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Everything posted by bleeper
  1. bleeper

    Alpina Flywheel

    I don't know if it is the same thing, but North Leicester Motorcycles do a 're-magnetizing service' for Morini's which use I think a magneto/alternator stator type arrangement. (Ducati electronicca, poss). May be worth asking them?
  2. Hi Bondy, As I mentioned in a previous post/topic I fitted Pyramid taper roler brgs as well when Inmotion didn't have std ball & race in stock. Anyway has been said it was very difficult to get the old bottom cone/race off my M92, I used heat from a stripper gun plus brute force with hide hammer hitting the top of the steering head, not very clever and it could've ended badly! It did come off though. Don't recommend that really - Would do it again differently ......also I'd use std. ball & race type not taper brgs. As an aside, I strated to do the same thing for my vintage Yamaha and when trying to lever the race off the bottom yoke the race just broke in half ! So, it's possible you could just strike the race with a hammer and punch and the hardening+ material may make it quite brittle (but hard)? Might be worth a try? As long as you dont get carried away and at your own risk!
  3. bleeper

    Fork Seals

    Yes, I agree PS. Pyramid brand sell stuff mostly on e-bay (I think), my guess is that the seals are made in China.
  4. bleeper

    Fork Seals

    I bought Pyramid brand fork seals for my 70's Yamaha, they didnt fit the bore of the fork slider...so I went out and did what I should have done, I bought some from a Yamaha dealer, they were good & OK. On my M92 Bultaco I bought Pyramid taper roller brgs for the steering head as In-Motion didnt have any std. OE ball & cone type at the time. So far they are OK. I did try some OE Honda (I think model CL77) double lip fork seals on the M92 because somebody recommended them on the internet (US), they dont fit very well and are not a suitable replacement, so will try to be more careful on taking advice in future...and stick to specialists.
  5. bleeper

    Clear Fuel Pipe

    Ariete make a wide range of I.Dia / O.Dia tubing, make sure you get the right size of course.
  6. bleeper

    Clear Fuel Pipe

    Hello Bondy, I've used Ariete fuel pipe, in my view it 's quality and it's OE for many Bike Mfrs, last time I got it from BVM Moto,one of the advertisers on here I think? If they haven't got it, let us know as I there is another source that stocks. bleeper
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