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phil 4rt

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Everything posted by phil 4rt
  1. Can anyone recommend an anodiser that they've used, preferably Yorkshire area. I'll be making my own bashplate, chain adjusters etc etc, and would like them tarting up if the price isn't prohibitive. Any help appreciated Phil
  2. When we get it finished he should be the better of the 3 of us, myself, my 19yr old and him (14) if his BMX skills are anything to go by
  3. B&Q BBQ paint, good for exhausts too
  4. This it, with my youngest trying it for size ....
  5. Hi all Picked myself up a 4RT for myself and the kids to have a play on. Ex mechanic, with a shed full of bikes and I love engineering, so first job will be some fettling and customising. Be prepared for some daft newbie questions, as a trial is pretty much the only type of bike I've never owned or even ridden. All for now Phil
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