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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. it happens.. we had a vintage car ( 1927) with two letters followed by two numbers. all well until we got a speeding ticket for doing 76 on a 50 zone on the motorway.. ( not bad for a car with a 750 engine cable brakes and no seat belts..) long story short somebody had seen the car noted the reg number and had a couple of plates made up for thier beemer..
  2. i've changed dozen of car and bike bearings before but these are my first Betas and they are a .. with only the outer race remaining there is no shoulder to 'attack' as they sit on a slim ledge cutting the things out looks the only way, although i read elsewhere on here of a couple of guys who put a bead of weld on the inside and used that to batter the thing out..
  3. ok got my self 4 nice new bearings, for my 03 rev3. rear wheel spindle out , 'top hats' off, how the king ell do the bearings come out? i've heated them up nothing, iv got the dust cover off, broken the cage up inside and got the centre and balls out.. how do i get the outer shell out of the hub.. HELP..
  4. ah photographs.. there in lies a problem.. photographic evidence of a bike that officially doesnt exist is difficult. My wife would be happy to swear i only have two bikes and niether are red. she didnt raise an eyebrow though when the said alloy seat/panels were being painted in the utilities room. on a similar vien how do i convince her that the shiny beta with 2006 plastics is really the old tatty 2003 beta that i've always had. any way back to alloy panels. i 'd seen a lad at our local club with an alloy seat and sidepanels one piece with a rubber seat pad. this was let down i thought by the 'tail' of the tank been bolted down with a hole drilled through the tail and frame below. it is neat but not clean. i've knocked up up proto type panel/seat one piece that ends in a hump over the tank tail and looks quite good, without a pad its hard and slippery ( its amazing how much you sit on a bike you think you stand up on) so a pad is essential. the first proto was really to get the size and shape of the piece sorted so that the next one doesnt take me the best part of a week to cut out snipping a bit here and filing a bit there. i've also got to experiment with drilling some holes for letting out the heat from the exhaust and getting air into the airfilter. it'll have to take a back burner for a couple of weeks though as the joy of the fantic is that the brake and gears are the same as the beta so the cub loses out and goes to the back of the garage whilst the 2t get promoted. had 3 hrs on fantic today on the moors in the snow, bike ran spot on for an hour or more then started to not return to idle especially after downhills (even with the clutch in!!) backing off the tickover worked for a while only for the problem to reappear and then it came and went at its will.. answers on a postcard... ps kicker came via mr wright and its a luverly piece of work.
  5. gulp thethreads older than walking talking youngest kid! 240 is the best twinshock i've ridden. mods on mine are typical i think. yokes are 200 ( handlebar is now mounted much closer to the centre of the yoke rather than overhanging the back of the yoke) big 240 seat swapped inc. sidepanels for an alloy sheet tastefully painted red ( the seat is very high and by slinging the thing and plastic side panels seat hieght is 2 inches less and weight is down overall by nearly a kilo.) clutch operating arm extended by approx 20mm ( improves leverage, stil aint no hydraulic clutch but is an improvement) new forward kicker from billet of stainless ( the old pivot is cast iron and cracks ( had cracked) and the new is indestructable.) oko carb replacing original. original was good enough to win the class first time out , however the new OKO has made the bike smooth and tractable it s a genuine quaility improvement now i'm just riding the thing. had all day ( well most of the afternoon) on it today, and will do same agin tomorrow. it rides well pulls from low down 1st gear is virtually redundant everything begs to be ridden in 2nd or higher.. cant fault it.
  6. portsmouth bilbao outbound has called at the channel islands on the outbound trip before now. straight there it is certainly a 24 hr trip. share the van for travel costs? for me Big Johns bash is only 360 miles each way and thats very do- able in a long weekend
  7. all nice arguments...... from way back in the 1950's. in todays society you cannot stand back and say 'nowt to do with me' you have to show reasonable steps were taken to ensure the safety not only of the competitors but also the other 60 million people in the country who might legitamately expect the motorcycle coming toward them to be road legal. then come the day, and it will, when your asked to stand up in court and place your hand on the bible you can say. ''I took all reasonble precautions to prove that the vehicle was road legal'' the nice disclaimer at the bottom of entry forms about not holding anyone anywhere responsible for death or injury during the trial will one day be tested. I for one would not like to be the one who argues the case for a club who didnt check for any evidence of legallity... to actually perform mots at scrutineering would be unreasonable but is it really not of any value to check that the bike actually has an mot and insurance.. what be your defence for not doing so..
  8. understand this from the start just because your bike has an mot certificate does NOT mean it is road legal. for a day light mot on a modern bike.. you'd need a continuos tone horn ( electric) as well as working brakes and bearings and lights (if it has any) ( eg rev 3's some had moulded rear lights in the fenders they must work... if it doesnt have them they dont need them..) to be road legal a bike must have an mot, insurance, visible road fund licence (tax disc) a number plate of the correct size and a speedo. to be caught without any of the above would almost certainly mean 60 pounds and 3 points minimum for each offence, no insurance would probably cost you 3 points and a couple of hundred quid. no road tax would cost you 75 pound and back tax to the date it was last paid or the date of manufacture whichever is the most recent. to be honest i can understand scrutineers finding themselves in a legal mire and the checks outlined above are fair.. however how much more responsible would it be if the ACU produced a checklist for scrutineers for road trials . this would demonstrate a responsible attitude and ensure conformity for all trials. organisers could demonstrate that they had done there best to ensure that bikes were legally compliant and promote responsible/ safe bike useage potential road trial scrutineers check list tax disc mot certificate speedo horn correct size number plate self closing throttle brakes connected fuel cap closed chain guard road legal tyres helmet gloves boots noise test
  9. why would you abreviate advertisement to 'adds' surely it should be ad's.. as for poor spellings grammer etc in forums, granted a nicely written piece is easy to read and a pleasant change however more important is the thought and effort taken to put 'pen to paper' if i felt that my contribution lost its value due to poor grammar/ spelling then i would not contribute. i would nt want to see txt speak. but better something than nothing.. and for some of us used to manual work all day, sitting here is a little foreign unlike to some 17yr old brought up on pooters the first technology i saw was a 'red' digital watch
  10. hurrah found the post with photos.. http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....amp;#entry75662 once i whipped the impeller off the 'corosion/cavitation' was just as bad all around the impeller seal
  11. wel bu***** me i stand corrected. the photos of cavitation erosion i googled certainly look like the innards of a beta water pump. however how does that explain the 'corrosion outside of the rubber seal that also looks just the same and where no water pressure woould be present.. i refer again to the photos i placed in the thread in 2006 i think..
  12. look at what you are asking. you want a van sized vehicle purely to carry your trials bike. on balance you'll move your bike one /twice a week. the rest of the week you'll presumabley want to drive around in the thing. buying a van involves adding vat to the selling price and to be frank if your looking at spending 3k then it'll have have humped a lot of stuff in its time. my personal preference would be http://www.whatcar.com/car-review-full.aspx?RT=558 you'll get a nice condition one for your 3 - 4 k it will take your bike in the back as its just the van with nice seats and during the week its a decent enough car. insurance is cheaper for the car version too. one click on ebay and i found this... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2006-06-PEUGEOT-PART...A1%7C240%3A1318 would you find an 06 van so cheap clean and tidy.. no...
  13. ithink thast bonkers.. anybody who spends a grand minimum on a bike a fiver in juice a quid on premix 100 quid on boots another ton on a helmet and another 150 on jacket and pants aint short of a couple of quid. a decent trial is always worth the money, tescos are putting prices down to help the poor and banks certainly arnt. if your products worth 12 quid charge 12 quid. be sure that they wont pay more if your clubs skint..
  14. oh it wasnt cavitation in my engine caes . i think at the time i posted some pics on here..
  15. i'd state from the experience that i had with my beta that anti freeze actually made the corrosion around the impeller and lip of the casing worse to the point where with my new case i run plain water..
  16. Had a great ride for upwards of 4 hours at a cold but dry Back Cowm today. Bike is running just about spot on, i might play with the carb just to make pick up a little crisper, but frankly its as good as any bike i've had but does seem ( big word that) to be a little rich right off the bottom. but if theres one thing i've learnt with bikes its.. ''dont fix it if it aint broken..'' so i think i'll leave it as is.. maybe.. any way the real question is.. what wheel bearings do i need for the front wheel, as mine wont pass the MOT as is and i want it up and ready for the road fairly soon. oh and where can i get a front brake cable?
  17. back cowm is the only legit place to go. its a tenner for the day and its suitable for riders of all standards, lots of rocks mud hillclimbs. water just about everything in fact. they also got an area for RC rock crwlers ( i watched them for 15 mins today) and a superb all weather RC rallycross track.
  18. great post Pat. the blog is spot on for restorers and a deep mine of information..
  19. totalshell

    New Dad!

    congrats the best thing you will ever do. my eldest now five went to her first autojumble at 4 days old her first trial at 8 weeks and observed, counting the dabs for me at 2. time will be limited for bikes now but stick at it cos when the next ones born you might as well sell the bikes...
  20. cant help but agree with all the challanging points put on here. in motorcycles nothing is new just recycled so packaging and promotion are everything. now theres one thing greeves are good at its launching products /bikes. the 'new' greeves p65 bike was much lauded on launch but as a reguler competitor in lancs yorks and cumbria i aint seen one yet. i have purchased myself the electronic ignition that they put on the market 10 years ago. it worked a treat and was fit and forget. it was expensive but it did what was claimed of it. i'd truely love to buy a modern british trials bike if it were as relaible and had the back up that say beta and gas gas do. but this bike looks as someone said like an 80's bmx bike, with nothing in design to reccomend it to ordinary joe riders ( unlike sherco's base / cheap model which is a great idea) cost is a big factor, sure guys will pay the big bucks ( 4RT as an example, nut the product must be proven, and look good) but to ask 5300 for a lookalike with poor colour scheme and limited appeal is not great business as they say on Dragons Den ''I'm out''
  21. love the spesh rockhopper, put some bar ends on and it'll climb a lot better. move that french thing out of the way so we can see it better..
  22. Without wishing to be harsh.. so thats what the banks have been throwing thier money at.. 100k devlopment? i'd have spent 1500 quid on a ssecondhand beta taken some photos, photoshopped some graphics and had the result translated into mandarin for our chinese friends to copy. total cost 2k max. whilst i believe that a market exists for a clubman bike with relaible 4t motor, linkless suapension and simple carb i cant believe that greeves have come up with this at this during a recession.
  23. in long distance off road trials I have caried one of these ( in my bum bag) http://www.outdoorsmagic.com/review/review...5/rgn/4/sp//v/1 never had to use it but at 9 quid its a steal just in case ( other brands and retailers are availble)
  24. ah the luxury of 'no stop ' rules FIVE!! ( in my best len goodman impersonation)
  25. nice quiet 4T very impressive clubman tool. so why in these financially tight times do they spend money anodising the 2T wheels. surely there is a market for a simple reliable bike with no frills. would an extra 5-8kilo make a bike so uncompetative for 80% of club riders. my 5 yr old beta sans graphics is no worse a bike for it and i'd be a no better rider on an 09 with the upgrades.. on the same tack when will car manufacturers think.. hey do you really need alloy wheels, electric windows, metallic paint, colour coded plastics, passenger airbags, cd players, carpets front and rear, roof rails, twee little lights in the boot, passenger lights in the rear, glove box lights, complicated speedos/ trips etc. in thier base models again the market must be there for a car that goes from a to b reliably and cheaply.. even my new base skoda octavia has far too many extras that i could live without if i saved another 1500 quid..
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