously we act. Bikespace - Nice detour! You just wanted to pose past the guys with their road bikes and leathers in parliament square Will take forward the feedback about the lunchstop. The first guys to be released went on time, but then everyone heads off when they want/before too many pies are eaten/before they stiffen up! And glad you didn't suffer any bad queueing. Thanks DD, glad you enjoyed it - see you next year! Anyone else go any feedback?? Good or bad, happy to receive all comments. Please tell me know cause if we don' know we can't fix it.
  16. Cheers for the praise Bikespace, and glad you enjoyed it. Roll on next year when things will hopefully be back to normal. You beat me again so guess I need to sort that for next year! I was talking to Katy in Colours after the presentation and your right, she is obviously so good because her skills mean she doesn't have to muscle the bike around. I think I'm the complete opposite! I thought that the sunday route was really good and a nice change. Yep, there was little more roadwork than normal but still a few blasts cross country and round the plantations. Wasn't so keen on saturday but then again i seemed to ride a lot better then so who knows. Nigel D - I only experienced one significant queue all weekend at that was the first group after lunch on sunday. There must have been about 30 people in it and we weren't there that long in the end. Other queues only had a few people in them and all moved pretty quickly. It was a top weekend though and makes me want to get out on the bike again soon! Entries open for 2008 around about Easter next year so get it in your diaries.
  17. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    There is a meeting tomorrow morning at 8.30am for the government departments involved where they will decide on whether they will allow motorised activities to take place on the uplands of the Island. At the moment all off road tracks are closed, and the roads that are intrinsic to the 2-day route in the hills are all clearways, which as you know means no stopping. Rather difficult to refuel etc on the move. There is then a 2-day committee meeting tomorrow evening where we hope to have a decision. at the moment it is very 50/50. When I know you will know. Cubby
  18. Just to clarify, yes this is a voluntary action and at the moment the ban on events only covers this weekend as far as I know to allow the full details of the situation to emerge. The IOM Government have contacted all sporting governing bodies in the IOM, including the ACU Centre to ask for their co-operation. All public footpaths, moorland tracks, greenways etc are closed and disinfection of people and vehicles is taking place at ports and the airport. The Manx Grand Prix is under review as is the two day trial which many of you will know is due to take place in 3 weeks. Unfortunately if the IOM Government and the farmers take away permission to ride on their land then the outcome in respect of the trial is not positive. HOWEVER - this has NOT happened as yet, and if it turns out that the disease is confined to one farm near guildford we may still be ok. Time will tell. There is a scheduled meeting of the two day trial committee this Thursday, by which time I would hope that things will be clearer. Cheers Cubby Manx Two Day Committee
  19. I currently have a caddy, an SD unfortunately, but I have had two bikes in. First one in front wheel first to front right hand corner and rear in opposite diagonal, with the second in rear first, rear wheel next to the first bikes front. Doors shut easily, and they were pretty tightly packed so not much movement. It's snug, and other gear needs to be packed around it, but it's do-able. Probably best to see if you can give it a try before you buy, but obviously may not be possible.
  20. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Spot on Bikespace, the Glenlough campsite is right next to the first group on Saturday. No practising!!! It' on the TT course at approx 4 miles out. 10 min walk to the pub, more like 20 mins, and all downhill on the way there which means all uphill on the way back! Didn't know that was the case with the campsite at the grandstand, however makes sense as lots of the racers for the Manx Grand Prix stay up there now. Glen Dhoo doesn't have the best rep. from what i've heard. Struggling to think of any other campsites that are close enough. Any other questions, let me know.
  21. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Try www.visitisleofman.com This is the official tourist board website. If you get stuck PM me and I will do what i can to help. Cubby
  22. cubby

    Vw T5

    There are often rear seats coming up on ebay, so a good place to start. Also another website you could look at is www.vwt4forum.co.uk Mostly about t4's but now alo T5's and a good place to find a set of seats. Sounds like you are doing what i hope to be in a few weeks, although mine will still be T4.
  23. I have an old shape Caddy at the moment and have had 2 bikes in the back without having to remove any parts. Fitting them in was easier than i thought. Have definitely decided to go for a T4 Transporter now though as it gives all of the extra benefits i'm looking for.
  24. Had a flywheel weight fitted and it has made such a difference. Still has all the power you would need but is a lot smoother at the botom end and doesn't want to spin the bc wheel at every opportunity. At the trial on sunday it was so much better and now I just need some practice to get 100%. Well worth the dosh
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