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Everything posted by canadaler
  1. Perhaps some progress. I found this which is for an '88 Gallach Replica, but it certainly looks like it has the same boot as the late model Bultaco and that filter configuration definitely looks like it would fit in my bike. I've sent off a message to the vendor.
  2. But only one has no matching bolt.
  3. I've taken a look at that and it looks like it might have a chance of working. Closest so far anyhow. I'm beginning to think that the parts manual drawing is more of an "artist's concept" than engineering drawing!
  4. I checked the In Motion site and didn't find anything listed for the Merlin air box. Here is a screen shot of the parts manual page for the air box: Parts 1,2 & 3 are the lid to the box (which I have) 4 is the mysterious nut that doesn't seem to bolt to anything, 5 looks like a screen and 6 is the filter element (foam I assume.) Intake air enters at the rear of the box, travels down and forward into the bottom of the box then up to the carb boot. Somewhere in between that is where this rectangular filter is supposed to fit...I think But as I said there seems to be no flange or area to "seat" a filter to, nor anyway to secure it in place...so I'm a bit lost. Maybe I should just forget about trying to figure it out and make a flange mounted "sock" filter to it...?
  5. Hi all...I'm the recent owner of an '85 Cagiva TR350 which is missing the air filter. I can buy filter foam to make up another one but I'm a bit confused as to where it actually sits in the air box. The parts manual shows a screen and a flat, rectangular filter, which must sit somewhere in the air box, but there seems to be no tabs or flat surface for such a filter to seal against or anything to hold the screen and filter in place. There is some mystery nut shown on the parts diagram which is floating in the air and not connected to anything. It would make sense that the screen goes in against the filter then is bolted down into place to secure it...but no bolt is shown in the diagram and I can't find any evidence of one having been in the air box...very confusing. Anybody out there have or had a Merlin that can shed some light on the situation? Oh...It's also missing the connector boot between the carb and the air box. From what I've measured and seen it looks like a boot from a late model Sherpa might fight. Considering the Merlin heritage and use of some other parts from the Sherpa I'm guessing maybe the boot is the same as well....???
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