Thank you zippy, you explained it very well and i understand all of you want to hear the bike noise and i will take that into account for the next video, although its not so much that we have the music so our friends watch the video its more just what we know as our generation, its what we are used to.
There is one problem with having no music in the video i often have to duck(quieten) bits of the audio as me and ben talk to each other while we are filming and also we normally have a third person with us who normally tends to be shouting and screaming their head off!! Currently working on a video to upload tonight with the sound of the bikes with no talking over the top. Also i am glad to know that all of you like the way in which I film video(with the flycam) I would also like any other tips on what you would like me to improve and ok, i get the point, you dont want music! lets not hear that one again if you please.