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Everything posted by bobb
  1. Hello, are there any mods to improve the forks on a honda tlr? what oil and how much do you use ? kind regards bob
  2. i put a 24 mm oko on mine started first kick after that when cold it should need the choke if it starts when cold without your pilot jet is a bit to big i had a 40 in mine and a 110 main ( in the 24 mm oko) i think gas speed is to slow at tickover in the big carb kind regards bob
  3. tried the bike and it feels good ! bought it feels more powerfull than my 250 gasgas but it isnt to agressive front feels very light suspension is good im very happy with the bike
  4. sounds good then ! i can try it out for a day before buying so will soon know if i like it or not tnx for the help
  5. Hello, i'm willing to buy a 2015 sherco 290 but i have been told horrorstories about frames breaking and bairings going wrong on a 3 months old bike ? i have a 2010 gasgas 250 now and never had issues with that one just tyres brake pads and chain and sprockeds is build quality of the sherco on same level as the gasgas ? have been told the rear shock on the st290 is not that good ? i tried a sherco but that was fitted with an ohlins that felt briliant any advise is welcome kind regards bob
  6. i have HPI ignition on my bsa ( digital one) it works perfect also no key way in the rotor but just file one in and it will be good on my cub i had PVL ( alon witton) but i replaced by electrec world it works a lot better than the pvl (dont know if its the same on a bsa)
  7. i have seen it to but i live in belgium would be very difficult to get it here tnx for the help anyway
  8. Yes there is a website http://www.trialkleigroeve.be/ for more info contact me bob.ryckaert@hotmail.com
  9. michael do you know if its a 125 or a 180 cc ? do you have email adress of the seller ?
  10. hy ben how much did you move them back ? i'll have a look how some friends did it on the honda's they have
  11. hey Ducman does he have a frame ? or complete bike?
  12. hello i'm looking for a saracen frameanyone knows one for sale? frame but also bike to restore would be welcome kind regards bob
  13. what grade of oil do you use ? i use 10 - 40 semi synt is that ok or should i use higher viscosity oil ?
  14. did you got it sorted ? what setting are you running now on the ignition ? i would also like to know what valve clearence you use on the R cam i use whats in the cub manual but that seems very noisy kind regards bob
  15. where can i find the results ?
  16. i use ngk bp4hs on my cub and it works fine
  17. http://www.trial-kleigroeve.be/ trial near Brugge one of the best modern events in benelux 2 days riding for more info PM me kind regards bob
  18. i cant see the difference between the bikes john builds and a 2015 bantam of trick majesty or a fantic with monoshock engine its the rider that will win the trial not the bike
  19. i had a 2007 one also not easy to start and not nice to ride a friend got me an oko 24 mm carb and it was a diferent bike starts perfect and a lot smoother and i used a bosch super plus plug a mate had one with more flywheel and that was perfect ! i took the decompressor out it rattles at low revs and that cant be good
  20. In europe (belgium netherlands and france) shell V power 98 does not contain ethanol and is ok for old engines
  21. i did the same used a shim to get 34mm yamaha forks to fit into a 35mm yoke it works perfect
  22. very nice bike ! why is the front pipe so long ? i have seen that on some bsa's others have really short front pipes
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