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Everything posted by cubby
  1. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    What number are you? Will you get a lie in on either day?? And what the hell happened to my typing!!!??!
  2. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Pretty much any of the pubs around town. The Outback is good, C'est La Vie has former 80's page 3 model Debbie Ashby has the landlady, and uually draws a few in. Later on most people hit either Colours, which is at the hilton Hotel, you can't miss it, or Paramount City nightclub. Clubs are open until 3.30pm in the IOM, but have a strict door policy of no one in after 1am. If you mis it you miss out. On Sunday night after the presentation we will mostly be heading to Colours That is if you can take it.
  3. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    To all of you coming to the Manx this weekend - Good Luck! I hope you have a great time when you're here. If you fancy a pint and a chat at signing on come and find me, I'll be the ginger headed one hanging around the signing on area. If in doubt ask the secretary (she's my mother!) To those of you not coming, why not? you don't know what you're missing!!
  4. cubby

    Lakes Two Day

    Thanks for the number Scottie
  5. cubby

    Lakes Two Day

    They usually come out just after the Manx 2 Day so probably only a couple of weeks to wait. I think Mick Wren is the person to contact but don
  6. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Yep, entries are full again, 275 solos. And 38 sidecars as well! The steam packet have been having problems with one of their boats over the last couple of weeks, some sort of engine problems so that could explain the changes in sailings. I can feel it
  7. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Glad to see you're all getting excited about this years two day. I'm on the committee but still lucky enough to get a ride. I think my number is 152 or something close. We have a new clerk of the course this year and he has varied the route slightly which should be good from what I've seen. Boats are a problem but if you haven't got it booked yet then I wouldn't waste any time because you either won't get on (it's also Manx Grand Prix time) or you will be left with only the most expensive fares! And you can't blame anyone for that except yourself. Full route and vantage point information will be available at the signing on on Friday night at the Villa Marina. You won't miss it on Douglas Prom, just by the traffic lights (the only set on the prom). Programmes for sale, or why not volunteer to observe a section and get one for free! Any other questions let me know. Oh yes, we still give out free beer tickets to be reclaimed at the end of the trial
  8. Probably a bit harder Pitley, but nothing silly at all. Bikespace - me too! Haven't swung my leg over the bike since january as have been full on training for the London Marathon. That is next week so will be straight back out afterwards but gonna take a bit to get back into the swing of things.
  9. I wouldn't say it really makes any difference to the number of riders, however I know that it does make a difference to the number of spectators that you can expect to have the World Champ there. The pother year when he road the Manx Two Day, and was World Champ it enabled us to get more coverage in the local press and as trials is quite well known here anyway it meant we had loads more spectators following the trial that weekend, some who has barely seen a trial but had just heard his name. and the weather was nice
  10. Start list will be finalised shortly and will be published at some point in the future. Bikespace - National or Clubman?
  11. Thats right, the entries are full for the solo class after less than a week. Apologies to those who have not sent your forms back yet, my advice is don't waste the postage. If you want a form for next year then get in touch with the entries secretary at: tonytemple@manx.net He will add you to his list. Any sidecar readers, you have until April 28th to get yours back!
  12. Nigel - I reckon you should stop being so negative and get out and watch a round of the Brit Champs. It's getting more popular and the level of the top crews is really good. And Rowly and Robin are right, the s/car boys really are a bunch of drunks , so they would spend all the day lying on their side if there wasn't a third wheel!!
  13. Try www.sidecartrials.com
  14. cubby

    200 Or 250 Pro

    On the original question of 200 or 250, I would say 250 all the way. I'm on my second, and probably will get a third in the near future. Unless you are a top expert there is more than enough controllable power in them. I'm a big lad and I've never fopund it lacking, just stick it in first gear and prepare to be amazed. I know a few lads who have had 300's and spent all their time trying to slow it down, and finally have got rid. I believe that 280's aren't much different.
  15. The whole 'shortcuts' thing always seems part of the Scott, but if it really has been stamped out at least it makes things a bit more equal. I think BoydW has a pretty good view of things. I remember a couple of years ago when Juan Knight rode for the first time, I think the year he was British Enduro Champion he found it hard going and finished in the top 10 - 15. Can't remember exactly. Is four stroke power the tool to have? Do you need to set up the bike any differently than normal to cope with the going?? I think David Knight could still set fastest time, he is just that step above when it comes to the fast stuff. His observation score will be the deciding factor so I don't think he will win. Interesting tip from BoydW though is Colley. He spends a bit more time these days out on his Enduro bike so and there is no doubting him between the sticks. What ever happened to Rob Crawford??? Don't see his name anywhere these days.
  16. The entry list looks full of quality this year and I thought that maybe we should try and come up with potential winners for the trial, or maybe even a top three. It is a unique combination of speed, fitness and consistency between the sticks that will win it, but who has the best overall package? To help get started a few questions: What is the lowest riding number to win the Scott? Has a non-uk rider ever won? How will David Knight get on, bearing in mind his trials pedigree prior to getting quite good at Enduros? How much is local knowledge really an advantage? Too early to predict my top three but I'm sure there are more questions that will help us work it out.
  17. Cheers for the comments so far. Its always nice to hear that people enjoyed the trial and that we were catering for the riders at the right level. We have our post trial review next week and I will bring along your comments to feed back. I agree about the Clerk of the course concerns, and this is our top priority to get sorted asap to ensure continuity. I don't think that it was a concious thing to increase the difficulty, but what you may find is that it will stay a similiar level for a while, or certainly won't get harder. Keep the comments coming....... Also, the photos from the weekend are available from www.actionandevents.co.uk to purchase. There are some crackers and even make me look like I knew what i was doing!! Please have a browse and support the guys if you can by purchasing a piccy, they did it for free and both have day jobs so we want to make it worth their while.
  18. Ah! Now I remember......did you have a go at that waterfall?? I was almost up and unfortunately went for a low side dab and had to step off. Have got up it about 2 or three years ago. Jools - is that you that finished 16th! If so well done, cracking ride. All - Any thoughts about the severity of sections this year, either your own or what people were saying generally???? It's a while since the winner lost 19 on the National solo course. And discounting a great ride by the leading two in the clubmans, marks seemed to be slightly highter than previously. Anyone find it too hard??
  19. Bit disapointed that so many dropped into the girls class (no offence to any ladies watching ) You're right though, weren't many behind me......unless you include the 180 Clubman riders i supppose! Personally although I had a disaster on Saturday when I was riding into instead of over everything, on sunday I just thought "What the hell!" and I haven't enjoyed a day on my bike like that for a long time!! Gasserboy, what number were you? On the subject of National entries, we have been discussing just that, i.e. guranteed if you ride the national course. Do you think it would encourage more to ride the proper route? It is difficult to get across to people that the National route at the Manx pretty straight forward, and nothing like the National route at the Lakes for example. The idea is to always set out rideable sections, bearing in mind the rules are traditional no-stop. Any other feedback from this years trial??
  20. Hard copies are in the post and should have arrived today at the latest. PDF's are posted to the front page however if you want to download. Bikespace beat me again!! I'll get him next year!!
  21. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Yep 'Colours' is one of the main places to head later on Friday and Saturday night. Lots of other pubs around town, all serve beer therefore are worth a try!! Just a reminder that we have different licencing laws here so the pubs stay open longer on Friday and Saturday than in the UK, usually about midnight or 1am, but all clubs close their doors strictly at 1am. They then run to about 3.30pm before kicking you out for a truly memorable late night dining experience on Douglas Promenade. Ever tried Chips, Cheese and Gravy? A local delicacy!!
  22. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    My training this year has been less than non-existent.....new baby 10 weeks ago, in the middle of renovating a house, back injury sustained training for the London Marathon...the list goes on! Hoping to get out on the bike during the next fortnight a bit, but it all seems too little too late. Should have the final entry list after the weekend so will see about posting it next week. 3 weeks- ahhhhrrghhh!!! Better get the programme sorted then!
  23. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    You still managed to beat me by 8 marks for the weekend though! Might manage to catch up with you this year as our numbers are a little closer together. I am riding at 99.
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