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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. i chronicled my similer adventures a couple of years ago. sure a 'sealant might work but it doesnt stop the rest of the case corroding there is probably a fair bit under the propeller as well. root cause turns out to be the cavitation of the fluid in that area. replaceing the case is a couple of hours work ( worst bit is getting the sump plate back on) case costs about 75 quid i think.
  2. the question when buying anything is ' what is the opportunity cost?' by buying something new what will you gain? and what will you lose? list both and make your decision for example gains new 06 bike confidence new bike brings losses 1800 quid reliable old bike i did just the same when offered a 'new' 250 4t recently and went from a sure thats for me! to a what do i really gain that equals the 3K spend..
  3. totalshell

    Beta Rev3

    for your piston you need lampkins ( click on the beta link at the top of the page) for your chroming ( does it need chroming and not boring?) you need the piston and rings then send them with your barral to langtofts in weston supermare ( details in TMX) dont konw the price of a piston but chroming a baral will set you back just shy of 110 quid
  4. beta neutral almost impossible to find with bike running, snicks right in when stopped. first to second can be a bitch not all the time easy to fluff up changes when motoring at speed. bike likes its oil changed reguler very reguler about every fourth trial. bike will sometimes want to move forward in 1st with clutch lever pulled in but not all time just let the lever out and pull it back in should sort it. if its only slipping in 6th leave it alone nothing wrong (officially) with that.
  5. with the choice of one or the other what does each bike bring to the party?
  6. Gaunty has no form at the moment, maxfield;s leading the normandale but under achievs at the scottish, can carlos keep his cool, calvert likes the rocks and has form. gasacoigne wont win overalll on his ariel. if calvert doesnt win thame carlos as my next bet. other than that ... none of the above
  7. Whats a pay rise. guy next door had his pay cut by 15% last wek. on the other side the new mum was made redundant on her first day back. if you had got a rise equvilant to inflation.. do you think 0.5% would make that big a difference
  8. totalshell

    New Beta Owner

    swinging arm play, if the arm literally moves sideways chack how tight the nut is on the spindle. might save time( lots) and money (lots and lots) if tightening the nut (22mm) doesnt help consider this how bad is the play is it going to make a difference.. because the 120 quid for 4 bearings 4 bushes and a replacement spindle and nut does make a difference.. the silencer, the end of the can is held on by 2 screws, the can is held on the frame with one bolt undo the bolt and just pull it off the exhaust pipe. whip the two screws out and pull the plastic end off. the thing is stuffed with fibre if its gnarly and black its toast, pull it all out the perforated tube will come out too. lampkins will sell you a 'cartrideg to push bak in its place for 25 quid or buy a bag of stuffing off the tinternet for about a tenner and stuff it in fairly tight. reassembel and the thing will be quiet. brakes, hike the back end up and watch the pads going in and out .. chack whats wrong before stripping it down .. know your enemy.. as for the carb before stripping the thing is the airfilter clean and oiled ok, is all the fuel new ( super unleaded) and at the right oil ratio (70ml per 5 litres) is the airbox spotless..
  9. wow that thing didnt want to come out.. unlike most bolts /shafts that once they start moving your on your way .. not this mother way no. it wanted to play rough and needed 2lb of persuasion for every hard fought mm still can only be one winner.. thankfully Garys got another spindle in the post as we speak
  10. cheers for that, the hex head of the bolt is a little soft and i was worried it might be mush by the time i got it turning. now i know it'll push out i'll be outside with a yorkshire screwdriver...
  11. other than the nut on the left side is the spindle threaded or does it just 'slide in and tighten on the nut. trying to get it out nuts off but do i whack it good and proper or is it screwed in.. must come out tonite.. cheers
  12. to take out the movement in the rear arm you'd need to have an inner and outer cable ( like on a push bike) i'd use mountain bike brake cable ( its nice and thick) solder on the nipples you'd need some form of adjuster and again a robust mountain bike screw would do the trick. i'd make up a proto type and once happy make the real deal.
  13. Cost /price / value what ever you want to call it must be the root cause. the bikes are undoubtedly great, very relaible. the one Bou rides is certainly ridden by the best trials rider in the best form in the world. i suspect that if they were not collecting world championships there works effort and then the business itself may fold. they must make a loss on every bike. trials is a niche market in a niche (offroad) market which itself is a niche market in the motorcycle market which is then a niche in the motor vehicle market. bike manufacture will continue but prices will rise to an economic level.
  14. How John Boy must love trials like The Ilkley Grand National. Even though it was relatively mild this year ( hail and hurricane force winds at the start) my shopping list for tommorow isn't short. the exhaust took a swipe on a wall ( that was initially on my left before the 180 degree spin) that whacked the bolt holding the silencer, the bobbin holding the lot on then let go with a lap to go leaving the thing flapping like washimg in the wind. the left subframe got cracked ( who knows where or when) the rear pads are down to the metal ( well a knats body hair from the metal) and to top that the head bearings are now 'crunchy' having said all that all that can be expected from riding at lunatic speeds for the best part of two hours how to sort out the swinging arm bearings though is the point of the question. thers a tad of movement on one side so i'll change now while the things stripped any problems or do they just fall into your lap?
  15. Big round of applause for the Ilkley club and there observers for todays time and observation trial. starting in a hail storm the moors were not friendly although despite recent heavy rain they were surprising firm ( ish). The course was also a little shorter than recent years, tree plamting taking out one of the old 'reguler' sections ( and with trees planted right on the only line never to be ridden again. also exiting kex gill riders were routed back west and then up the hill to avoid areas of eroded peat, descending the moor a new route ( much much drier ) was used and a terriffic section in / up the side of a gully . the ilkley stalwarts regrettably didnt quite fill the 60 places but they do lay on a terrfificly well organised event. many thanks..
  16. previously i owned a 1927 austin 7 special that i used for a number of years in vscc and atc events as well as navigation rallies and for hill climbs. the chance has come to buy something similar but more exotic that would mean the whole family can have a day out in the countryside other than just dad on his bike. so with one fell swoop i can have my cake ( the car) and eat it ( keep the mrs happy)
  17. I have the ( very rare) opportunity to buy the trials car of my dreams. Unfortunately a national company has a couple of grand of mine that i cant have back until mid/ late april, that was to be my deposit. So with my old mums words ( never a borrower or lender be) in my ear something has to go to free up the cash. i certainly dont expect a couple of grand for the thing but current market value for a resonably sorted well treated bike. if not it can be wheeled back into the garage and i'll have to get really angry with above mentioned company.. ( dont start me i'll explode!!) better pictures when the sun comes out and the camera is charged, until then the only ones are these that i had on the pooter..
  18. change front and reear sprokets for larger. it will reduce revs ( less fuel) and still leave the bike more than capable of the nadgery. i'd expect to easily get 15 miles from the 3 litres with that.
  19. my thoughts were similar to Jordis until i checked out how much 'racers' pay for a licence compared to our tenner a year..
  20. my gaernes are ten years old, they get power washed after every wet/ mucky trial and just left if the trial was dry only twice put dubbing on them .. there still good to go
  21. Glad to hear that the 'also rans; are being considered. not all beginners are young or new to the sport so a day out where i can expect to ride the sections not walk through them astride my bike is what i want. i have ridden the bradford and yeadon begginers rounds so far this year ( first year on a modern after a number of years in p65) and have forund them to be comparable to yorkshire classic clubmans route. the idea of a 50/50 at this route is ideal as i may be able to ride the easier route i do want to get better ( at 46 its never too late..) the main differences from p65 been the steepness of the climbs and the drop offs and step ups. i for one will be there if i survive the ilkley grand national the day before.. ( yet to finish after 5 years of trying!! but this year will be different..)
  22. totalshell

    Beta Rev 3

    use any 'branded' super unleaded. buy from the busiest garages so that the stock is fairly fresh. with pFS tanks holding 20k litres super can sit about a bit so hunt out a supermarket for best price and newest fuel. as for decoking cant rate a new mid box highly enough replaced mine and the thing was instantly better.. ( thanks to andy at Pennine trialsport for the advice and bits..)
  23. totalshell

    Beta Rev 3 '06

    seconded cleaned the front pipe out and replaced the stuffing in the silencer all nice.. but replaced the middle box for new and clean and WOW..
  24. sorry your right 240 answer to a 200 question. chris undoubtedly knows his stuff and his advice is solid
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