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Everything posted by dinozivkovic
  1. Any one knows is it possible to change fuel tank tap without some large disasemble of bike?
  2. Ok guys post may sound silly but the point is that the bike is for my son and the it is still a bigger than supposed so I thought of saving the bike for the starting mistakes.
  3. Any one ever tried to instal some crash bars on back sides to save exhaust or tank. On Sherco for example?
  4. Bike is from Germany. Dont understand a lot on what do you mean.
  5. Hello to all, Yesterday I have purchesed my son a Sherco 125 2012. It still haven't came home but we are both already happy about it like it is. After Scorpa and now Montesa this the first Sherco in our garage. I wanted to ask what are the experiences of those who are owning one? Satisfied? Is there any known bad points we should know? Any necessary pre adjustments we should do? Bike is in a very good condition so I hope it will serve for next few years without problems. Thanks!
  6. Few photos from the yesterday ride in the woods.
  7. Thanks to all for detailed explanation! I think I will go for it.
  8. I just checked once again, it is produced 2010.
  9. As written it is 2010. Thanks for that "79"
  10. Any one owning or use to own one of this 125cc? Found one in Beta dealer in Austria and thinking about it. Any known problems to expect or to look for? I never owned any Beta, what are the comments in total and what about quality? Thanks a lot!
  11. Just one photo of my boys from yesterday unexpected winter suny training day. Serbian Trial Youth!
  12. Grate pics! I love to see all age's riding together!
  13. Poziv za sve trial vozace i one koje ovaj sport interesuje!
  14. Thank's Sherco34! T-shock you are right, PS could give more add value.
  15. Hello to all, Yesterday my brother whose hobby is photography made a small session together with me riding. Pictures are made in my town close to the Danube river. Hope you like them!
  16. Hello to all, First question,is it normal that when I finish my ride and the cooling ventilator is running if I leave it on idle for a quite time it want stop. Should it stop at some moment? Ok, these day's it is warm but any how I expect it will stop. Another one is why when the engine is warm if I turn it of,to start it again every time I have to kick at least 4-6 times to make it run? Last one is about gear's, It is hard to get it in to N position when it is warm. Is it the tipe of oil or? Grate thanks for help!
  17. Could any one try to explain it by words? Is the back brake crucial? As I see it is important to start with jump and hold a ritam.
  18. I need some help! Yesterday I have started my 4rt with a second kick. Just after few seconds I have to shut it down. After that it was impossible to start. Haven't tried later, I will try this morning. What is the procedure for that situation? Do I need that throttle reset? How it is done? Another thing is when I start cold engine and after few minutes put in to the gear it wants to start even with the clutch on. After few minutes it is ok. Is it normal that clutch is not 100% efficient until the oil gets working temperature, or it is problem with my clutch? Another thing is that some times when I am starting the engine I have a felling that the lever is sliping, like it is not engaging the piston totally. Thus the clutch need some fine tuning or I have to replace the springs or plates? Thanks for any help!
  19. Hello to all, Just yesterday I have become a proud owner of 09 4rt repsol. As we still have some snow outside I still haven't try it. It is in fare good condition and I am very satisfied with the look. My last and first trial bike was Scorpa which was from my point of view a grate start bike. Now after reading some forums I am little afraid that all I have learn will be lost with 4stroke. Have read that is hard bike for learning! Would help if I could hear some experiances! One more help I need with maintenance and if there are any other tricks about it. What I should or shouldn't do? Just going to take some pictures and I will post them this afternoon. Grate thanks for any comment! Dino
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