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Everything posted by davdeborg
  1. right solved the over heating timing was out although it started and rode ok but after 10 -15 min it was cooking. done timing and been out for hours ride and now I can hold my hands on side casing before could not touch them. just glad never cooked engine . I got all the right oils in gearbox and clutch . but quite a bit of oil comes out the breather hole on the clutch filler there is a pin hole in the side of the screw. I appreciate its a breather just wondered if its normal for oil to come out and trickle down clutch cover ? I only got 300ml oil and know its not coming from filler and washer but deffinatly from the breather hole any help appreciated
  2. cheers mate yes that explains it as mine is a early 325 and it has a 627 carb many thanks for help just Haynes manual shows o ring cheers
  3. just been doing some research etc and just ordered a new rubber manifold flange from inmotion as the carb face which fits to flange on inlet manifold is smooth do you use a o ring as shown in manual as there is no cut out in flange on carb for o ring to fit in ? or does carb just butt up against the rubber flange ? help appreciated
  4. just been doing some research etc and just ordered a new rubber manifold flange from inmotion as the carb face which fits to flange on inlet manifold is smooth do you use a o ring as shown in manual as there is no cut out in flange on carb for o ring to fit in ? or does carb just butt up against the rubber flange ? help appreciated
  5. now the bike bogs a bit at first surely cant make it any richer ? air screw only 3/4 turn out now after 5 mins its ok its just when been started for few mins ok as long as you don't open throttle. open throttle after couple mins its ok .
  6. no I had it checked and its fine replaced all jets needle etc its just e bowl surface where it fits carb body seems bit warped. think it been over tightened ill take it to local engineer he will skim it take few thou off it im just being picky
  7. yes mate using platinum plug and fully synthetic oil cheers
  8. these are the jets Main jet- 150 Needle jet - 2 stroke-size 106 Pilot jet - 20cc Needle on position 2 and v groove needle all supplied by amal
  9. hi just put all new jets and needle in my amal carb and its a massive difference on my 151 350cc with the old needle and jets air screw mix was about 1 1/4 turns out . with new needle and jets I can only get it 3/4 of a turn out to run smooth. if I turn it past 3/4 the engine starts to die so 3/4 is about right and bike starts and rides ok. I thought only being 3/4 turn out would be a bit rich ive fitted it with the same jets and needle as I took out as standard. so guess the answer I want is it better to have it a tad on the rich side rather than a little lean? I know bikes run hot if there running lean are they likely to run a bit hot if running a bit rich ? thanks guys a novice on this lean rich kind of stuff appreciate any replys
  10. davdeborg


    same as me bondy when I took mine out oil come out I panicked thought something was wrong. its normal like bullylover says more so a worry if no oil comes out
  11. its harder to tig weld I think but tig welding is stronger than mig I can weld biut totally agree with bultoboy there is going to be a lot of strain on these welds and although the weld may look ok it could be more so a surface weld. surface weld is where the weld is on the surface and not melted or eaten in to the two pieces of metal. the weld may look ok but it will be as much use as a chocolate t pot. also consider the brackets are going to be quite thick and don't attempt if your not using at least a 180amp mig or you will be wasting your time anything under this ampage just wont get hot enough for the welds on the thickness of metal used . hope this helps
  12. Avoid letting the wife have a go or you will lose it like I did and have to find another lol
  13. unless neighbours moaning whats the prob ? have a look on tail pipe if you have a screw or screws to take baffles out ? then repack with matting what bike is it ? cheers
  14. priced up buying some heater hose in all fairness I would of had to pay £10 + of certain sites so sod it bought right one from inmotion spent heart wrenching £22.50 incl postage don't tell the wife !!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. hi is any of the trials championship being shown on tv ? sky? etc
  16. £18.50 for a 6inch piece of hose don't think so . any ideas ???
  17. cheers guys ordered all parts from amal now . just one thing my bike not here so cant measure anyone know the out side diameter of carb or inside diameter of hose that connects from carb to airbox its 1975 151 model 627 amal carb cheers
  18. sorry I read wrong the jet is 106 what size thickness needle ?
  19. I know there expensive its just me I cant leave anything alone bike starts first kick just not sure its set up right its approx. 1 3/4 turns out the mixture screw. sometimes idle increases and you have to keep adjusting idle screw etc one day its fine next its a bit quick next its slower. I got bike hot screwed mixture screw right in then un screwed it slowly until revs increased kept turning until revs fell a fraction then turned back to where it was at highest and left it there . its just needle looks a bit worn so me being me was going to mess with it cheers
  20. hi got a amal carb on my 151 and in all fairness its not too bad I was going to service it with new jets gaskets the full works or would you go down the route of fitting a mikuni carb ? also anyone know the size of the needle and main jet as standard ? I think needle on mine is a bit worn any help advice appreciated . cheers
  21. hi again any one now the size of the ball bearing in the clutch actuator lever mines a bit crushed got it out but no way can I measure or match one up by it ordered all my stuff from inmotion today and forgot bearing, just wondering if anyone knows the size so hopefully pick one up tomorrow locally cheers
  22. was on the phone to inmotion as I had few things I ordered and was told the same they have had bikes with them done both ways they said never had a problem either way
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