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Everything posted by tyjay
  1. tyjay

    Ty175 Gearing

    Well was stripping my bike down weekend fitting new electronic ignition sammy miller seat unit ect just need to get a wes exhaust now and I'd. Be happy but getting to the point I thought I'd count the teeth on the front sprocket and its a 11 and the rear sprockets a 41 to me I'm thinking this is why the bike felt terrible to ride up hills ect can sum one give me advise and how would that gearing compare to a 12 51 ?
  2. tyjay

    Ty175 Engine Mods ?

    Very good point on sprocket ill try and have look so my ideas for now is set te points correctly I'm going to lighten the flywheel slightly as its free for me ! Check carb oil feeds been blocked properly and ill do a sprocket n chain change n give it a go sounds about right because when I'm going from trial to trial along dirt track it's quick but I'm in really low gears to get up a hill even first sum times so seems like it could be a sprocket problem ! Ill still get a new boysen reeds will I need to change pilot jet ! And what does it involve to change the read cage ? To the rd350 one ?
  3. tyjay

    Ty175 Engine Mods ?

    Cheers for that advice ill check that hole is blocked up I set the points to 15 thou so ill try 14 but tbh when I say flat it just seems like I have to rev it a lot in low gear to get any thing out of it but then again that could be due to weak spark Nd engine struggling under load ? Correct maybe . But I could do with a comparison or ago on sum ones ty175 to see if mine is flat or if that's just how they are ! And what the hell is a boost bottle no one has explained lol ? And is there any other exhausts and manifolds that fit other than the ty after market ones ?
  4. tyjay

    Ty175 Engine Mods ?

    When you say boost bootle what do u mean and what is the air box mod and do u recommend any websites to get it from and what's the current point gap for ignition I race classic minis n set them to the same gap as that and it starts fine ect it's had new piston n and rings ect when I rebuilt but like you said it seems flat not sure if it because I've been on my bros Armstrong 250 to much ! But boysen reads and a new pilot jet ill probs do lighten flywheel I can do for nothing as I have access to machine I've bought a bearing to fix the sloppy gear selector and il look for a new head gasket but any recommendations from where to buy the parts from
  5. tyjay

    Ty175 Engine Mods ?

    Was wondering where to get them thin gaskets from tho has any one got any ideas ?
  6. Hi guys ,can I have advice my stock ty175 motor seems flat and fed up of resetting the points ect and I've thought of buying a set of boysen reads lifting the flywheel electronic ignition I want to up the compression slightly I've heard you can purchase a thinner was gasket but I'm not sure which one and where to get it from other option was to skim head but how much should I skim and finish te bike of with a wes system exhaust would I gain from them mods to make the Bike More responsive and better to ride ?
  7. hi mate did u use a roller type bearing ? not a seal abec bearing as ive been looking for a rubbersealed bearing in that size and struggerling to find it but can find loads of of roller bearings ? any chance in puttin come pics up soon of your bearing ? and finshed product
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