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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. http://www.dcclassicmotorcycles.co.uk/gall...0cc_Mac_Engine/
  2. one for sale in west yorks right now.. very nice more than capable.. lots of money see dave varleys site
  3. tale of two trials.. one emails the entry list inc start times and programme including directions to competitors, the second send every rider an a4 sheet with the entry list in envelopes provideed by the riders start times for individual riders handwritten on the back.. no directions which was more work for the organisers.. when will clubs embrace the internet and what it offers for the price of a couple of hours and nowt else one club offered all you could wish for. for the time taken to print then stuff envelopes then march down the post box another club does 3 or 4 times the work.. no critism of unpaid volunteers .. but make it easy for yourselves if nothing else..
  4. the only thing i'd challenge from the excellent list is what to do if it dont start.. my bike likes choke and no throttle ( starts 1st or second kick.) if after half a dozen kicks she wont go leave a minute then no choke no throttle for another half a dozen . then if she dont start ( and this is where i'd difffer from JL) i wait a minute then grab a full handful of gas with no choke and kick her.. starts defo... ( let go of the big hand of throttle when she does fire!!!)
  5. read through the Beta prep guide for the SSDt ( no plans to do the trial but looking for those handy hints/tips) and saw about changing the stuffing in your silencer. now a month or so ago i did the same thing to the wes box on my fantic, the stuff in the can was in clean and in decent shape but i replaced with new with no performance difference As the Betas doing two trials this weekend and another 30 miler the week after i thought i'd treat it to a Beta 'cassette'
  6. not wanting to be flippant but an OKO is MILES better...
  7. congratulations on a cracking entry ( quality and size) i'll be making a weekend of it and going to bootle fell as well.. but where exactly is the bootle trial/directions..??
  8. this weekends lancs county normandale trial demonstrates how popular with about a dozen of the things lighting up the entry list ( me i chickened and the beta is getting a run out and the sunday at bootle) hope the weather holds as the sun is shining and the skies are blue..
  9. totalshell

    240 Manual

    this is as good as it gets i'm afraid.. though the thing is simple to work on. http://s292.photobucket.com/albums/mm22/fa...antic240manual/ you do need a degree in 'twister' though to get the cylinder head off..
  11. dont mess about with a pressure test get some rad weld and job done.. if your tight chuck an egg in that'll do ( i did all bar two stages on the circuit of ireland way back when with two large eggs in the rad and coca cola in the clutch...)
  12. fast cheap and the stuffs in stock
  13. sammy miler regs.. http://www.acu.org.uk/uploaded/documents/2...HAMP%20REGS.pdf something for your air cooled mono.. http://www.acu.org.uk/uploaded/documents/2...HAMP%20REGS.pdf
  14. is it available from all good retailers or a one off..
  15. I grew up in the early and mid seventies with TMX having loads of evocative black and white photos of bikes in woods,up to the hubs in mud etc. the sort of stuff that to me was magic. the ads were always full of loads of bikes locally never mind nationally and there seemed to be local trials reports every week. with the advent of sites such as this, the arrival of eblag and other sales sites the content of the weekly paper has been ravaged and no doubt its sales. ( no reflection i'm sure of the efforts of a valiant very few in morecambe) i feel that a vibrant weekly trials newspaper/ magazine is a lifeblood of the sport. i believe that more photos and articles on bike prep/set up ( such as featured during foot and mouth) items on riding technique ( schriebers/smiths/leavitts/millers/kings/bournes many books cant all have been pulped interested riders did and still do buy them.. have you bournes, by the way?) after all the excellent tbm has grownen at exactly the time tmx has retreated. long may tmx continue but for how much longer in its presnt format..
  16. i hear dabster but its only a few years since shimano developed a brake lever that was also the gear lever for racing cycles and top end mountain bikes, that too was 'questioned' and now is universal..
  17. totalshell

    Beta Rev 3

    solved my 'knockin' by using the premium unleaded from any petrol station. only costs 5p more. i tried the decokes but it made no difference. do the cheapest thing use more expensive fuel..
  18. having a number of tool boxes ( i'm a central heating engineer) for work i have my sparks box, gas box, soldering box, masonary box, drill box, some have duplicates in one or more boxes but this way i know that if i pick up my soldring box everyhting i could ever need would be in it. same goes for my bikes 3 bikes ( two metric one imperial) just finished putting together a box for my beta. i bought a set of spanners and allen keys, toched every fastner with them then set aside all the spanners/ keys not used so they dont go in the box. added a flat blade screw driver a phillips ( size 2) driver. pliers ( with a cutting edge) i have air filter cleaner and oil, two stroke oil, gear oil, wd40, contact cleaner. tyre pressure gauge. that all fits in a nice biscuit tin and comes to every trial not needed anything else yet...
  19. you could do worse than look through don morleys 'classic british two stroke trials bikes' four pages are devoted to the bikes. many of those involved are still active and i'm sure would be more than willing to give detail if asked ( nicely)
  20. bike have always been stolen. bikes may be stolen by people who follow people home. ( no evidence i have ever seen to substantiate this) lots of trials bikes in yorkshire.. ergo lots get stolen in yorkshire. lots of fingers pointed at places like the 'flappit' near keighley ( certainly bikes have actually been stolen from riders whilst at the flappit HOWEVER very few trials bikes used there now ( 3 on the last sunday i was there) mostly 4 x4 quads and MX. the best defence is keep the bike in a secure building, secure the bike to something in that building. dont advertise its presence ( riding up and down the street, washing on the drive etc) my main finger points at the ACU and AMCA though.. we have to each register to ride in trials why arent bikes registered.. then if someone turns up at a trial on your bike or trys to register your bike.. well there knicked. i'd pay a tenner.. it'd only have to be o the engine and frame no.s how hard cazn that be..
  21. as society has become more risk aware over the last 5 years it has become very difficult to get insurance for a vehicle on the frame and engine numbers alone. for those too young to remember at the end of every street there used to be an insurance broker you went down put yor money on the table and your car / bike was covered. in todays puter age with insurance at the click of a mouse the scenario of temporay cover on a frame/ engine number only is gone. so get down your local broker say hello introduce yourself and say you want a limited miles policy and you want something that will give a cover note on engine / frame number for 2 - 4 weeks. cost wont be an issue as you wont get much if any choice. pay the money register the bike change the details to the reg number. folllowing year you can have a wider choice of insurers .. but.. dont forget the guy who helped you out in the first place.. as for the p65 bike that was registered without being insured.. like me the owner is probably p65 himself and has forgotten.. insurance is essential before registration..
  22. having had a mo to do a little research, i found some photos of olga riding a bantam in 1959 whilst it does have the c11 type forks the rest of the bike bears little/ no resemblance to that on sale at the moment. exhaust/ tank/seat/ guards all noticably very different to olgas...
  23. smoke and mirrors comes to mind. what is the seller actually saying this bike is. he links it to famous riders but offers no direct link or provenance. much is intimated yet nothing is promised. could say '' lashed together in a shed in 1970'' or ''actual bike ridden by X in 1967'' but says niether in which case i refer you to my little knowledge of Latin 'caveat emptor''
  24. Easy in the end. 30 seconds of mapp gas on each corner and the thing dropped out.. i mean dropped out.. new bearings in the freezer overnight ( next to the peas) in a sealed plastic bag so they dont get any moisture in. thanks for all the innovative ideas.. like the rawl plug its crude but effective i dare say. now what can come off next..
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