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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. proof of ownership is a reciept.. A V5 is a record of the vehicles details and its keeper. possesion of the engine and frame no will not get you a v5 you need the registration number
  2. great product has NEVER let me down in five or so years.. hot cold laid up it starts and runs spot on , definately fit and forget.. fitting is one of two issues, you will need the crankcase in bits and some machining done ( i've heard it can be done in situ with a drememl but not seen it done) the second issue is making sure ie from a very reputable source that it is a trials specific PVL and not some other designed for another use, other than that great piece of kit worth the money ( and that from a true Yorkshire man, born on Ilkley Moor) PS where in Lancashire is Australia? I say Lancashire as isnt Australia where they used to send convicts for punishment?
  3. agreed the home cooked cakes were spot on last year, i'd have it on my 'to see list' oops it is on the list i'll see you there!!
  4. 65 entries the week before the p65 scottish at a classic venue with streams muddy slots and hill climbs http://s887.photobucket.com/albums/ac74/to...l/25%2004%2010/
  5. confirmed as VERY simples.. nice and staeady think twice before you do it and hey presto you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.
  6. trials going the same way at the top as rallying did 10 - 15 years ago. when i was rallying ( slowly not competatively what i called participating) anyone could enter the top events given the qualifying regs meant all you had to do was complete a dozen or so lower std rallies to be able to drive in a world championship round. the point been i drove the same route as Tony Pond , hannu Mikkola, Ari vatenan etc etc and the rallies were FULL 180- 200 each year. then it went all PRO and now only 20 - 30 people qualify to drive fewer people spectate everybody manufacturers etc fans etc all lose out world and national level trials were equally open to most and had decent numbers riding on long ish rtoad based multi group trials people turned out 100 rode everybody won, now we have 18 lads and the best in gb are maxing every section.. is that progress?? no make trials easier get mr bou to drop 1 or go clean and more folk will ride more will watch and you have a vibrqant sport again.. why cant events like the ssdt be a world round? there would be a winner at the end of the week and lads from all over would ride just to ride the same route as the stars.. or have the stars / manufacturers/ FIM not got the bottle.. Tony Bou winning the SSdt would garner Honda/ montesa 00 times more publicity than losing 48 at a spansish seaside resort that no ones ever heard of..
  7. the 3 seats is the deal killer as it moves choice from car based vehicles to panel type and therefore costs runnunig and purchase rise.
  8. i clearly remember when dougie was strutting his stuff and martin saying the trials should be harder as a stray dab could cost a trial in low scoring competitions.
  9. and on the door it says FULL, seriuosly hit the phones Now and you might get something within 10 miles..
  10. it depends on what you mean by vicinity.... with it been a bank holiday weekend the town is FULL so look further afield on the way into and the far side of fort bill ( as far as spean bridge and glencoe!)
  11. the day i bought my first trials bike was the first time i ever started a bike or rode a bike only 5 years later did i buy a road bike and passed my test. now i just have trials and trail bikes.
  12. the easy route is the easy route.. it asks nothing of the rider just that its easy . the beginners route is for beginners and those who dont want to ride the novice etc routes. personally i've been riding for 15 years i rride the easy / beginners route i drop less than 10. if i had to ride a harder route i wouldnt ride at all. if you dont finish last on only your second trial your doing okay you'll get better and if youth and skill are on your side in a year you couldnt care less what happens on the easy route
  13. Excellent.. you made your bike the same colour as your garage door.
  14. i've not done it but have seen it done. the leg of the modern fork is reduced on the lathe to fit inside the original p65 outer. i'd strongly reccomend someone to do it for you the modern fork is taken to a very very thin state and it must be a nice tight fit in the old leg so too much and its scrap too little and the p65 legs cracks as the two are eased together an engineering bottle test was how it was described to me.. and with roadholders very rare and thus expensive and mazzochis 150 a pair i wouldnt test my owm bottle.
  15. http://mavt.homestead.com/AJS.html
  16. Its clear that some clubs and events have clear and freely available rules and others less so. the real issue is whay are the rules not enforced. For the answer you probably have to go back to p65 origins when old brit trials irons (4T) were dragged from sheds across britain. the emphasis was on oily old bikes that the fun was in riding by blokes who rode them back in the day. in the intervening years. many of those same blokes retired and now draw attactive pensions with little else to spend it on. skilled enginneers found them selves retired with time on thier hands and older former 'works' and ' former' national standard riders found themselves spending time with thier old buddies who lavished time and money making the bike better. 15/20 years on the baton is now being carried by much younger men ( brought up on a diet of twinshocks) who are demanding twinshock standard sections and 'P65@ bikes capable of tackling them. of course a sprinkling of excellent enginners and riders from the old guard remain and theyhave not stood still in thier bike development. so why arent rules 'enforced'? well clubs are run by and for thier members and they must like what direction the sport is moving and so things move forward. The club i am a member of has robust rules but bikes in the spirit of are not turned away although many riders have been the subject of ' a quiet word in the ear'
  17. carried my royal enfield on the back of a punto and a polo so as above you probably wont know its there on the back of an audi
  18. clearly the number of people volunteering without been asked is insuffcient so some incentive is required. Hilary pointed out some time ago the money that was been 'made' by clubs and this surely should be spent to ensure a days sport takes place. Hilary spoke of boxes of biscuits from M&S ( other biscuits are available) in posts above i see
  19. digging furtehr into the archive i have come across a copy of the motorcycle dated 7 january 1965 it includes reports of the vic brittan trail and three others. in all the reports and lists of results the word bultaco is mentioned twice once under a photo of sam ''on the little bultaco'' and once beside his name in the results. no one else rode a bultaco in any of the trials reprted that week. in the same issue in the classified ads Comerfords have two entries. the first under 'Bultaco' Come to comerfords for the fantastic bultaco trials, ditributors for london and the SE. Orders accepted now for delivery early january. then under 'trials and scrambles' Come to Comerfords, new 1965 models in stock. greeves tfs
  20. i believe that 'Gauntys' villiers carb was heavily modified, much further than just jets etc. I think mick Grant runs a villiers lawnmower carb on his Ariel, but i wouldnt pop down B + Q and get one.
  21. Always on the look out for the unusual at good value I came across this on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT I cant find any reference to them in my magazines/ books except for in the sandham/ Dickinson four stroke finale
  22. from the archives.. i have sets of old mags and i've given them a good coat of looking at.. i havent evry magazine from every week / month but enough to give some light to the question.. was the m10 available for sale before dec31st 1964? Motorcycle dated 5th november 1964 ''after much speculation it is now certain that the British experts on nov 28th will be the last occasion we will have the chance of seeing Sammy Miller in action on his featherweight 500 Ariel. From December 1 he will be part of the rickman metisse concern and will be busy on development of the Bultaco trials machine. his bike is expected to arrive in this country in a couple of weeks. from the same issue in an article headed '' Butaco Metisse listed'' the last two paragraphs are... '' ... Rickmans are now the British concessionaries for Bultaco machines, they will be importing the 124cc TSS and the 196 cc Metralla.., A trials two-fifty, which sammy miller has assisted in developing will be announced in the near future'' From Motorcycle sport dated febuary 1965 but available in the shops jan 18th 1965.. in all the event reports and an article on road trials and two articles on the dominance of cubs, bultaco is mentioned three times but each is linked as sammy miller's bultaco the clearest evidence is that the earliest advertisment i can find is in the same issue of motorcycle sport (dated feb 65 but available on jan 18th) for earliest delivery order now bsa victor
  23. shame you cant get enough entries to get it off the ground, if you genuinely think its do-able on a twinshock why not fire it off at traditionla trials championship std with perhaps an eased route.. us no good riders always like a ride out and our moneys the same as an experts.
  24. to quote from'historia de la sherpa T' interest led to Oriel Puig Bulto and tom Ollerton entered the 1964 ssdt on sherpa N. the following year miller famously built /much modified the N on which he competed in mid november. orders were taken in the december for bikes. they are listed as in production 64 -67. they were certainly imported by Rickmans in 65. my solution would be rather to prove the bike is ineligble would be to ask the competitor to prove it is eligble.
  25. no its even simpler than that.. you can put your foot down as many times as you like as long as you keep moving then you wont get more than 3 if your front wheel stops moving forward you get the 5
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