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deputy dawg

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Everything posted by deputy dawg
  1. thats brilliant, thank you for doing that much appreciated
  2. Hi all, is there any kindly soul who would be able to tell me the the outer cable length, and inner cable length for rear brake cable as i am converting my bike [not a bultaco] to right side brake and was wondering if this cable is suitable many thanks
  3. H there t20racermman looking a nice job so far, i reckon my mar mkii came from the same chap
  4. than you for the link will be very helpfull
  5. thats very reasonable japes i will look into whats involved to register a bike i think
  6. thank you for all the replies, it is a pain to comply with the insurers. especially regards the anchor chains have you seen the you tube clip of how much longer it takes to cut through the more expensive thatchams chain I think i might get it road registered in the near future.
  7. Hi can anyone tell me where i could get my bike insured for fire and theft, its not road registered i have a bike already insured with carole nash but there is a upper value limit then theyre not interested many thanks
  8. Thank you for your replies, very much appreciated
  9. hI can anyone tell me the colour code or a close match for the White tank and side panels please for a mkii.And also is the rear mudgaurd supposed to be full length or are the shorter gonelli type guards correct Many thanks
  10. Thank you for the replies, thought it was a bit of a long shot, looks like I will have to make something then
  11. deputy dawg

    Cush Drive

    iS there anywhere I can get a Cush-drive shaft puller in the uk I know Keith Lynas has them across the pond
  12. it sold at auction for £3,105 not £1500 I believe
  13. Hi have a fantic 200 rear kick runs really well, but the last few trials when you are waiting to ride a section and you have bike ticking over for a few minutes, when you go to move off it hesitates/bogs slightly Have stripped carb and every thing was ok before last trial am about to do it again any suggestions
  14. hI all does anyone know if you can buy aftermarket clamps for the ossa or very similar,If finding a decent second hand pair,mine have a bit of corrosion coming in them when I cleaned them so don't particularly want to use them. Many thanks
  15. tHank you all have now got a manual so should be easier to follow when I start my renovation, rather. Than trying to use my iPad
  16. mAny thanks for that, much appreciated.
  17. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where I might be able to get an engine manual, would be great not to use a ipad
  18. Hi thanks for that, I would like to try and use localish companies if I can
  19. Hi all can anyone recommend me a quality powder coater and a wheel builder within a reasonable distance of Cambridge please,
  20. Hi yes the mounting bolts are M6 It's a mkii mar
  21. many thanks Steve and Woody for the information,I have cleaned all the paint off the swing arm mount and managed to get the collar off brilliant.
  22. Just a curious question regarding shock mounting point size, I have just got hold of this project and just going over it to see what's what, and noticed the hangers for the shocks are quite big 15mm it's been powder coated by previous owner and looks like a collar has been left on all the mounts? Can anyone tell me what size they should be before curiosity gets the better of me
  23. Welcome Earl am sure you will have fun and frustration on your rebuild,but will be great fun when you get to put your leg over it. There's loads of useful information on the OSSA page. I have just got myself a mkii MAR in kit form which I will start to rebuild in the winter, Keep us posted on your progress.
  24. deputy dawg

    Mar Mkii

    Sorry for the double post old duffer syndrome. Thank you for that trials run much appreciated
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