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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. lets hope it pours down for the next 3 days that'll spice it up even more.. looks fantastic good luck to all involved
  2. totalshell

    Air Box Horror!

  3. nice van decent to drive frugal spacious lots of lads getting alternate colour schemes and decent alloys with low profile tryes..all for 199 a month on lease....
  4. 'motorcycle trials' techniques and training.. my copy is on the desk top as i type, i prefer it to the schrieber book as its less about me me me and more about riding although the two are very similar ( given that len weed wrote both!) those black and white photos are what got me turned on by trials way back when.. for all the advances todays trick colour 3000th sec shots dont have the same atmosphere..
  5. totalshell

    Air Box Horror!

    'bolts were rusted in' ??? on a brand new ten hour old bike?? thats never been washed??
  6. to eliminate wear and availability issues buy a new carb, to eliminate jetting trial and error buy from somebody who sets them up for you.. oko from chris at classictrials i fitted one to my fantic and it ran right from the off job done..
  7. i rode a 250 alll morning on and off the thing started easy as pie every time...
  8. sounds like we've had the gambit of vivaro/trafic/primatar problems.. i 've had the mystery electrics and cutting out on my traffic main dealer pulled all the electrics out for a full day and when it went back together it ran perfect but they didnt dare charge me as they said they didnt know what they had fixed so would guarentee it. eventually changed key and fob (180 quid) and its ok now also the circlip comes out of the power steering and cant be replaced and wait for the 2nd fuel pump to go and the 700 quid bill that follows this on an 04 with 50k.. oh and odnt let the pads on the rear discs get too low as the disc incoprates the bearings and housing and stands at about 150 a wheel..
  9. ''A towbar has a maximum down force weight on it, mine is 50kg what I don't understand is how can you put a bike on the back of it and it be safe?'' ask how safe it is to dress in Lycra and ride a motorcyle over rocks up steep hills etc first..
  10. all you ever dreamed of.. http://www.trialspartsusa.com/tech.html
  11. if your intending to ride a modern monoshock bike you'll have to ride the impossible route as its for twinshocked and trail bikes only...
  12. printed off and in the post , saw a copy today at Yorkshire Classics excellent Pre 65 trial on Norman Shepherds land near Pateley Bridge. Some very low scores but alas i cant remember any details other than the clubman winner dropped nowt and all the top ten clubmen were in single figures.( from that you can tell i dropped more than ten and was fighting for the wooden spoon!) A great trial that as well as the excellent sections and cross country route riders had to deal with a half marathon (and all the discarded drinks bottles) and a cycle raceen route!
  13. the honest truth from is i've never been able to tell what brands on the bike without looking so as there all much the same price buy what you can as cheap as you can.
  14. ha... international post is held up in the other direction as well is it.. i buy stuff from a florida company and it leaves the US same day arrives in uk customs the next day and sits there whilst the nice people at customs look at it play with it put it on the top shelf ( at the back) then two weeks later write to say they have it and can they have 30 quid for the coffers aotherwise i'll never see it.. the when said wedge is handed over parcel arrives.. if you'd likel i'll happily buy you a lever and post it as a gift if you like i bet you'd have it before the weekend
  15. whilst not wanting to be pedantic.. you spend 4 grand on something and three weeks later it wont work.... and how do you fix it? a phone call to the seller would be my suggested alternative rather than spending more time ripping it apart than riding the thing..
  16. all the talk of who is COC is wide of the mark.. watch the tv coverage of the MTB downhill and marvel at the size of the crowds and the 'experience' rock bands playing whilst waiting for the next rider down the hot seat the mtb downhill pulls the crowds because of the experience and the aspirational lifestyle on show.. add English chances of glory and you've a winner
  17. on that basis a bike rack itself should cost about the same.. i'll order one in the morning...
  18. i seriuosly doubt that is the case as its not even compulsory to wear a helmet in some uk trials clubs, secondly there isnt even an EU wide type approval of motorcycle helmets for the road nor is it even compulsory to wear helmets on the road in some EU countries.. so i'd sleep easy tonight.
  19. we're talking about something thats worth say 30 quid for a 25 litre jerry can.. give it to someone for a tenner for thier car.. job done.. i always put the oil in the can even if i dont put petrol in staright away so that i know that thiers oil in it always..
  20. piston and ring/s about a ton and re line cylinder a bit more.. check some old posts i'm sure i gave all the details when i had mine done 18 months or so ago.
  21. don morley lists for the c15T 7/8 Amal 140.main jet 25 pilot 375/4 throttle needle posn 3 needle jet 0.1055
  22. welcome, good to hear that another 'lost' bike will be pulled out from the back of a garage. plenty of twinshock specialists will set you up with the bits you need even for one of the lesser popular but underated bikes.. enjoy!
  23. if the pads are moving in and out but not stopping the bike, remove the pads and clean the braking surface with brake cleaner and clean the disc with the same stuff ( both sides), if that doesnt work new pads and re clean the disc
  24. looks like it collapsed on landing
  25. http://www.yorksclassictrials.co.uk/Plea%20For%20Help.pdf
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