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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. stop using the drugs! ibuprofen is strong stuff and should only be used for 3 days before seeking a prescription drug via your pharmacy. loading up on it the week before riding the bike is BAD! please seek medical help, qualified medical help. the wrist is painful because your asking it to do something it wouldnt normally do and it may have swollen or become inflammed. if you feel any pian stop.. understand what has caused the pain and change that.. lever position. up and down, ditch the tight gloves or braclet use the hand differently change the position. but if it hurts it aint right so dont use it
  2. buy a new pipe, even if your pipe was steel it would take some real skill and a lot of effort to get it back into shape. yours is badlydented / creased and the time and effort that you or someone with the necessary skills and equipment is going to have to spend probably makes the repair uneconomic..
  3. clearly somebody could nt read.. had the same problem with my renault which threw up a similar but not the same no when i mot'd the thing .. i nice welsh lady from swansea sorted it out.. ps the montesa importers are Pidocks or some such..
  4. just as dougal said a proper sized number plate ( ish) a rear reflector and a continuos tone horn, take it if possible to someone who has done trials bikes before and you'll be okay.
  5. aha,, having used a polo with a rack on the back i'd very much go for the standard rack. most of the tow bar mountings are in the boot floor and the leverage of the 4x4 rack may cause the boot floor to buckle ( mine did) i was carrying a pre 65 bike though. when getting the bar fitted ask for longer mounting bolts for the ball ( they might cost a couple of bob more). i always fitted my rack myself and even with just basic tools never had any problems tightening the thing up
  6. great idea, had a rack from both suppliers little or nothing to choose between the two from my experience, always had the painted not the galvanised, a quick lick of hammerite evry couple of years and its as good as new, must be 8 yrs old i guess and lives out side 'au natural' 24/7
  7. there is something to be taken from the entry list and something that the old bike mart pj1 trials have graspped and that is that by far the largest class is the 'easy route' it is part of the championship in the northen series and 30 plus riders in that class alone is the norm. we've yet to see any pot hunters , just honest enjoyable sections laid out to a standard so that everyone can have a day out but still produce a winner if that 'clubman class were to be capacity split then i suspect the route would be even more well supported from the results published so far by the ACu i can see 10 yorks classic riders.
  8. a couple of thoughts.. i heard one top ten rider who was selling his bike post thessdt say'' it been reidden over rocks not into them' and theres a lot of truth in that if you or i rode the ssdt the thing ( like me) would be buggered post trialbut if somebodys good enough to get top 20 then the bike will have been ridden sympathtically and modestly aside from some new tyres and chain and sprokets i'd have noi fear of splashing 3 k on a 'only used for one trial bike' after all wasnt it the 11th time that the Yam had been entered?
  9. then the question has to be why do the riders of the countrys largets pre 65 club not ride the countrys premier pre 65 championship? for my self i ride perhaps 3 a year and have to say that the quality varies last season i rode my trail bike in two rounds the first had no sidecar entries and laid the 'eased sections' out accordinngly i will not ride the trial again. on the flip side i rode a fantastic miller trial ( run by ilkley and district motor club) who ran a perfect trial for all classes and i shall ride again this year as a result.
  10. alook at the calendar gives the best insight as to the availability of pre 65 riders.. on 23 rd may Yorkshire classic is holding a round of its championship near Bradford at a traditional venue with hills and streams and an entry of 80 will probably turnout there including most of the norths best risers..
  11. trip booked to opticians.. you see from were i was sat i saw doug and jim swap to a new plug and then jim took something from the offside of his evo .. small and black about the size of a small coke can and that was fitted to dougs bike still no joy it was replaced back on jims bike..
  12. almost inevitably that 500t of that age will have competed as they were only available to special order at that time and reguler riders who could use the bike most weekend were given preferance. Rex young finished second in the Scott that year on a 500t
  13. 'brings money into the sport'' ?? other than providing a comfortable income for the 6 half dozen riders at the top what income does the sport of trials get.. i dont remember my club having thier cheque yet. 50 miles to far for spectators to travel? al those sheep lining the sections in scotland why were they there? for the world championship to be legitimate and to capture the imagination and interest of the public it must change and use national 'classic ' events such as the scottish. reeth 3 day, Scott etc then a rider truely could stand up and say i am the best trails rider in the owrld and my bikes the best in the world at the moment we have a worlds champion who can boast of riding the most expensive trials bike in the world up rocks that Chris Bonnington would blanch at
  14. first class bike, never been trialed in at least 6 years.. and yet its needed new plastics.. i bet they forgot to mention the service after every ride,, oops they might have discovered where the 3 rd and 4th strokes went.. still the seller has had plenty of good feedback from selling his skirts and please take the time to admire this special antiuqe that he recently purchased.. class never goes out of style.. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=110524410014
  15. dem boys at dangeruk will print owt on owt give em a ring
  16. sell the wassell complete for circa a grand, buy a running d14 bantam for 500 and sell everything bar frame forks wheel hubs/ brakes and swinging arm for 500 hit eblag and buy wheels tank and a b40 motor you should be able to turn out a trialler for less than a grand.
  17. as i was sitting 5 yards into the second sub i cant believe that anyone on any of the last 3 subs at lagnaha would not have known that doug lampkin multi world champion and the most recognised person in british trials had just walked the subs chatted to fans before during and after and then very visbly in full view of everyone had trouble starting his bike. even without my glasses i saw the coil and plug swapped from 20 yards away..
  18. download the licene( registration) form off the acu site, put it in an evelope to your club secretary with another SAE envelope to get it to the acu.. whole process takes less tha 10 days..
  19. well your on the right track.. if you've a bike, boots, gloves and a helmet then you can ride a trial, you'll need to join a club (acu) and when you do so ask for a trials registration form (licence by another name) you'll need a passport sized photo to go with this and your debit card details give the completed form to the clubsecretary and in less than a fortnight you should have your 'licence and your set to compete. to compete arrive in good time ( an hour before the start) fill in the entry form show your 'licence' get a number and your off..
  20. doug arrived at the final Lagnaha sections in good time ( possibly ahead) the last sections were a double sub up a tricky gully. he left the bike at the bottom and walked the section for perhaps 3 - 5 minutes. returning to the bike he kicked it up and it would fire ( smoke was seen from the exhasut ) but it ran poorly / not at all. he and james swapped the plug to no avail, something else was also changed ( ignition pack?) again to no avail. the bike was wheeled to the road and further work was done on the bike by doug. approx. 20 - 30 minutes later the bike could be seen running but smoking very very heavily and then doug charged the field/ hill to attempt the section. at least 30 minutes after walking the difficult sections and minus the rear guard and seat doug waited for one rider to tackle the section then literally fought every inch to get the bike uo the section. by the time he cleared the top sub the bike seemed to be running ok and cleanly. he raced back to the road refused the rear guard and sped off for town hall brae ( the final section) the undoing was instead of a final time control at the west end carpark which been 20 miles and a section away would have given him chance to make up some lost time the time control was under the bridge at ballachulish barely 3 miles away.
  21. Well having arrived in Kinlochleven at 3am on friday we've just got back! Two great days of trials half decent weather with rain ( drizzle mostly ) and a fair degree of sunshine. Paul Heys seemed absolutely determined to win , his concentration was a step above most others, Tony Calvert is a very cool customer and he always looked in control. the frist day started with the observers on the first two sections standing on the wrong two sections! ( they were in fact on saturdays sections, ) an impasse looked inevitable until a resolute we've started so this is were we'll observe decsion was made. and so the riders made thier attempts. Mick Grant took a 5 for a tumble as his front wheel slid to the wrong side of a rock and Gaunty used plenty of his and the bikes mass to move rocks as he passed over them where lesser lights had taken a steadying dab. in the sections beside the glencoe road the water was deep and the rocks and roots slippy with decent riders dropping marks untill the worst of the slime and loose rocks were removed. after a quick brwak as we waited for the even numbers we climbed Porlock Hill , rarely damp and only once seen with water in recent years the challenge is the steep slope and twists of the loose rock surface and this was a section that 'came and went' for some it proved a winnable skirmich ( derek brookes rode imperious ly clean without even looking during one sweet spell) yet when at its worst Len Hutty fought like a gladiator to escape for only two day two and a brsik stroll to the top of pipeline where we only saw cleans by nothing smaller than a 350 then on to two new to the p65 sections beside the loch on the fort william road ( although old hands confirmed that they had been used in the proper p65 way back when, here we saw gaunty find a new but tight line having watched saunders ride a fantastic clean over a rock step the trial was slickly organised with very little in fact zero murmering about this or that mod to bikes and the people of the village and to be honest the bobbies welcome the trial with open arms and hopefully make a buck from the foriengers.. the evening 'do' was a decent affar with eric adcock taking questions fron colin drommet and then presenting the awards. the observers have a loooong daty and recive little recognition in the awards ceremnony it was said they were out for 5 hrs a day but i think you'd have to add a couple more to that to be realistic, howver the only area for review in my eye was the observing.. its clear that a number of the observers were either reguler riders with thier friends or spouses etc but i felt that a number were not reguler observers, i saw sections where the observers let a dozen or more bikes through without realising the ends werent in the stream, sections where observers let riders into the section with bikes queing to get out of them, observers having the scoring explained to them and most obviously standing / sitting in positions where they could see little or in one case nothing of most of the section i saw one rider given a one when he had put both feet down and rolled the bike back to get it out of the rocks.. a course opening bike would also have prevented the 'discussions' at the first sections on friday
  22. big thanks to a TC advertiser,, moto merlin had the bits in and delivered next day...
  23. just setting off now from rochdale, hope to pick up brother in kendal circa 8 pm ish then on to Kinlochleven for the p65 then the ssdt till wednesday..
  24. many thanks gentlemen .. hopefully it'll sail through the MOT and this seasons trials with ease!!
  25. totalshell

    Pampera 04

    pulled the Pamp out for its MOT this pm ( first time out of the garage for 8 months) started second kick and looked ready to go until i took the oily rag out and sussed that he offside fork seal is leaking big time.. new seals on the way but how much and what weight oil does it need? many thanks Mark
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