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Posts posted by ajock
  1. Bike cut out today at end of trial. No warning, was upto temp and working reasonably hard. Long push back to van. No spark, plug and lanyard checked loom inspected with nothing obvious, coil with resistance of 9.55 kohm. does anyone know which wires to test on stator plug and what resistance you should expect? Thanks in advance

  2. Have done all of the above to mine, including yamaha-majesty alloy damper rods. wouldn't bother with preload adjusters 20mm spacer works well for me at 5'7 76kg. They more than match up to rockshocks on the rear.

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  3. New to Beta, was just wondering what weight oil to use in forks. Owners manual suggests  SHELL TELLUS S2 V32. whicjh i think is equivilant to 7.5. Pailoi on prevous bikes has always been 5wt? Thanks in advance.

  4. Renewing bearings on standard ty wheels, old ones had inner seal removed and grease packed from side to side. New bearings are fully sealed. Should i remove inner seal and grease or leave them sealed and assemble dry. p.s. fitting with new alloy spacer. Thanks in advance. A 

  5. Anyone know where i might get direct replacement for 99 315. sandifords don't list one. Currently bike has phbl from 250 sherco. dispite playing around with jets needles etc bike will not run smoothly, also still running a bit rich? Any suggestions?

    thanks in advance.

  6. To be honest have never stripped these and am ignorant of construction. Can you replace bushes, and where in uk might you get them? Also haven't found a good source of seals as yet? Wasn't planning to change damping as yet anyone have any recomendations as to which oil and what volumes. Many thanks in advance.

  7. The way to get the best performance out of any drum brake is to get thick linings made and have them turned to the same size as the hub.

    You need to space the shoes out at the cam by the same amount, 1mm is good, then mount the backplate in a lathe and take light cuts until you get to the required size.

    When refitted to the wheel minus the spacers you will have full contact over the whole lining length and only a small amount of movement before the brake starts working

    What kind of tool do you use on the lathe?

  8. Anybody know where i might get a clutch case sight glass for 403 motor? bob wright/bill pye don't list.

    Also which way round does the top hat sleeve for the gearbox crank seal go? Thanks in advance

  9. The bike has always been quite firey, just wondered if anybody had ever tryed to improve trottle response. Carb has MainJet122, D 36 NEEDLE( in second from bottom notch), 60 choke jet, k 270 tube and 34pilot jet. Any suggestions welcome.

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