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Everything posted by footpegleg
  1. Ah cheers guys, unfortunate for me i spent on 2 camping pitches for a group, grrrrr but hey i gotta travel from top of scotland down there 6hrs drive so im sure we could just rough it somwhere, i hope,
  2. Anybody up for a open day with the Lochinver trials club Sunday 1st of june Glen Canisp 10am start please get in touch for more info free for all
  3. Hi all just wondering if anybody been before can give us the heads up on the best sections to watch also does anybody no what a pitch on the campsite consists of ie can i get my car and tent on it, power supply thanks footpegleg
  4. Is there a different litre capacity or are they all the same size, the other one i seen seemed to be skinnier def was not as bulky as mine i wondered if it was a smaller size maybe my own one is fryer tucked it bulges out over the frame there is also one point on the underside of the tank that seems really weak plastic i can push it right in with a finger and that is without the hot water in grrrrrr spent 2 weeks servicing my bike few new bits added all nice n clean and last fing to go on wont fit prob gonna need new tank, guess i willnae git oot afore the ssdt
  5. Hi all sorry been away so long bike been goin so good now i have no probs However my bike has been in bits now for over a month and i am getting it cleaned up and back together slowly My problem now is that the petrol tank will not fit back on my bike to big , far to big I have done the whole boiling water in then squeeze back to shape that worked the last time but this time way to big hmmmmmmm. It seems that this time will not go back to shape Anyway I have had enough of this now, even after i got it in last time it still did not line up proper with the mudguard so that annoyed me 2 The other day I was looking at the 2007 290 and its tank seemed to fit neater than mine looked like a smaller tank but it fitted nice and snug into the frame and under the mudguard Does anybody no where i can get a new one or secondhand Cheers for reading Footpegleg
  6. I have a 2008 sherco 250 and when i got my stand same thing, but simple zip tye was the answer for me and no more rubbing!!! however when i have the rear tyre pressure down to about 5psi some big drops and jumps it still touches barely so that would be your best bet I fink, Are u in the buie??
  7. thanks guys try this out the moro
  8. So any tips on getting the air out
  9. I snapped one of my bolts on my ajp master cyl front I removed resevoir, brake cable, and caliper (just got ma forks serviced) Replaced brake pads.... So I first open nipple, then lever the pads open (think at this point I pushed the pots all the way back) Remove screw and wire clip from caliper then take out old pads New ones put into place screw and clip back in Remove rubber from resevoir open banjo bolt and drain the old fluid out working way down Unscrew the banjo from caliper and remove all old fluid from there All screws tightend back up fill the resevoir pump like mad for wee bit then open close the nipple AHHH NO PRESSURE ATOLL Pads and pots not moving one bit and a spongy lever grrrrrr What I do wrong??
  10. Does anybody no where I can get a decent tyre pump that I can carry with me when im riding my bike I use a air compressor (50litre) in garage but cant carry that with me Its a pump im looking for with co2????? i dont really no of any good ones Has anyone got one they would reccomend to me or no where I can buy one Cheers
  11. opps meant this one to see how tight it is
  12. In this picture the brake pipe coming out from the bottom of the resevoir prevents me from adjusting the brake lever to suit my need also you can see the throttle housing sitting atop of the resevoir Would a rear exit pipe on the master cylinder be a better option or is this the way it is meant to be??? This picture shows just how tight to the bars the pipe is, Is this all normal??? Cheers for looking
  13. After fitting new bars on bike my front brake was bit loose, so tighten it up and SNAP, the bolt snaped grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Im looking now for a new master cylinder and im not sure about the brake cable It is very tight to the handlebar when fitted and i noticed that the ones for sale, some of them offer rear exit pipes Would this be a better option for me as my throttle housing sits right on top of the cylinder cover as the pipe from the brake is flush with the handlebar and thus gives it no play Anyone got any ideas as were to get one that is right for my sherco 2008 250, now with jitsie high rise bars Cheers again footpegleg gm
  14. OK scrap the risers got new bars the bigger ones much better improved wheelie time too wohoo
  15. Hey thanks again copemech, pure wealth of knowledge u have
  16. Hey thanks for that guys that seems to make better sence, should have looked here first, have had some stuff from them before Bummer they are all out of stock will have to keep checking back
  17. Ok back again for some more help Because i am over 6ft, found that while riding most of my weight was goin forward onto the front forks, so after speaking to few friends they said "why no try some risers" So got some apico fatbar risers to suit make and model However, after removing old ones, went to fit new ones with 25mm lift adaptors and the bolts dont quite line up proper with the existing holes, just slightly of, Nothing wrong with the riser kit all fits together nicely but soon as i fit the handlebars to them they seem to go little bit squinty?? Hmmmm I have managed to get them in but on closer inspection one side is about 2mm off Has anybody else seen this problem b4 and is there any way to rectify it?? Sherco 2008 250 model Cheers guys footpegleg gm
  18. Thanks guys for all the replys will need to be extra careful when starting of then have got the hang now of starting it then leaving few mins while i get all gear on, helmet boots trousers shirt gloves and works fine now but I will be more aware of this Any 1 got idea of how much quantity oil i will need to do change think it a 2litre bottle ipox?? i got, recommended from shop
  19. Hi all I was wondering how much oil do i need to put in the gearbox, Im looking to change the oil soon, got 1litre of the good stuff not sure how much it will need if i remove the old Any ideas?? Is the clutch sticking a common prob on the sherco 2008 250 Works fine once bike has warmed up Started the bike one day all set to set of, Into 1st gear and bang, bike took of while i was not ready, and still having the clutch pulled in bike flipped out from under me but cause i had left finger still on clutch flew out under me and up in air crash right on to the clutch lever BROKEN, never done that to me before on any bike ive had. LMAO now about it If someone cn me do that they would have thought i had no xp lol Oh oh 1 more small thing One bike is warm get an awfull screech when the fan kicks in is this norm ?? Thanks again footpegleg gm
  20. I hate tyre changes

  21. WOW, cheers for all the replys, I took it to the garage to get it fitted Is it really about 80-90psi to get it pop back on, i put 60 in and thought i better stop incase i wreck tube and tyre Im getting new wheels in about 3 months so goin to go tubless, again ive never had problems with them My leaks were around the wheel rim. After dunking the wheel into barrel of water I noticed that the air was seeping out allround the rim in 2-3 inch intervals and the rim tape was fine, Made me think this was a valve prob, But that to was perfect Prob should have got rim tape and sealent (nip) will do this from now on Thanks guys for all your comments
  22. Well, newbie back with more problems So i ride my bike for 4hrs one day and the tyre is flat (had only put air in before start) More air back in (on a 50litre air compressor) Hissing all round the rim (Tubless tyre Michilen new) So i remove tyre and fit a tube (michilen) Cant get the bead to go back on rim bout 14-18inches on tyre both sides Any ideas,??? I am desperate to get back trialing as the weather is sooo nice the now Bike has been garaged now for 1week, arghhhh Oopps also nicked the tube upon fitting tyre back on, Puncture repaired that And removed the rubber band from the inside is that ok?? PLEASE PLEASE help
  23. OK will check them out Ye Lochinver trials is no more, spoke to guy from the club, not doing it anymore, SHAME arghhhhhh
  24. Hi All , Im looking for trials clubs near Inverness preferebly north west I stay 60+miles from Inverness Any Info, web address would be spot on Help a newbie get some practice on his bike with a club Thanks all
  25. Ok thanks for that All felt normal just wasnt sure All seals on forks are fine and the bike can stop on the mark, never noticed any of these issues before Cheers for heads up
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