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Everything posted by cubby
  1. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Bikespace.....is this you from last year?
  2. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Nice location, and recently refurbed, but about 9 miles from Douglas and no where near any nightlife Right on the TT course though if you're staying for the races!
  3. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Rider list isn't posted as yet, but I will see what I can do.
  4. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    Andy, if this is your site, how come you're only member number 20? Joking aside, you will be made most welcome at the Manx when you can manage to get over. You won't be disapointed and if you can stay on for a couple of extra days as suggested by an earlier postyou will see some great racing action over the TT course. I can't believe it is only 5 weeks until the trial!! Lots to do!
  5. cubby

    Manx 2 Day

    hello all, back on the board after a short sabatical with my new baby!! Glad to see there is some interest in this years trial. Just to clear up a couple of things: 1) We used to negotiate a deal with the Steam Packet, but this became increasingly more difficult as (believe it or not) they have reduced their prices over the last few years together with increasing the frequency and speed on crossings. 2) Accomodation is a difficult one, but keep trying and any where in the Douglas or Onchan area will be suitable for a couple of nights. This year is the Manx Two Day's Golden Jubilee and we have plans for a few extras to help celebrate. (Don't get too excited!) We did consider a free bar at the presentation, however with only limited support from the IOM Tourist board I'm sure they would prefer us to spend the money on actually organising the trial and not just a P*ss up!! (Just to clarify, you will only receive one free pint at the end of the trial on Sunday) What numbers are you riding in the trial. I'm 99 i think. Any other questions, let me know?
  6. Cheers for the info I would like to but in a couple of rear seats to increase carrying capacity. Similar use it sounds to how doughboy uses it. Any suggestions of good second hand van dealers, preferably in the North West?
  7. Ii also fancy a second hand Vito. Can you tell me how the model numbers 108, 110 etc relate to engine size? Cheers
  8. Thats it all done....in fact since last Thursday we have been sitting on a mountain of entries....more that 275 of them. Those sent since will now be returned, apologies. Looking forward to it already!!! Still a few sidecar spaces left though if you fancy it?
  9. First update of entries for the Manx: As at yesterday, first day of entries being open we received 75! If you have one, don't hang around, if you want one be quick! www.manx2day.com (website is new and will be updated over the next few weeks)
  10. Hi all I am in the process of putting together the information for this years Manx, however I can let you know that entry forms will be sent out to people who rode last year on or around the 8th April. They will be open for 3 weeks, or until full whichever is sooner. This year is our 50th Anniversary with various 'added extras' planned, so if you have ever wanted to come, this is the year!!! Entries secretary Tony Temple can be contacted on 01624 852842 if you need a form sending.
  11. The results from this weekends rond of the British s/car championship held in the Isle of Man 1st Robin & Gill Morewood 2nd Juan Knight/ Chris Molyneux 3rd Robin Luscombe/ Les Ashby Another talent you can add to the list that Juan has! Well done Juan (and Chris)
  12. Just catching up on the results from last night....what happened wih Fuji? And i take it that the realtively poor performance of the Mont/Honda team may be down to the bike?
  13. TFT - think I just got it..... as in One night!!
  14. Definitely brothers...and nice blokes as well. I've been riding Trials with them since we were kids and we have had great days out. As a youth trials rider Juan was competitive against the likes of Graham Jarvis I think, who is a similar age. Both have been travelling off the Island since a young age to ride in National events, but I think this one of the reasons Juan has knocked it on the head. 3 or 4 hours each way on the boat each weekend gets a little tedious. How do you guys in the US pronounce his christian name? The correct pronunciation is like 'Jewan'. The commentator on coverage of last years Weston Beach race was using the spanish pronunciation, which was quite amusing.
  15. Looks like a good event. David is a mate, and they don't come much more aggressive....but a really nice guy with it....been out on Trials bikes with him many times and he is brilliant, and a former British Expert Champion, until he got disillusioned with trials and found a taste for speed!! Still only 25 or 26 as well. I don't think he would be caught out like that again, and from reading the report sounds like he was the only one able to stick close to Hughes!
  16. Any shots of David Knight??? Seems like he had a good ride finishing second!
  17. Good to here it from the horses mouth so to speak..... I also was suffering from a heavy cold prior to the trial and forgot how much this affects you.....combined with not touching the bike since the Manx!!! I did also hear style marks were awarded....well done!! Don't get me wrong I had a good time, but my main issue is that with the amount of excellent natural terrain available some of the sections didn't make the best use of it. Hopefully the guys will take the feedback in the way it is meant i.e. constructively and make the trial even better for next year!!
  18. It was noticeable that Nick Shield didn't finish the Trial. I think he hurt himself, but when I was speaking to him at his wife's section before sunday lunch he hadn't been enjoying it so made the decision to give up easier. If he is feeling like that as the winner for the past two years then what chance have the rest got.
  19. Nice one pb....I know if we received a stewards report like that some serious action would be taken I am now looking forward to next year with a bit more optimism
  20. Ok here's my view, having ridden the lakes about 6 or 7 times now: It is way harder than it used to be....and therefore more of a struggle to get around for some of the boys....but some of the boys are getting older and not as fit they used to be...the sport moves on....I do think that desoite this the clubman route was too hard this year. I agree that it is not as enjoyable because most sections were taking marks and there was therefore no need for those 'extra' technical or hard ones......they may not be laid out dangerously but late in the day when people get tired seemingly easy things become dangerous.....not all riders are used to riding two days on roads and tracks... I have finished in the top 30 before now at the Lakes (Clubmans course!)....but a bad number combined with little practice recently meant I had a bad ride...thats the way it goes...still enjoyed it though... If there is no one in charge then what is the Clerk of the Course doing?????? I am on the committee of the Manx 2 day and for us the C of C designs the route, he will then decide which groups are to be the hard or easy ones, and will then spend a bit of time talking with the guys he wants to set out them sections about the level of difficulty etc to make sure that each group isn't set out stupidly!!! It works...and no one seems to complain....most people have a smile on their face come Sunday evening...And it gives everyone the chance to have more cleans that fives.... In fact I was riding round with our C of C and he won't be going back to ride again....didn't enjoy it as it was too hard......and he knows what he was talking about! The other thing the lakes suffers from is badly thought out sections.....I mean the ground was so wet....but on more than a few sections no thought was given to this which made actually getting into the sections nearly impossible and a waste of effort....I am thinking particularly on Saturday of the 10 or so sections before lunch....waste of space....and there was others, including several on Sunday afternoon.... If you have 180 riders the least you can do is let everyone have a fair crack at the sections....and just because it was in last year(and the year before...) don't be afraid to put something different in!!! I was talking to Birks on friday after he had finished laying out his sections....he asked us for feedback on what we thought.....he did the first 25 or so on Saturday.....not sure he expected the feedback given from most people... Overall thoughit was good.....but the orgainisers could do with getting a focus on what they want the Trial to be......is it a hard end of season National designed only to attract the top riders.....or is it an good, end of season trial with a social element designed to give everyone a cracking and enjoyable weekend?????? I know which I prefer
  21. trialero13 - Just out of interest have you ridden any of the Uk trials? I have been to Arinsal for the skiing....and the owner of the hotel we stayed in had a Gas Gas in his garage....looked like great Trials country!
  22. Would be good to see the new thumper if it's about. OTH - National class just looks a little hard - certainly harder that the national in the Manx 2 day. And I find it more conducive to good sessions in the pub if I don't have to worry about the sections. Doogle - See you there! We will be arriving on Friday...and hopefully not heading straight to the pub Looking forward to the sun shining all weekend!!!!
  23. Er...nope.....you must be joking!!!!!
  24. Got number yesterday - 162, be a bit early on Sunday!!! Doogle - yeah I rode last year, I think this is about my 6th year riding. I normally try and stay in the village so I can stagger between pubs more easily but this year I'm staying with the rest of the lads in those cottages, called Ringhouse I think. We'll have to get one of the young lads to act as driver to the pub!! Are you staying there again?
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