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scot taco

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Posts posted by scot taco
  1. You will have to excuse my ignorance,but what are the differences in the TLR and a stripped down Reflex? I wouldn,t mind finding/building a Honda at some point and always figured on a Reflex because I thought they were pretty much the same as the TLR.

    I have even kicked around finding a TL125 because that is what I first road as a kid.Is a reflex still a lot better than a modded TL? I don,t know what TLR,s go for,but I,m guessing a lot more than the other two and I thought they would maybe be impossible to find here.

  2. I did search this forum before asking,but I did not get a real conclusive answer.On my end silencer(club foot) that I have cut open to re-pack.Do I need to replace the fine screen material that was under the packing around the perforated tube or is it not necessary with new modern packing?

  3. Thanks to everyone for all the input.My bike does not have studs on the lower rail,just an open tube.I guess I will probably have to find a longer swingarm bolt.How thick are the brackets? Where would the best place be to souce the correct length swingarm bolt?

    I,m six feet tall and have developed a troublesome back so my thinking is that this mod would also help that a little bit.

    Thanks again,Scott

  4. I really,really do not get the whole cheating to win thing, no matter what the sport.If you have to cheat to win then it is not sports-it,s just bull.If I,ve gotta cheat to win then I don,t care to do it. I personally cannot support cheaters in any sport and don,t see how it can feel like you have actually won anything knowing you have cheated, even if everyone else was.

    • Like 3
  5. OK majesty320,I might do that just to see what they cost.I think that I like the looks of the C or D models a little better,but there is an A model on ebay (US) right now and it is a really nice looking bike!

    Thank you for the pics feetupfun.Does the C and D model have a different style airbox? It looks like those lugs would maybe be in the way for the A model airbox?

    Thanks again !

    Cheers, Scot

  6. You make a lot of good points Chuck.I put an advert on craigslist in the motorcycle section last night to try and stir up some interest.I,ve had three people reply today wanting to know more about it and the club.I think the guys running are club try to promote because I did see a booth they had set up at the last dual sport,but hey,every little bit helps.I think one of the main points you made that I like is to show new riders that they are welcome,appreciated and to offer advice.

    • Like 2
  7. I have never had the chance to ride a TLR,but I did learn to ride on a TL125. I,m guessing that the TLR is a vast improvement compared to the first TL.I bet the electric start TLR would be a pretty darn good bike and might edge out the TY in my book.I have thought that the Honda CRF150 e-button motor would be a good one to put in a TL125,but maybe a better one would be the CRF230 in the TLR.I just don,t know how good the longevity of the Chinese engines are.

    A friend of mine had a 97 Fantic Section.It was great to ride,but I could never get use to the kicker going forward.It could be due to my lack of any good coordination,but that thing tried to ruin my calf every time I started it.How about one of those electric start 4T in a Fantic frame? Sure would look good and I would think it would handle good.The Serow 225 in the TY frame sounds pretty cool also.Was it a hard fit Jon V8?

    brt650,sorry I made you say that! LOL.

  8. I know that because of my vast lack of knowledge I might get beat up on this one.It seems to me that the best and most reliable twin shock to grow old with would be a finely modded TY175 bored to a 200.It has to be one of the cheapest to keep up to snuff and easiest to handle as age creeps in to the bones.

    The weather is rotten here,I,m waiting on parts and bored so I thought I,d try to stir up a topic. :guinness:

  9. Is there a good way to clean/flush the mid section on my TY250A ? It seems pretty mucked up and I thought about trying to flush it with diesel fuel.I don,t know if there is any packing material in there that might get ruined by anything I might use to flush it with.If so,then is like a Sherpa exhaust where you have to cut it open to properly do the job?

  10. I just came in from a little work on the TY250.I hope there is a good turn out of vintage bikes at the Tilton trials this year.I,ve never been there so it wiil be nice to meet some other twin shockers and check out their bikes.I will probably bring a couple of bikes so I have a back up.Don,t know if the rules are the same there,but in district 17 if you switch bikes you are disqualified,but if I,m going to drive that far I want to ride all day whether it counts or not.

    • Like 1
  11. That is just an easy way to change the steering head angle without the need to cut the top and bottom frame tubes.I,ve seen some of his previous builds on the Strictly Hodaka site and they were pretty cool.This is not the first one he has built so I,m guessing that it works pretty good.

  12. That,s funny OTF,LOL.I guess I,m not sure where I got the termm "triple trees",but now that you have me thinking about it,that term really makes no sense.I can see "triple clamps" but I don,t know where the "tree" part would come in.

    I did what feetupfun suggested and got it to work acceptably,but not slick.I decided to take it all apart again to re-clean and inspect more thoroughly.There were 23 balls on top,not 22 as Tony said there should be so maybe that was causing it to bind a little.The balls are in good shape (always a good thing!) and appear to maybe be new so maybe the guy I bought it from added one too many. The other problem I see is the very top race is pitted from what was probably rust.It,s only about a quarter or so of it,but maybe enough to cause it to feel a bit rough.I,m going to polish on it and will report back after it,s back together.

    • Like 2
  13. Thanks Tony,I,ve been admiring your Yamahas on your Blackcat site for quite a while.Your make over on Super Glitz turned out great! I haven,t been able to get back out in the garage today,but hope to tomorrow.I just didn,t understand how it turned fine until I tightend that top clamp bolt into the stem.I would think that all that would do is tighten the top clamp against the stem nut and shouldn,t be able to cause the whole works to get tight.How tight do you get that top clamp bolt?

    I will take it back apart tomorrow to double check the balls and races.I did not pay attention to how many went top and bottom so I may have that screwed up.Thanks for that heads up.Keep up the good work with ITSA,sounds like and looks like you have started up a nice series out there.

    Cheers, Scot

  14. I took the front end on the TY apart to clean and grease and I,m having some trouble reassembling it.I tighten the spanner nut on the steering stem just enough to feel no back and forth movement.Then I tighten the bolt on top of the top triple clamp that threads into the stem and it tightens up to where it will not turn freely.I tried to just snug the top bolt and it still does it.If I back off the stem spanner nut enough that it doesn,t bind then I have back and forth movement.What am I doing wrong?

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