I checked the In Motion site and didn't find anything listed for the Merlin air box.
Here is a screen shot of the parts manual page for the air box:
Parts 1,2 & 3 are the lid to the box (which I have) 4 is the mysterious nut that doesn't seem to bolt to anything, 5 looks like a screen and 6 is the filter element (foam I assume.)
Intake air enters at the rear of the box, travels down and forward into the bottom of the box then up to the carb boot. Somewhere in between that is where this rectangular filter is supposed to fit...I think But as I said there seems to be no flange or area to "seat" a filter to, nor anyway to secure it in place...so I'm a bit lost.
Maybe I should just forget about trying to figure it out and make a flange mounted "sock" filter to it...?