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Everything posted by jaysee
  1. Is it just A+B rounds you have or does it include BTC and S3 rounds too on there? If so, what are they?! Cheers
  2. Not sure why people would complain about late entries being included in results. Plus, Of the four, two didnt count for points and the other two were outside of top 15 so not going to effect championship much!
  3. With latest outbreak is the trial in danger or will we be ok?
  4. Are the regs out yet? Any links?
  5. 7/1 vic brittain 25/2 Wallace Cup 4/3 Colmore 1/4 C.Carter 9/4 Lomax 22/4 Victory 10/6 Alan 19/8 Presidents 23/9 Mid Wales
  6. No change at all to the clutch action, you still pull it towards the handlebar to engage. Do you use the clutch?
  7. jaysee


    It may take quite a long time to get results out. Hope they have a good calculator, unless someones good at their three times table!
  8. Results to change! Hillclimb is to be taken out of results
  9. Has anyone got a copy of the entry list because I havent had anything sent?
  10. I think the problem is the word 'clubman'. A 'top clubman' in the novogar is a top expert in their own centre, not a novice. Previous winners Sager, Austemuhle, Pearson etc are proof of that. What the clubmans championship is is a proper national trials championship without the top 10 in the country plus top few british expert runners. With regard to starting order. Regular names appear at the back of the entry because they send their entries straight back. Simple as that! Why should the top riders be penalised by being forced to ride lower down the entry? surly thats handicapping riders, although I do agree that thorpy, sager etc should only be allowed to ride with one wheel! The two yorkshire novogars (ccarter and aj) have been the hardest two of the year but contained nothing dangerous, just enough hard sections to get a deserved winner.
  11. Novogar in September, other than travers? tell us more? have they found another round to replace cancelled ones?
  12. Why has it been cancelled? There are 2 before Sep tho Alan next week and AJ in July
  13. Sidecars were not part of Novogar, separate championship on same venue I think. Its quite late to call off considering most have booked digs and will probably lose money! Anyone shed any light on it before we prepare for 8 hour drive???
  14. jaysee

    Inlet Tract Spacer

    Gordon, Iv taken the plate out, It makes very little difference. The standard bike has enough power with the plate in and is a touch smoother. The carb/air box doesnt go together easy when they are new but rubbers will give quickly. I put carb on the air box and slide it from back thro frame, seems to be easiest way to make sure rubbers are full round carb.
  15. Keep it where it was last year, more traditional sections, didnt need the big cliffs of 2003 to take marks and get a winner
  16. jaysee

    Keihin Carb On 290

    Chris Is the Kiehin much different to the original carb. Iv got keihin still off old GG but cant get it to fit properly with original sleeve etc. Thought you needed a bigger/ longer rubber to air box. Was going to try it when there was a bit more grip about
  17. Does anyone know if the European rounds for 2005 have been decided yet? If they have where are they?
  18. Has anyone had any confirmation of their entry because I havent?
  19. Tent at the start area and a crate for the night for me probably. Weather doesnt look to good tho!
  20. Had a steady first lap for 8 but had v bad 2nd lap - 19!!
  21. Trial was good, shame about the weather on the last lap! What did you finish on sunt?
  22. Section 9 looked hard in US world round, only Dougie cleaned it twice. Morris has 20 on his 1st lap on Sec 9, he must of really messed it up!
  23. Has anyone done a euro round recently? Thinking of having a go this year, I think the main course my be a bit tough but whats the international class like?is it similar to the expert or master class?
  24. jaysee

    Pro Airboxes

    I left the hole at the bottom of the air box on 03 GG open all the time, anything that goes in, comes straight out and it worked. The whole on the 04 GG is bigger and the flap is hopeless so duct taped it up. 04 still gets water in tho but probably most of it is off power wash
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