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Everything posted by husty315r
  1. I'll give that a go first then, cheers for input. It has chrome header pipe on exhaust, red guards with the Dougie Lampkin World Champion 2000 stickers all over it (a DL edition i believe), inboard rear brake, 4 pot front calliper
  2. what a helpful bunch! Thanks very much for the Reply above - which type of ATF do you use? I had a look just now and there are a few different brands and types i see - my bike is a 315R 2001 ish. Chrome header pipe on exhaust if that helps.
  3. so in brief, i can buy the dimpled metal plates from a dealer yeah? thanks to everyone for their input - looks like there are two camps - one saying it s the oil, the other saying its the plates!
  4. Now then, I want to ask the worldy wise about this Montesa clutch drag problem. It's doing my head in to be frank. No matter how warmed up the bike is, the drag is bad and keeps stopping the engine when i'm moving slow or stopped. Staring it is not funny any more. Does anyone have any sensible advice other than a new clutch kit? I also would like to ask, Is Castrol Driveline Sytnrax Universal 75W-90 any use for the clutch oil? I am not using it, just interested (bike still has the oil in that I bought it with in), but i have a lot of it spare, two gallons to be precise! So it would be nice to use it up... Look forward to any tips guys... many thanks Michael
  5. sorted the photo thing. this is what i found tonight... not good
  6. well thanks to all for your replies - does anyone know if the lanyard works different to the kill switch as that didnt work. love the pullcord idea - i heard today that that sometimes doesnt even work! its in bits now and the cylinder/piston is FUBAR'd. dont know how to post images but i have them!
  7. Just posted in the introduction forum about my first ever run out yesterday and the aftermath of a small off thats shafted my engine. It revved out wide open and couldnt kill it with the switch. I am opening it up this week - anyone any ideas what I may find and who locally to durham newcastle will be able to sort the bore out for me? I am doing everything else myself.... spanners are a friend of mine I feel, quite literally, sick to the stomach. booooooo...
  8. First day out yesterday... seized the engine in an off. ... quite dramatic too... flipped it and landed on its a***/bars/a*** and the throttle jammed wide open as the grip was shunted along the bars. The engine then took off to a billion RPM then kindly seized thirty seconds later. Anyone experienced this before? The kill switch clearly didnt have any effect as it must have reached self ignition quite happily! SO then, what to do - cylinder head off shortly for a look see.... any guesses on price of getting cylinder sorted (piston kit about 90 quid is all i know) DAMN IT - first ride out too... Loads of help from Bob and others, very helpful bunch you lot are. Greatly appreciated.
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