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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. http://www.yorksclassictrials.co.uk/#/classified-adverts/4543674651 then of course theres the guru of outlane and others working out of sheds/ lean to's/ workshops etc, come to trial and ask the riders where they got thier bits..
  2. totalshell

    I'm lucky!

    boots you'll need at least two pairs.. wet boots are NO fun, wear them A LOT before the trial they must be comfy. have a fresh pair od socks every day at least three pairs of riding jeans and a couple of riding jakcets ( you 'll be doing 50mph plus on the road and the weather could be anything from snow to 30 degrees C) gloves for the sections and gloves for the road. camelback is ideal get one with some carrying capacity for clothing. all the bike importers give good lists of what to wear carry see the scorpa gb and beta uk sites dependent on what bike you are riding the uk importers usually provide plenty of service space although you do have to do your own work on the bike although importers like beta will tell you what and how to do stuff as you do it. the time you have to do it comes from your time allowance to complete the route for the day so get back early and you have time to do some work get in late and you have no time you wont need an auxillary tank unless you are riding and evo and even then you should be ok. i assume your renting a bike? beta and gas gas usually have the biggest set ups others are available though. chack out as much video as you can to understand what gear people use etc etc and keep asking questions on here.. Dont forget your accomadation you need to get that sorted NOW. you want to be in fort william no more than a mile form the town center and preferably as close to the parc ferme at the west end carpark as possible.
  3. to be fair John we are still recieving Christmas cards even down here in the bustling metropolis, credit card statements recieved after the payment date this week ( bank have agreed to waive interest thankfully) i dont know minislim to talk to but he and his father ride pre65 EVERY week and thus his frustration carries some weight and his view that week in week out riders dont enter because of a belief that your first three entries are a waste of postage, was certainly a view that i heard repeated at the largest pre65 trial last weekend. i hold firm in my belief that the edingburgh club can let ride who they want but how positive for the trial and the sport would it be if the 'draw' were to be made as open as possible.
  4. well it seems that jeroni has tailoring issues this weekend, what is the 'issue' responsible for the failure to appear at the next world round? not even the king of spin campbell could come up with such weak excuses. simply put the bike is a project beset by smoke and mirrors. hark back to the end of last season when 'the factory' would nt let andy et al take photos of it. i very much regret that the ossa is no more likely to appear at a dealer near you than a greeves. if i were mr birkett of cumbria i'd be down there kicking there back door down.
  5. having watched every broadcast thus far all i can say is.. it aint the same, the roads are wide and smooth, spectators on corners etc it looks more like wrc.
  6. DO NOT BUY A VIVARO OR ANY OF ITS RENAULT OR NISSAN COUSINS.... electrics ( warning lights, rev counter indicator stalk headlight stalk) diesel pump steering pump rear wheel bearings inc discs all gone in an 04 with 62k on the clock in the last 4 years total bill circa 2k to press spent so much on it cant afford to let it go.. they are NOT vans fro driving round town ) we use it for day to day plumbing work) great on motorways and long journeys.. great for hauling the bike.. just for hauling the bike get a partner or a caddy
  7. best thing to do is ring up the secretary of the trial and say ' exuse me i wnat to do my first trial at yours on 16th january can you help me out... then when you get there they will remember you and help you through.. they'll ask you to join the club abd apply for a licence and pay the trail entry fee.. probably cost you less than 35 quid all in..
  8. Earlier in the thread, I picked up a reference to the goodwood festival of speed and an inference that all was milk and honey in the word of classic cars… if you want a can of worms there it is. i used to trial and race vintage (pre war) cars it reached the stage where the clubs issued eligibility certificates for cars however I have fitted alternators to cars that were made 20 years before the first alternator, fitted hydraulic brakes to cars that previously only had cable brakes on one axle, fitted one off cranks to cars, fitted specially cast in 1991 heads to cars that were built in 1927 so please don’t hold up shiny cars of an example of what good should look like. Like many, I would aspire to do the pre 65 Scottish although having seen riders that i can compete on equal terms with struggle last year i accept that participating is beyond me. I will though DEFINITELY be there again this year to spectate (if i can afford the diesel, which went up to 133.9 at my local garage this am) I travel to see the countries best riders compete in the best trial, to see the best examples of developed bikes and the best examples of genuine preserved bikes from that era. Who wins is of no consequence as long as bikes are ridden as i would like to think i ride, enthusiastically and sportsmanlike. May the best man win but the last man enjoy himself…
  9. pre 65 bikes with tubeless rims> it'll never happen.
  10. as is the organisers perogative they select the entry some call it a ballot some do not. at the end of the day its the organisers event and they can accept who they want without explanation. i suspect though that if a legal challenge were to be made all sorts of issues could be raised so in the interest of clarity and to prevent such challenges ( for they will come eventually, as people are sueing for been denied hotel rooms and poor teachers whilst at school) then a defined format should be declared.
  11. be boring .. it'll pay dividends in the long run. ride what everybody else does, they do it because the stuffs reliable parts are easily obtained, all thier mates know how to fix em so go to trials see what everyone rides scan the results on here and TMX. two brands will stand out.. one capacity.. one type of engine as for starting at 50 check out the gallery and tell me how many are under 50.. ( we've an 80 year old that rides every weekend!) and as for pushing the scales to the max.. pah all the better for getting through the mud to the grip and for crushing those pesky rocks..
  12. i've had my car for three years its done 48k and IT has only asked for its engine oil to be changed once. in the service manual gearbox oil isnt even mentioned other than viscosity and volume i suspect that a modern oil will last several hundred hours never mind the 8 to 10 that people are suggesting. the real culprit today is the ethanol in your fuel. DONT leave fuel in your carn when you put the bike away, drain all the fuel from the tank if standing for a month or so ( it corrodes alloy) and if you have a fibrglass tank change it now..
  13. you ll probably find that most insurance will cover you third party as a minimum if you have no mot the bike must though be ' road worthy'
  14. dvla certainly do use the vin. i got a demand to clarify the vin no. of my van after its mot as it differed from the one they had on record. i told them what it was and they sent me out a new v5
  15. seat and tank off and thread it through from the rear the front mount to the engine is the tricky bit dont fasten exhaust to frame until it is on at the exhaust cylinder head..
  16. i dont think that the acu have union flag as a trade mark so its up for grabs.. and if 1964 is to celebrate mr mqueens celebration .. why the union flag ? mcqueen certainly wore an international suit for the 64 isdt as did the great majority of riders SM visited england and bought the suit before the trial. his suit certainly bore the stars and stripes and a lapel badge with his bike no. 278.
  17. i once over heard a resident of Silsden telling a prospective purchaser..'' my bike gets ridden over rocks not into them..'' and on reflection theres a lot of truth in that
  18. i have an old MOD international suit and its chipper for when its pouring down the trousers are cosy as toast.. cost me 30 quid plus a tenner for a new jkt belt i've worn it on trials car trials trail riding and out in the field .. proper stuff does the job.. keeps you dry ( ish) and warm and now apparently worth abob or two.. what more could a yorkshireman want..
  19. loved the pages of lists of results from the world championships.. who reads that stuff.. used to have a christmas test and stuff like that.. sadly a fading icon
  20. also cancelled is the yorkshire classic charity trial at Manor farm glusburn twixt skipton/ keighley, on the positive side it gives OTF chance to fit his gaitors..
  21. totalshell

    Dakar 2011

    having checked out next years event ( 01/01 -15/01) agian in south america i could count only two uk motor cycles no quads a car and two trucks, i think this must be the lowest uk entry..
  22. all great points of discussion fellas. the nub is though that there is a clearly worded set of rules at yorks classic and those rules are as written/ voted for by the club members so there will/ may be some anomalies but each has been passed by the democratic process. over my years as a member rules have moved, bantams were only allowed 3 speeds when i started and progress has seen that change. you dont have to have a trick piece of kit to do well. the vintage two stroke class was contested this and every year by original bikes built and maintained well within tight budgets. certainly lots of money is spent on cubs and villiers engined bikes but i dont see any of the money bags bikes on the top of podium in this years championship. decent riders win trials and you cant beat em by spending more money.. a simple rule but it holds as good today as it always has.
  23. michelin at least are sold as e marked
  24. trials tyres are road leagal in the uk unless specifically stated on the tyrewall ( some state not road legal in the us or canada but they are not in the uk!) of course your number plate should be of the required legal minimum size (http://www.theplatemarket.com/display_of_registration_numbers.php) and dont confuse having a brand new MOT certificate as making your bike road legal ( eg no speedo req. for mot but illegal to use a vehicle without one!) minefield so prepare sensibly..and ride sensibly on the road, ( technically standing on the footpegs rather than sitting on the machine could be dangerous driving) ps as for non std number plates been ok.. tell that to the 154 people prosecuted here.. http://www.southyorks.police.uk/foi/disclosurelog/20100341
  25. we had a good chat about whats acceptable and not at the ycmc agm and as the club has announced since the summer that where guidelines might not have been followed in the past that from jan 1st they will be adhered to. all british bikes are welcome of course just that those outside the rules will have to ride as specials. this makes a level playing field for everyone. sure one of the club rules is forks should have gaitors but as the majority of bikes did before 65 whats wrong with that? the club felt that by giving the riders 6 months or so to put thier bikes right then the rules will be the same for all and applied the same to all. riders must also now be club members to qualify for championsip points so get your tenners in smartish .. before the first round in mid january. existing members have just recieved there newsletter in the post with full details of the AGm reports and photos from the latest championship trials plus articles on modern petrol.. and winter riding tips from the archive. ps new website now available to preview ( http://yorksclassictrialscouk.moonfruit.com/ ) and well worth alook
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