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  1. Go for a Electric Motion. I'm 6ft and bought a Oset 24.0R new last year, I was impressed with the power of the bike but handling over obstacles was hard work. kept it a few months and swapped it for a EM. It was definitely the right decision , 100%!
  2. It's got to be Airoh !!
  3. You won’t be disappointed owning one... loads of power, 3 map settings about 2 hours ride time from full charge. I enjoy this bike as much as my 4rt
  4. I used to get the cut throat sign from the wife until I got one of these.
  5. I've done this on my 2016. fine metal mesh , fold to the plastic edge's of the hole, rough up the plastic first, then used heat resistant silicone. All stayed in place.
  6. Got in touch with sandifords again for an update on the Mecatecno T18 , due out in June. But seems Sandifords have ceased working with Mecatecno, so is there another UK importer.
  7. Whats the opinion on ," Install new O Rings in filter cover" as the manual states, for the oil and filter change. Is this every time ?
  8. Old box spanner with a slot to go over the pin, and compress the spring.Easy to pull the pin out, but not so easy to get the bugger back in.
  9. I could be in the market for a electric trials bike. like the EM 5.7 , is there any upgrades from the 2017, is the 2018 out yet ?. EM web site or Facebook page don't give much new info. I do like what I'm hearing on the new Mecatecno T18. any info from you electric bike guys out there.
  10. Just reminded me why I got a 4RT
  11. I had a Mikuni on my MAR, it came with 150 main jet , and 35 pilot. You might need to experiment with other size jets, for correct running. The mixture screw is on the right of the carb, it is slotted brass facing up at you when on the bike. Should be about 1.1/2 to 2 turns out, with hot engine.
  12. bulto58

    Cold starting.

    Push the choke lever up as high as you can, and hold while you kick it over. I used to need to do this on my old Sherco, found I could wedge the lever against the frame, worked for me.
  13. I have had the same experience Spen, my Bully's never see daylight , since I got myself a 2016 4rt, what a machine, it puts the fun back into riding a trials bike , with what you can do on it with ease.
  14. My last MAR 250, I fitted a new Mikuni VM26 and with many jet changes, I ended up with 155 main / 35 pilot. And yes the air jet was 0.5. and dropped the needle clip to 3rd notch down.
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