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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. c15 .. just the ticket for a budget build
  2. perhaps not as mechanically effective but they were good enough for don smith to get a second in the ssdt
  3. like that alan! thinking out of the box a solution that throws up even more questions, going to garage for more coats of looking at..
  4. tired of hitting the wrong lever on the cub after riding my beta . the cure would seem to be moving the brake lever over to the right, and using a cable instead of brake rod. anyone experience of this( did don smith do it on Greeves, was it done on bultacos'?) if so what should it look like or have you a picture. or can you reference or link a picture cheers yours in the garage..TS
  5. scorpa have in recent years 'gone in search of the buck' with new developments like the t ride ( all woeful failures) whilst in the meantime sports such as enduro(hare /hounds, and cross country events) have boomed. beta have gone in the right direction, gasgas are there but the sport remains dominated by one manufacturer ktm, giving plenty of space for a competant reliable machine which could have been a scorpa..
  6. either way to an onlooker it looks disorganised ( and i take highland lassies point because it isnt organised) so from a start point the organisers should agree what good would look like and appoint a person to ensure it becomes reality. i'd propose that the parc ferme remains as is, with the addition of rigid style covered area for start and finish each day this could also be used for scrutineering and admin i'd propose that the importers ' repair and support' areas are adjacent to the sea front under one or two covered areas with spectator viewing areas cordoned off inside the area i'd propose similer 'trade areas' isnide and under cover of another 'tent' perhaps more than one. i'd propose that the carpark is vehicle free other than importers and 'trade' barons ( tyre truck) i'd propose designated catering area with perhaps the local WI or similer having cakes and tea/coffee in another catering tent alongside the 'butty vans' easy for me to say but i hope that it might just strike a chord with someone better placed than i to implement change best wishes
  7. having had time to mull over a proper reply i believe that the present venue is okay. the parc ferme is secure and visible and a great advertisement for the trial ( and been outdoors means the bikes do have to be relaible to stand outside for 7 days and nights) as for the trade area i believe this is what lets the area down. at present we have fragmented 'trade barons ' importers and stand alone retailers. all have different stands in size and design. i'd propose putting the lot on a more organised formal basis to the benifit of all. erect two large framed tents, one for the importers to use for 'repairs and support' and the other to retailers who could ply there trade from stalls inside the covered area. this would remove the need for all the vans cars etc on the site freeing up space and opening up the possibility of making the whole show more proffesional.
  8. Yorkshire classic allow ANY cub to run a dellorto.. strange but true.. get to the agm put in a proposal and see if it will get voted through..
  9. back cowm rochdale .. all day sat and sunday except for the last weekend of the month only an hour and half from the lakes..
  10. same problem every july.. scarborough have run a two day p65 for a considerable time and all the yorkies and lancs lads ride there. the lake district sammy miller trial has been run for 4/5 years now and its mainly twin shocks ( tlrs..) they had no side cars and only one trailbike entry there is'nt room for both never mind others on the same weekend
  11. got to agree moto merlin is speedy and cheap got some stuff and good advice for my gasgas last week as for the fork seals hhaving no camera film this weekend i used the plastic film from a lightbulb packet on sunday morning and it worked a treat..
  12. turn up at your first event with the form filled in and an envelope and the cheque for the acu the club secretary wil do the rest ( you'll have to join the club at the same time) say please and thank you,,,
  13. was it colour or B/W and if you cant get Kodachrome anymore is ilford as good
  14. if you empty the gearbox and let it run in neutral on the stand does it smoke pour oil out of the exhaust ( it will at first as the residue burns away) but it should run clear eventually.. no oil in gearbox no smoke // always look for the easy answer before taking stuff to bits
  15. the bike certainly sounds to be burning a lot of oil. have you measured how much is left in the gearbox after running the bike. that will either rule the gearbox oil in or out as the culprit.
  16. am i right then in that you think it is burning gearbox oil because oil is 'pouring' from an exhaust joint? if you have no other evidence than that then its not gearbox oil but premix!run the bike very lean for a tank of gas at about 50ml of oil for 5litres of fuel then run on 70ml of oil for 5 litre of fuel that could be the issue. but certainly do not strip it down if oil from the exhaust is the only evidence. if you driane dthe gearbox oil (when warm) and refilled with recommended amount are you getting close to that when next you drain it?
  17. i suppose the good news is that gasgas usa have some excellent video on youtube. from the video the contact points between g/box and engine are clear and frankly relatively small. if oil is entering the engine directly from the box it can only be via this joint. is the surface of the joint flat and level/ does it have the even the slightest of casting bubbles or imperfections? when dry assembled with no gasket and a little enginners blue is the joint/ contact point complete? are you using the gasket dry or are you using a 'smear' of sealant on both sides of the gasket. if the joints are complete and your using new gaskets with a smaer of sealant when you take the old ones off is there any sign of gasket failure at the gasket? if the answer is that oil is not enetring via this joint then it must be exiting the box via a bush /bearing and entering the engine via the mains bearing..a pretty unlikely though possible route i would concentrate on the gearbox/ engine joint surfaces making sure they are both flat and level and then ensuring that the gasket and the slighteast smaer of sealant are 100% i would take care when bolting the crankcase halves together to tighten slowly and each bolt a half turn at a time and tighten the opposite bolts so that possible warping or twisting can be eliminated. any 'leak' will only be small so the slightest difference will make a difference.. good luck
  18. are you absolutely sure that it is gear box oil? if you run the engine with zero oil in the box what happens/ if it is the g/box oil how much is being burnt. castings 'may' be pourous but if the amount of oil is such that it accumaltes in the silencer very quickly then that cannot be 'just' a pourous casting. i'd have a look at a schematic for the engine/box and understand at what points oil could enter the engine and work from that
  19. what do they weigh in relation to a rev3.
  20. one of this sites sponsers motomerlin has them most of the time. well worth the mullah,
  21. well normally asimmediately that i've stumped up the tenner the moniker appears.. for the tenner you get to see all the photos and video that is on site instead of just half a dozen snaps and no videwo
  22. As the photo and others were on this site yesterday afternoon i dont think Andy will be that bothered..... the rad filler looks like a bodge..
  23. http://www.betatrialuk.com/ Demande de John, il pourrait ne pas parler fran
  24. just back from this excellent trial, nice rideable traditional sections with a great ride round the fells and farms. big thank you and well done to the organisers...
  25. thanks for that scrumpy... like a doh nut i entered think it was the newbiggin just outside kendal.. Doh.. the ride out from windermere will do me good though..
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