Thanks for offering up the info Heath?? I haven't dug that deep into my Pro motor yet and I didn't even have to ask. Interesting design. Do you know if others are doing the same ?
Thats what ATF is... automatic transmission fluid. I don't even know if you can buy dexronII in north america... what kinds of cars you brits have running around there. (don't answer I will just get jealous) Its probably ok, but gasgas recommends III so...
I've had a few 2 strokes since the 70's and atf is all I have used.
WOW ! Are other manufacturers doing this too ? Let the injection begin !
It does?? I'm new to GG, but I've never heard of that before in a 2 stroke. The fuel/oil mix is what lubricates everything in the crank area. Oil in the transmission and clutch is separate. Crank main bearing lubing is the biggest stumbling block in direct injection 2strokes. Once that is solved, 4strokes will be dead again.
Its not that it helps make more power, its the .03 of a gram weight savings !
If its true, thats a crazy use of carbon.
Its available thru any hardware or auto parts store. Happy flushing. I hope the water wasn't too sandy, thats a whole other cylinder/crank story.
Dexron auto transmission fluid. GasGas recommends it for a lot of models. Its thin, but the clutch doesn't drag as much as with 10w-30 or whatever.
You don't want to leave the water in there too long. If your good gear oil is expensive, use the ATF, its cheap and you might even like the clutch action better. Just flush again and make sure its getting better.
I use trans fluid in mine normally, but you can use whatever oil you want. I wrote another post on changing the seal a couple months back. You'll probably want to replace the pump shaft too as its most likely the cause of the seal going bad. Do a search or look back a few pages for 'cloudy oil' or 'waterpump' posts.
I think you may be mixing 2 different problems. If your waterpump seal goes, you will get coolant water in the tranny fluid. Your drowning is a separate issue.
Get a jug of cheap dexron ATF. Fill, run til cloudy, drain repeat.
If it still doesn't clear up then you may have a waterpump seal problem. When my seal went, it took 2 changes to clear things up. A drowning may take 5-10 oil changes.
Must have been a reply from an anti-GasGas owner. You'd have to flush out either one eventually anyway. At lease water has some lubricating propery to it. What takes oil off something the fastest? GAS ! Who knows what it will do to fibre clutch plates.
That is insane ! Unless you enjoy strapping explosives to your body of course.
It won't help with the bark, but if you are trying to tame the power a bit, I switched to the black throttle tube (slower.. from 96degree rotation to 124 I think). It helped this mere mortal, and its a lot cheaper ($20 or less) than digging into the motor. Its a lot better, but next I'm trying a 10 tooth front sprocket, just cause I want 1st a bit lower and to be able to use 3rd more.
That would be english for thanks. Although you won't find it in Websters.
An excellent thing to know. Thanks !
Are you bleeding from the bottom with a syringe at the banjo bolt? Slow and steady is needed on these tiny hydraulic systems, and tap the lines as you do it to unstick any bubbles.
Wow, beautiful place. And I'd say you could use a bit more on the pegs riding there. I don't know about your quest for distance riding. I heard you can go about 40kms (25miles) with the teeny <2 litre stock tank and there are additional strap-on 1or2 litre tanks available, but I don't think you'll need to go that far from the truck to have fun.
Now lets see some pics of you cleaning those sections instead of walking !
Seems to be a popular post here. They have apparently had to improve the hardening on the waterpump shaft and there is also a new improved (black not white) impeller if you need one.
Mine is fine now and after one oil change the oil stays nice and clean. I put some instructions in the post below.
The coolant was not what you would call low either from my leak, it only takes a few drops to contaminate the oil.
Coincidence?? I found RPM from a TrialsCanada page after this post. I ordered some stuff today from Barry before reading this.
what years does the dual map ignition come on the 280's? How do you switch it and what changes does it do to the topend/bottomend power?
Thanks JTT, good info. I like the bottom end just fine, so maybe the head gasket spacer is the way to go for me, after I try the slower black throttle tube first. What dealer to you recommend for parts in NS? I like the idea of ordering out of province to save some tax, plus I refuse to pay retail.
Can you point to a link for the spacer? Pllsss.
Don't bathe, cover and lightly squish the filter to distribute it without having it dripping wet.
Thanks George, I'll take a look in there. Whats the best way to check it and whats its set too ?
Hi George, yes mine is the PRO same year/model as yours. I did acquire a rebuild video but haven't watched it all yet. What do you need to do it? Flywheel puller? Dial guage?
Or, you can tell me to finish watching the video you lazy $@#, cause its in there.
Central Ontario... Lindsay area. Is that going to help me ?