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Everything posted by paxo
  1. paxo

    How Smooth ?

    well unfortunately it's not looking good. I took off the magneto and if you hold the end of the crank there is a bit of play. The engine is now sat on the bench :-(. any recommendations about what else I should change while I have the casings apart...crank seals as a matter of course but advice very welcome. I have a Haynes manual which apparantly covers my model (159) but the images look to be older models, is there a better manual that I should be buying ? Oh and best place to buy all the bits ? Thanks in advance
  2. paxo

    How Smooth ?

    thanks for the help and advice guys, I'm going to pull the casings off and have a good look this morning. I will let you know what I find.....fingers crossed
  3. paxo

    How Smooth ?

    my sherpa 350 (159) runs ok but the motor feels and sounds a little bit 'gratey' to me, its been like that since i got it which isnt that long. my question is are the motors usually silent and normally smooth or are do they feel little bit gratey ? I sense a strip down coming on :-(
  4. paxo

    Which Bracket

    Thanks for the help guys and Sherpa325 that's it......many thanks I can crack on with it now. It's the old joke about finishing a rebuild and having bits left over eh, I always take loads of pictures while I'm taking the bikes apart as well but somehow i missed that one !
  5. paxo

    Which Bracket

    Embarrassingly I'm rebuilding my Sherpa 350t (159) after stripping it for a full overhaul and i cant for the life of me remember what this bracket is off ! Any ideas anyone ? Cheers
  6. I've still got the original speedo drive on the rear spindle of my 76 sherpa 350t and wanting something that looks period so I'm not really interested in digital ones etc as good as they are. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced speedo and cable from somewhere that has the period look ? I know you can buy a full kit from Spain etc but they cost hundreds and I don't really want to go silly spending that kind of money on it ! Thanks.
  7. paxo

    Wheel Spindle Size

    Thanks for the confirmation !
  8. Anyone know if the rear wheel spindle on a 250t is the same size (ie diameter) as a 350t ? Cheers
  9. Thanks for that....they are now on order :-)
  10. Thanks for all the replies folks its appreciated. Regarding the KTM SX65 seals, I don't suppose you know the actual year of SX65 that's the same ? Cheers Paxo
  11. I'm currently stripping the forks on my Sherpa 350 (159) and was expecting to find a circlip above the seals. There is no circlip and no groove to fit one ? Also there were 3 seals fitted rather than two......Is this normal on some models ? Any help appreciated. Cheers
  12. paxo

    Swingarm ?

    that's great thanks for the help ! Paxo
  13. paxo

    Swingarm ?

    My Bultaco Sherpa 350T (159) swingarm isn't in the best of condition. I've repaired it for the time being by welding but im just wondering if any of the later models will fit easy enough if I can find one. Anyone know if they will ? Cheers in advance Paxo
  14. That's great thanks very much for the help :-) Paxo
  15. The title says it all really. Will the forks from a 198 Bultaco Sherpa fit my old 159 ok ? Cheers in advance Paxo
  16. Thanks for that folks......I think I will leave them as they are for the time being, at least I know I've got the option of removing them once I've flattened them a bit more :-) Are there kits available for the brackets/bash plate or is it a DIY only option ? Cheers
  17. Is it common practice i.e. ok to remove the frame tubes under the engine and replace them with a heavy bolted in alloy bash plate to provide better clearance etc ? I'm asking as I'm restoring a Bultaco 350t (159) and the tubes under the engine are quite dented and flattened. Cheers Paxo,
  18. Thanks very much for the replies :-) I've taken the magneto off and all looks ok, woodruff key etc locating fine and rotor seats hard down on tapered shaft ok. There are 2 washers, a normal plain circular washer(quite thick) and a very thick spring washer. I think that the very thick spring washer may be the culprit so I'm going to fit a thinner spring washer.........hmmm or thinking about it now should I just fit the plain circular washer and use thread lock solution ? Many thanks Paxo
  19. Hi folks, Just saying hello and hoping over the coming months for a bit of advice over my latest project. I've started to restore an old Bultaco 350t (159) and already had loads of problems ! You know when you start something and then later wish you hadn't....well this is turning into one of those projects.....hey ho :-) Paxo
  20. Hi folks I'm new to the site and currently restoring a Bultaco 350 t (159). I took the lhs engine casing off and the nut on the magneto looks wrong to me as it is not sitting all the way down though it is tight. Does this picture look right ? Any advice appreciated many thanks ! Paxo
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