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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. thanks for that pete just the ticket, if the suns not too hot tomorrow the bushes are coming out. do you run standard sprokets..
  2. Recently bought an 04 mk3 pampera 250 with the intention of riding sammy miller rounds and classic long distance trials. i've changed the bars for trials renthals, re positioned levers, put trials tyres front and rear and i've had the grinder out and had the pillion footrests off and all other lumps and bumps. i'm making up some front mudguard brakets so that the high and wide moto cross style front guard can be replaced with a modern trials fender. what other mods are profitable? will the footrests move down and back on the main frame? any more weight thats begging to be lost? what gearing are you using, what fuel /oil ratio and plugs?
  3. if you'd bought a new VW car and after 1 week it spluttered and stopped, would you lift the bonnet change the plugs and put a new ignition switch on then go to an internet forum and ask what you can 'fix' next.........
  4. WOOOOOW. remeber those 'stadium ' sections riding in and out of skips well raga shows how it should be done...
  5. second that. the guys were really helpful when i went in. only thing i would say with buying online or postal with trials stuff is that the sizing aint to any sort of std. shoes i'm a 43 but gaerne boots i',m a 45 and diadora even bigger. being a fat boy i 'm 41 waist but hebo jeans i,m only a large. so ask and ask again when ordering..
  6. those 09 bikes cost over 4200 very few people are buying them fewer still will be letting them go after 6- 8 months and then those that do will be wanting 3300 - 3500 so be honest look for a clean bike two or 3 years old and get a decent deal. i had the chance of a fantastic 09 evo for 3300 cash but in the ned will it be better than my modified and excellent condition 03 probably will i drop less marks yes but not enough to justify dropping over 3k on the table
  7. the ACU's website is PANTS. for the national organisation for ALl motorcycle sport it is frankly an embaressement the people responsible should look at other sites and understand how much more user friendly they are. we might only pay a tenner each but we deserve better than this..
  8. i was the second bidder if its the bike that went for 727! ( norton 500T though is mine!!)
  9. 90kg.. lightweight!!! i'm 100k and my 250 beta has never run out of steam , my cub rarely flusters so 250 is more than adequate. As for which to choose go to the ssdt site and see how many riders rode each brand. the hardest/ best 300 riders in the world will know better than anyone which bike is best for 80 - 110 miles a day for a full week and competant in knee deep water and happy to scale the hardest sections possible.
  10. totalshell

    '09 Raga

    2009's wake up call is the real cost of new bikes.. you get a lot of bike for your 4300 and a fantastic bike for 5300 some are asking 7k. these are the worlds ultimate trials motorcycles yours is very similer to the one that raga lampkin ride. what other sport can boast that. they are all imported so distribution costs are not low. add the poor value of the pund ( been on hoilday to france/ spain recently) add protected spanish italian french employment laws and you have a niche market where costs are not going to fall.. only rise ( despite negative inflation) you can now though buy other serious stuff for 7k and this is where trials manufacturers will start to lose out as thier product becomes price comparable with a new car, performance road bikes etc.. what price a motoircycle scrappge scheme.. i'd be first in the queue for a brand new bike with two k off...
  12. did just this with my 03 put blck rear guard with a black front and used the sxs stiker kit, clean tidy and stickers are TUFF
  13. totalshell

    Rev 3 2004

    clean eahaust and repack muffler.. exhausts in 3 bits front pipe, mid pipe and tail pipe take the tail pipe off and remove the plastic end cap ( wearing rubber gloves) get all the stuffing out , the perforated piep will come out too, chuck the stuffing. clean the remains in petrol or diesel wipe clean, phone gary at lampkins and get a silencer cassete ( preformed nois stopping thing) slide it on to perforated pipe slide whole lot into silencer. refix to pipe. front pipe whip it off and fill it which petrol let it stand all day if poss. take it outside on a hard pavement patio a set light to it it will burn for 5 minutes easy. allow to cool scrape all the gubbins out with a coat hanger. if still packed with carbon repeat until proper shiney ( well cleanish) refit. dont attempt to clean the middel pipe with petro ofr anthing else its packing burns and is non replaceable. a new mid pipe is the only alternative but at 170 squid it would have to be badly blocked to warrant it.
  14. totalshell


    keep it simple if your just going to ride club trials simple= cheap and plenty of smiles per
  15. in a non stop trial the bike must not cease forward motion. hopping on the back wheel could get you a five
  16. whose that guy putting everyone off with his flash gun....
  17. theres one big problem with buying one bike in china... getting the thing here and paying for it.. do you seriuosly think that the money you'd save by buying factory door would be substantially less than that you spend transporting the thing to a docks, palletting/ containering it up paying for boat space waiting 3 months then getting to the docks to unpack it.. how much is that adventure going to cost.. only to discover oops no front wheel.. much better to go down the dealer make a choice and get the real deal.
  18. they could ride them boys..
  19. save up.... not a nice answer but for all the buggering about thats what i'tll have to be. your life depends on that nipple and more importantly so does your score on a sunday morning..
  20. nice looking bike and very interesting comparison of chin/sprokets weight. i'd have thought that if you turned up at kinlochleven with it you'd ride the first time but might be 'unlucky' in the draw for future rides. the husky bits although period (easily) dont fall easily into the description of 'british' in the regs..
  21. now having had chance to review the days scores for wednesday a clear pattern emerges of the reason for the scores at loch eilde cottage no.s 1 to 90 were riding at the rear having had thier early days on mon tues. i left the cottage to route march back to kinlochleven after approx. 100 riders had ridden the section and at this stage it was as described above very rideable with no white water. the rain at this point really started to fall and with a head wind we were soon walking into a toerential rain storm. after an hour we were at the opposite end of the loch just as the observers were starting to discuss abandoning the section. the section was truely white water at that time and becoming difficult to see the rock climb at all behind the waterfall if the amount of water in that section at that time was duplicated back at the 'cottage' then when dougie and others ( juan knight, andy cripps, harry L) then they must have faced a similer white water scenario. the scores of riders no. 1 to approx. 90 refects this . riders at the head of the field 100 + all having very low or zero drop marks contrasting with those in the 50/60/70/80 having 5's and threes. that the observers remained at thier posts is to there credit the fishing bothy no doubt making it slightly less of an upleasant experience. praise also to the two lads manning the fuelling point 50 yards away on the brow of the hill with no shelter but the refuelling tent it cant have been pleasant.
  22. having 'challenged' the official reporting of the p65 its only right that now been in a position to record my 'holiday in the highlands ' this may i should do so. a mere 364 miles after leaving home i pulled into the carpark at 5.30 sunday the parade was over and bikes were under lock and key in the PF. much was as normal althoug there were no vans from the tyre barons, and the army were doing the refuleiing but using 'hired' vehicles for the week ( transit flatbed and ford pickups) up early on monday and perhaps 50 saw the first rider pipped away by a wee lady piper ( who quickly sought the dry and warmth of her car after the first rider had left) fast as legally able we got to trotters burn as the first riders were leaving, parking was available along the narrow single track road but the constabulary were out the day before with hundreds of cones. the sections lowere down were straight forward enough the water levels were benign the top section though was the mark taker a steep 8 foot rock climb sorted the top boys out ( who made it look effrotless) those less skilled or just unluky had to be plucked from the pool at the bottom as bikes hung from the top of the rock or worse still followd them back into the burn, one scorpa fell so hard it sparked as it bounced and took the fuel cap clean of the tank!! those with an eye on saturdays finish wisely started the section but turned left and out just before the rock climb. the weather at this stage was wet but not windy the rain soft but persistant. next we were off to the ferry at corran but were lead astray by the sirens at the morrisons cafe ( full scottish braekfast toast and tea a fiver) so made an early arrival at laghana. what a well set up group the locals had the community hall all set up teas coffee soup ( tomato or veg) and the best selection of WI cakes for many miles an excellent effort by the ladies whilst the men took a couple of quid to park us on the football pitch and then when full across the road at the farm. despite the requests on here and from the organisers two quid was too much for some to bear and they had to ride or drive to virtually the sections themselves!! the first couple in the beck behind the farm were traditional fare with football sized boulders rolling around in the fast but shallow water. the main meat though was a couple of hundred yards away steep rocky sections with a difficulty rating of close to 10. very few cleans on the hardest section and again the qualities of those better riders is to be admired but also disected. Doug's bike control and confident competant style can only be marvelled at. Harrys bravado and moto cross style is no less effective whilst the younger 'bouncers' like to leave the section with a hop of celebration if clean. dougs routine at sections is worth noting. he walks the length of each section then when walking back down every five yards or so he turns and reviews those few yards before descending a few more yards and turning to check again then at the start turns and checks one more time. a real pro as he follows this from the hardest to most simple sections. it did really rain at laghana and the level of the water rose and fell throughout the afternoon but in practical terms made little or no difeerene to the sections themselves. tuesday and up with the larks again at 7.30 to check the previous days results in PF. unsurprisingly it was raining already..Our first section was at alggan locksa nd how riders must have breathed a sigh of relief for despite the rain there was no water apparent at either of the two sections! the first was in a modest gully with the 20 or so spectators standing on either side looking down on the riders. the section had some decent boulders 2 foot or so to negotiate but the hardest part was finding grip on the vbery loose surface which was mainly grit and fist sized stones. Katy was probably the first clean at the fist section here. the second section was longer but on a much easier gradiant and being 6 foot wide there were plenty of possible routes and the section proved clenable by most infact the applause ussually reserved for cleans was given only to those who found troiuble and got out of it with a dab or two. then on to creag linne (spelt very badly) via a massive map reading error. standing at the bottom of the first section where the massed ranks of the lampkin clan with big mart playing with the youngest who was seen astride a bike and taking a keen interest in the handlebars whist other young lampkins barely old enough to go to school demonstrated thier skills riding thier variuos push bikes down the muddy slope. A little like a Yorkshires version of the Spartan initiation test! the bottom section had a stiff leap between rocks that was attempetd by many and cleaned by a good few many escaped with a dab few fives were reported and i saw non asked for a good section that everyone could ride and have a go at. the next had riders gulping as they were faced by a 15 foot rock face that had to be tackeld from virtually a standing start from a deep rock pool. again though the plotters had it right the rock had grip and determination luck and or skill had a high proportion making the ends cards and into the next sub immediately . this had everyone scrathcing heads and doug harry and mart gave it a good coat of looking at and watching how others fared and failed before settling on the right line. once chosen ot became the line of choice and many cleans were made of the off camber climb then the ride along a knife edged rock. the final two subs had a massive boulder ight on the ends of the first and start of the next sub. i'm glad i didnt have to observe. only the brave attempted the boulder head on other chose to take two or three dabs and worked there way around the rock. on the way back to town we stooped briefly at forest edge a steep section in a gully which ended with a boulder at the end of a very yneven climb cleans werent so frequent but were roundly applauded. one rider waited for his mate ( who failed at the last step) and when asking how had he done said it couldnt have been that good as he'd not heard any applause!! my record of events from wenesday is in another thread but to finish a big well done to the organisers to see the 'juggernaut ' persevere in such conditions is incredible, support for the event from locals seemed unanimous,' radio nevis for talking to themselves in the Pf. the very wet teams who supported riders each day upon thier return the landladies for drying kit each night the observers and those soaked desert rats well done one and all..
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