Most helpfull
would you happen to have contact numbers for them please
Anyone have any idea where I could get a TYz rear mudguard?
or has anyone got a 2nd hand one they no longer require? condition not important
Nice job Vaughan - well done
When is it making it's debut and I will come along to watch?
Cheers Ant
Top Link - well done
I have sent mine off but unfortunatley I have a Labour MP and he will undoubtedly do as His Tonyness wishes but we must try.
Too busy hugging Foxes
Need a TYz rear guard as mine is cracked
Ant idea who stocks them and the cost?
Cheers Ant
E-bay scary place got a Garage full of stuff
Bought a bike on Saturday and it came with a trailer so I now have 4 Trials Bikes a 3 bike trailer and a 2 bike trailer
Wife thinks I am losing the plot but I can't miss up on a bargain.
I used to transport on a flat, garden type trailer but could never get the bike to stay put on a flat bed.
Bike trailer has saved me loads of grief
I have just bought one of these fine machines and was wondering if the good Folk on this Forum would have any info to help in keeping it in Trialable condition?
Specifically parts availability and manuals / handbooks (Photocopies or purchase) would be apreciated.
Any advice on setting up and fuel oil mix ratio - basically anything!
Don,t seem as common as the aircooled TY but looks a very well built bit of kit
Looking to start competing this Spring (once the mud is out the way) in the North East
Thanks in advance
Interesting thread this as I have just bought a 94 TYz on Saturday 24th Feb.
I have been to watch a couple of Trials and Joined Consett Trials Club yesterday and intend to take the plunge this Spring.
I also have an Aprilia Climber and the TYz is a lot more forgiving and looks a lot easier for the middle aged fat novice!
Look out for us on North East Club Trials and pop ofer for a Chat.
As an absolute novice I have found this Forum to be very helpfull and any advice requested has been given with good grace and patience. This has also been the case on the Trials I have been to watch.
I have been involved with Special Stage Rallying for over 20 years and am looking to get my Son aged 6 into motorsport and see Trials as the perfect start.
This Forum is spot on as it is and I would hate to see it degenerate into the slanging match that other Forums I use seem to have done. (Rallying is a Bitchy Sport)
A Novice Thread would be an interesting thought as it may give us newbies an avenue to ask the questions that most of you good folk take for granted and I for one have held back from replying to a couple of interesting chats due to inexperiance.
Keep up the good work
Bought some bits from "trialsbits.co.uk yesterday at 3.00 and they were here this morning!
Dosn't get much better than that.
Aprilia Climber fits in a Berlingo Multispace with the rear seats folded so a Berlingo Van would be no problem.
Berlingo,s generally are cheap and cherfull good MPG and handle well but they are budget vehicles and finish and interiors are basic.
Had mine since 2001 with minor niggles but it has had a beating to be honest but I would have another.
Just had a look at your web page and I am impressed - keep up the good work.
I am local to you and will look out for the finished bike.
I am based near to the Metrocentre in Gateshead about 3 miles South of Newcastle.
What is the nearest town to the places you have mentioned as I may have a trip down.
The place in Durham is Warden Law Kart Track but it is usually very busy just after christmas with mini motos etc.
I will make enquiries with the Consett Club and see what is available locally.
Thanks for the help.
Well I have bought an Aprilia 280 Climber and it seems a fit beast! wasn,t a fortune either!
Very powerfull and in quite good nick but it looks to have stood for some time and just requires using and bedding everything in.
I am going to enter my local Club, I think it,s Consett Trials Club and do a couple of Training Days
Anywhere to practice in the North East?
Thanks for the replies
I have ridden a TY mono and it seemed very forgiving compared to the Bike I had at the time but as that was an Italjet T350 the comparison may have been a bit unfair.
The Beta looks a nice bike and after doing a bit of research I think I will pass on the Mont 314 & the Aprilia Climber as they seem to have a bit of a negative vibe about them elswhere on the Forum.
Gas Gas & Beta seem the more common bike at Trials I have watched recently and I expect a few to be available after Christmas so I will widen my search.
Cheers Ant
PS - anyone any views on going the Twinshock route?
I wonder if I could ask some advice.
As a late starter (Early 40,s) with a limited budget (
I may have found the venue!!!
I was driving back from Durham to Gateshead this very morning and decided to have a detour after reading this post.
Coming from Durham and heading for Chester-le-Street, take the small left at the Pity Me Roundabout opposite the Arnison Centre road and that leads to the Chicken Farm that is still in operation it would appear, opposite this is a Land Fill Site. I believe that the venue must have been in that wooded valley.
Let me know if thats it.
Good Luck
Fantic 300 update
I took the bike to Bill Pye and he checked the stator resistance and pronounced it OK so he fitted a new HT Coil and she fired up straight away, however the bearing was making a rumbling sound so the bike was switched off and the parts bought.
When the engine was dismantled everything was in very good order and once the bearings were pressed in and reassembled it started first kick and now sounds as sweet as a nut.
The problem I now have is that the bike starts and ticks over great and rides good at low revs, but it will not accelerate or rev freely.
All I can think is that the Stator requires some attention or the float is set wrong as the HT Coil, and plug are new and the engine ticks over at almost no revs quietly suggesting all is OK there.
The mix is, if anything, a little rich but the plug was grey at the electrode suggesting lean running?
Do I look at the carb in the first instance.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
I am having intermittant problems with my Beta TR 34
The spark is weak and sometimes non existant but the signal from the stator is consistant both when sparking or not.
This leads me to suspect the coil is breaking dowm.
It started last weekend and ran perfect for a couple of hours then started to miss fire at high revs. it was left ticking over whilst I answered the call of nature and stopped. Nothing would tempt it to start - no spark whatsoever but with the same signal from the stator.
After removing the coil and taking it in the house overnight to source a replacement, I tried it one more time and it started first kick and has continued to do so.
Is there an aftermarket coil that would do the job as I have been quoted
Thanks for the advice
I have spoken to Bill Pye and am going to take it down to his place to check the electrics as he is only about an hour from me.
As I am new to all this I appreciate the help and look forward to using the Fantic as the 300 seems a good bike.
I also have a Fantic 300 that I cannot start however mine has a spark!
It has stood a while and initially fired but did not catch.
I changed the fuel and cleaned the carb bowl - still nothing.
Tried changing the plug but that has no effect and the old plug fires my other bike up no problem so its not that.
After trying a while the plug is wet with petrol and has a spark however it is not very strong. the woodruff key is OK so the flywheel has not moved.
Any ideas as to what to try next?
Just stumbled on this thread whilst looking for bits for my Italjet 350T
I too have one of these beasts and have an original Parts Catalogue and will send you a photocopy if you need it.
It is the first trials bike I have owned and I got it cheap as it only had 1st & 2nd gear but I fixed it with WD40 in 10 mins.
Don,t know much about it but it,s sure fun to ride...
I have found a few bits for sale so maybe we could swap info.
PS Live in Newcastle upon Tyne