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Posts posted by tirolean
  1. hi!

    i´v just bought and installed the CSP waterpump kit, everything is fine. but: now that there is a spacer, the waterpumpcover is a bit closer to the exhaust, so the coolant hoses touch the exhaust. i wonder, if one of you has the same waterpump installed and how you have solved this problem.

    here are two pics: http://trialforum.net/index.php/Attachment/20914-20150518-150356-jpg/?thumbnail=1


    it´s a beta evo 290 2010


    thanks in advance,


  2. well, the price itself is for austria normal/not high; i bought a 2010 factory evo in mint condition for 3200€

    thanks for the tipp with the tensioner, i called the guy yesterday and he doesn´t know anything about trials, so i think i got a good chance to get it for about 1800€. I´ll look at the normal things like bearings, noises, chain, fork seals. i´m sure i´ll find something at such an old bike

    if it would have had a hard life, it wouldn´t matter that much because my friend is a beginner and will throw her away multiple time, i think ;D

    if you have any other tips, please write em ;)

  3. hi!

    on Sunday i´m going to have a look on a scorpa sy 250

    what things do i have to look for? are there any special weaknesses?


    it´s this one: it says: engine rebuild, new tires, stronger chain ( :D ), and new grips

    the trial would be for my friend, but i will go with him there because he´s new to trials and doesn´t know what to look for

    i´d appreciate all kind of answers !



  4. bought the bike, it was in a dream condition!

    it´s a special model from a local dealer who equipped her with new rims, tripple clamps, factory exhaust, overworked engine and suspension. it still has the original tires on it, which are nearly new :D

    • Like 1
  5. thanks again for such fast and helpful answers!

    as far as i know from ´11 on they had black frames, so this one might be painted or a newer frame, how do i check this? black colour works great to hide cracks i think...

    are there any engine noises which aren´t good or which are normal?

    regarding the frame number: on which position is the year it´s made?

  6. thanks´, helps a lot!

    so if the rad cap isn´t in the middle of the rad it´s a 09? i hoped to get a cheap shot on that one, but if it is indeed a 2009 it´s not that cheap :D

    i´m thankful for any other tips!

    any weaknesses of this model?

  7. hi!

    Tomorrow i´m going to see this Beta Evo, the owner claims it to be a 2009 Evo Factory 290, but i doubt that, in my opinion it´s about ~2011

    can anyone tell me which year this bike is made? maaybe it´s just a painted frame

    how do i see it from the frame number?

    since when do betas have 300 instead of 290cc?

    are there any other tips about what i have to look for at an evo?


    it´s this bike



  8. i think i know how to see if it´s the two bearings on the clutch side or the one bearing at the transmission side

    if i pull the clutch, the noise doesn´t go away so it has to be the those two bearings on the clutch side, because if i pull the clutch, the shaft of the transmission doesn´t turn anymore but if the noise is still there it has to be the two bearings :D

  9. Hi guys!

    I just discovered a knocking in my gasgas today. I´m not sure wheter it´s normal or not

    I´ve got the video attached, you can hear it pretty well.

    I checked the crank bearings and they don´t have any play at all.

    I don´t want to split the cases again, i´m good at it, i´m just not sure if it isn´t just a normal noise



  10. Hey comrades!

    Last weekend me and my friends were out riding with our bikes and thought it might be cool to do some kind of hillclimb in our riding area

    we figured out some pretty bad ass hills which i will add when my friends send me those vids

    but here is one i made when a friend failed

    the video ends suddenly because his gas stuck so i jumped down to shut the bike off

    next weekend all of us will hopefully be there so i hope we manage to make a cool video again

  11. hi comrades!

    I do have 2 problems taking my GG back togheter, it´s a 06 model

    1: how does the MT300534008 cable of the stator have to be put in that it doesn´t brush at the rotor? i can´t put it behind the black box and if i put it in front of it, theres no chance that the ignition can produce power

    2: i have such a washer washer-105x22x16_medium920221558-01_d9cc.jpg (just as an example) an it has to belong in between the frame and the swingarm, i think. but i don´t know if it has to be on the right or the left side of the swingarm. the two bearings at the inside of the swingarm, which belong to the engine are already in place

    greets and thanks in advance


  12. Yesterday i took the engine togheter, to see if it's dense. Then i also tried with the skickstarter to pull it down. And i felt like it isn't harder than before. So may it be right, that the crank goes harder to turn than in another engine? The bearings are also harder to turn then for example the ones at my yz 250.

    I rebuilt it because the bearing of the 5and6 gear failed.

    Thanks again!

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