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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. phw i didnt realise that there was so much hanging around waiting for your go at stuff...
  2. give Lampkins a call speak to gary, the parcel will be with you tommorow am. I think though that the prices are about right
  3. Araldite , a six inch nail and a yorkshire screwdriver it'll be fixed in a jiffy...
  4. Rossi is the new mick doohan and is simply the best rider in town
  5. bike choice for p65 is highly individual and you need to ask yourself some questions first. will you be riding to take part or to be competative? competative would require a cub, james, ariel, or triumph twin. will you want RTR or build your own. build your own is NEVER cheaper. building a bike from bits is long and never cheap. RTR is never quite that but for an additioanl 100- 500 a bike can be traillable and reliable. do you want to ride or 'develop' 'engineer' a bike? rideable bikes are bantams and other simple 2t more obscure makes engine combinations will require 'engineering' as for licences oop north most clubs are amca and in 15 years ive not had a licence only for the few acu modern trials i ride.
  6. 550 in the gearbox, and put 70ml in 5 litres of juice. http://www.trialsport.com.au/beta/Manuals/2006/rev3.pdf
  7. totalshell

    Leaking Problem

    drilling and glueing worked on mine not 100% but enough to make a difference. set up is everything, cleanliness is next to godlyness etc... http://www.kdmototrials.com.au/Tech_MIKUNIFix1.pdf http://www.r2wtrials.co.uk/html_files/betacarbsetup.html
  8. as above an 08 was 3400 and last week i was offered a new evo 09 for 4k cash. 09 evo's have started to come on the market at 3200/3350. a used 08 would be about 2500 plus in good nick
  9. check out the yorkshire site. plenty of decent bantams appearing there now. steve thomas was one of the first in recent times and his bike although certainly not a spoit and polish special is probably the most competative http://www.yorksclassictrials.co.uk/images...ection4_JPG.jpg http://www.yorksclassictrials.co.uk/images...SteveThomas.JPG http://www.yorksclassictrials.co.uk/images...MickHaslam..JPG http://www.yorksclassictrials.co.uk/images...lDriffield..JPG http://www.yorksclassictrials.co.uk/images...kDriffield..JPG
  10. 'Flappit' above keighley on the Halifax road is free..open 24/7 but its trials use is limited ( but it is BIG) as its full of MX and Enduro and 4x4. ride over to rochdale for back cowm its a tenner each for all day saturday or sunday and its BIG and LOADS of great trials stuff.
  11. for an absolute beginner get hold of a copy of bernie shriebers 'observed trials' loads of really useful info about the basics ..keeping centred etc. also you see that a carpark is the best place to practice get the carpark stuff down before you even think about getting the bike dirty..
  12. do you think the most mainstream air time was recieved by LWR or the dakar, were more dvd's sold of lwr or dakar. the exposure that bmw recieved was imense compared to that of ktms desert victories. as for support trucks etc.. the two of them love to ride bikes ..fair play, the prog put adventure bikeing on the mainstream telly fair play, they did it in a way ( doctors support etc, that none of us could afford) no problem with that. that the adventure wasnt pure like what we would do ( dream of doing) is niether here or there. the thing is they did it and we got it on tv 24/7. as for ktm pulling out.. no problem with that. the world spins round. Cagiva and yamaha were once the names and arent any more. peugoet / mitsubushi cars ran away with the thing, dont anymore . dark will follow light, to be followed by light
  13. i'm comfortably over 15 stone ( a tight fit under 100kg) you'll defo feel the difference with a new tyre but as a 'new' rideri'd suggest hanging on with the old for a month or two. firstly summers here ish and things will be drying up so grip will be coming. secondly no matter what your throttle control will only get better as you look for grip on a 'used' tyre whn practicing do less steps etc and practice more pulling away from standing start on loose slopes etc, use a slow throttle body and be gentle
  14. totalshell

    Cota 247

    if its being stood with water in the crankcases its nevr going to be ' loose' enough to spin freely. the surfaces of the bearings will be corroded and pitted and will break up at they turn. you may start it with a bit of luck and effort, but it will not run well or for very long. then when it does stop it will be mechanically seized because something has physically broken and jammed and that will be altogether more expensive to repair than where you are now. better to strip it now and salvage what you can. new bearings, seals, rebore, piston, rings, rod etc shoulkd get it going..
  15. widen the swinging arm. move the pegs back and down ( ala cub) use d14 barall and head
  16. 04 pampera. the spindle is stepped with a spacer approx 2 mill hard up on the inside of the nearside fork ( say its a spacer but its more like a thick washer for the bearing to butt up to. every thing seems boilted up true but the wheel is well out of the centre. looking at gasgas usa site ive all the bits and in the right place but it is certainly not central being only about 8mm from one leg and 15 from the other
  17. changed the front tyre this pm ( first time i've had the front wheel off in the couple of weeks i've had the bike) when all put back together its no longer centred between the forks. i've had it apart a zillion times since and it just wont centre up with the tyre been only about 8mm from the offside fork leg. i've a big spacer and thats where it came from beside the nearside fork but i cant see what or why the wheels not central ( without the spacer the wheel dont turn and the brake fouls the disc)
  18. thanks for that.. now wheres my ''how to ride trials without putting your feet down'' by Cent I Pede
  19. great question.. i was about to ask the same.. one of the areas where virtually all organisers could help encourage new riders is to be clear in trial location. many such as this trial are well known to regulers but for new or not local riders locations can be often misleading or unhelpful and probably result in phone calls to secretarys. with todays mass usage of sat nav would postcodes help?
  20. totalshell

    How Do I......

    dont greas the hole when you fit the bearing , over time it will dry and 'glue' the thing in. the temp change by putting the bearings in the freezer over night is not suffcient to make a noticable difference to thier size. hot water will not be hot enough to get them out unless they've been out revently . get a torch ready and apply for a minute or so then the thing will drop out.
  21. totalshell

    What Do I Need?

    i ride every weekend on a beta. i have my beta box of bits. 13/10/8mm spanners, set of allen keys, plug spanner, spare plug, 2t oil, gearbox oil, airfilter oil, airfilter cleaner, chain cleaner, chain lube, foot pump, pressure guage, wd40, baby milk jug ( for measuring 2t oil) phillips screw driver and small flat blade screw driver ( for carb adjustment) and one final thing..... JLI phone number and a FAT WALLET...
  22. you do and 'you dont' need to pay the acu. your supposed to have an acu licence ( its a tenner and you get a yellow card with your picture on) you can leave the application form with the guy/lady when you sign on at the trial and they may send it of for you. turn up at the trial and join the queue of people signing on , fill in the entry form and ask to ride the easisest route possible... i'll repeat that.. the easiest route possible, no matter what a god you are in the car park how your the bou of your street how you can do stoppies till the cows come home .. if its your first trial do the easiest route.. you'll probably be asked to join the club (ie give them a fiver/tenner)
  23. welcome to messing about with old bikes.. getting the carb set up for slow running is easy once you know what to do monobloc carb.. http://www.amalcarb.co.uk/documents/Click%...0and%20Tips.pdf mk1 concentric.. http://www.amalcarb.co.uk/documents/Click%...0and%20Tips.pdf ...
  24. that looks wet rather than carboned up. the carbon would be like charcoal that you can scrape off with a plastic ruler or a credit card.what does the insid eof the cylinder head look like is it dry or wet if you say its knocking i suppose you mean like someones tapping the top of the piston with a hammer as you roll off the gas and the revs go down to idle then it should just need leaning off . what does the plug look like. is it dry or wet
  25. dont live with it sort it.. mine knocked for england. whipped the head off cleaned all the carbon off only run super unleaded then leaned it off a little on idle and hey presto no knockers..
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