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Everything posted by maxbikes
  1. the gearing on cg engine, the tl 125 you look at section think what gear to use 1st gear will be used 99% of time.the cg engine runs smoother at low revs and pulls from nothing.i big bored cg many years ago cost me a fortune to do but made a great bike with a miller frame.
  2. nice little bike,has the cg125 engine fitted.a much better than the standard engine.
  3. i cannot see a problem,ive had bike racks on loads of cars,inc mini,metro.make sure you get right tow bar as some cars are fitted with swan neck.it has to be type with 2 bolts for tow ball.
  4. look like beta shocks to me.sammy miller used to sell them many years ago.
  5. not easy.it will need new generator that wont be available for this bike,so a custom one will need to be made and regulator plus wireing.the lights will still be dim as they will be run direct from generator so will go up and down with revs.best bet is total loss battery using sealed for life battery so can be fitted on its side or right way up.the battery then can run,indicators,horn,brake light.then it will need charging with correct charger every night.
  6. if they put less stickers on bike it would be even lighter.
  7. postcode GL11 6ER.they are not montesa dealers.so why would they show competiters bikes?
  8. flat out drop the clutch.works for me.but not very controllable.
  9. you don't need to bleed brakes after changing pads.
  10. Honda are always expensive,ive had a few cars and motorcycles the quality is very good,and resale values are also very good.see how much old tlr and rtl250 go for.look at used 4rt go for compare with other trials bikes.what bike is winning trials last few years?you get what you pay for.
  11. mine is red and white.i have red tlr front mudguard,and red rear bought as a pattern from any trials bike.ive also done airbox mod a must if your doing trials.it has a Montesa 315 air filter fits in top after throwing away rubber that fits in top.take of standard air filter and cut any old bits of plastic inside.bike breathes better.i made a simple cage with coat hanger wire to hold 315 filter in postion.
  12. ive owned both tlm 240 great bike,and have a tlm200 for many years.the rear sprocket is same as tlr250,so use a rear about 42.front about 12.these bikes don't mind what sprocket sizes to much.i use second gear with these sizes most of time in sections.most wheel brake parts are tlr 250.do you really want yellow?white is easy to get.
  13. its not the drive chain is it.
  14. I would keep it bog standard,use original carb and make sure all very clean,dont mess with other jets,leave needle on second groove down.check flange on carb is flat on head,if not use wet and dry on a piece of glass to get flat.If you want to waste time why not rebuild spare carb with rubbish new parts and try bike with either rebuilt carb,dont take long to change them.i bet the original set up carb will run a million times better.
  15. so if I have 5 lt petrol in can how many cc of oil is that?
  16. air screw only affects the tickover very low revs.get a nice tickover and adjust screw starting at about 1 and half turns from full in.turning in richens it.hope your needle is 1 slot from top or it will never run right.
  17. or fit a cg125 engine.it will loose a bit of value,but if your going to use for trials yourself,the cg125 engine far better than tl engine.
  18. looked at xr footrests good idea being a bit bigger as standard ones are very small a job to keep my size 12 feet on.ive noticed on ebay that I can buy ones that I could modify they come flat so can be bent to suit so I could enlarge standard ones perhaps lower them as well.
  19. I need to replace my footrests on tlr250.what ones fit?looking through ebay there are lots of nice alloy ones.for gas gas and other bikes.will these fit easily? or if I get steel ones I can modify with welder as I can only weld steel.
  20. more likely that top fork bushes worn out.
  21. your right totalshell oddly enough speedo not needed, but I thought it needed one to ride on road?
  22. reflector not needed. http://www.motinfo.gov.uk/htdocs/m1s01000001.htm
  23. after undoing nut,warm the cases and tap out crank with cooper mallet.warm back up again when putting back together.
  24. speedo,dont matter if not working.make sure frame no can be read,if riding down make sure your booked in,if no present tax or mot.
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