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Everything posted by jtsdad
  1. Thanks for the info Big John, When i bought the bike i was told it was a 1972/73 M92 the numbers confirm that to be correct. Would it follow that it may be a Commerfords bike with Ali tank fitted. My Red and Silver ali tank and seat needs repainting so i am not sure if it would be best to paint it blue and silver to get it back to its original colour. Does anybody have colour pictures of have the blue and silver blend. jtsdad
  2. Thanks Gents, I learn a little more each day. Only another 20 years to go. Regards jtsdad
  3. Can anybody help. I have a Red Ali tank and seat on my Sherpa Slimline. The underside of the tank shows signs of being Blue a one stage. I understand the bike is 1972/73 with matching frame and engine nos ( 92 ). Question. Did the bike start with a Red tank or Blue. Was there a colour change through production or did one of the prevoius owners prefer Red to Blue. Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks jtsdad
  4. Thanks for your all your thoughts, the Bultaco is 1972-73. I will check carb and recheck the timing set up. Unforntunately i dont use the bike much as i give it to my son to use. So its hard to judge any real performance change. Although being Dad I have to pick up the repair costs. Also i ride a Sherco which stops well and starts well unlike the old Bultaco. However like most trials people i dont mind a challenge. Thanks again for taking the trouble to reply. All the best jtsdad
  5. Thanks Shavey, I think i may have bought some boots and helmet from you a couple of years ago. I might take you up on your offer. Is there any checks i can do with regards to voltage at different parts of the circuit.I bought the ignition from Bultaco UK last year. I would like to solve the problem myself if possible, as you know, old bikes can be a bottom less pit although very satisfying when they work. One thing i did on saturday before going to canada heights was start the bike in readiness for a run out on sunday. After a few kicks, we no joy added a little fuel into the barrel via the spark plug. This started the bike after a coulpe of attempts. However on Sunday no joy. Thanks for you interest Jtsdad
  6. Can anybody help. Installed electronic ignition some time ago as bike never has been a good starter from cold. Seemed ok at first however this sunday at canada heights wobblers could not get the bike started. Checked all of the usual. changed plug and checked leads. Spark appear very weak and intermitant. Any thoughts jts dad
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