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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. you can still use ''the flappit'' on the keighley/ halifax road just south of denholme , its massive FREE but there are often reports of stolen bikes and damage to cars though in 15 years i've not experienced either at weekends its mentally busy during the week you can hear a pin drop ( just avoid the earth movers and stone crushers)
  2. I posted previously a similar answer before but we keep going round in circles as if we're deciding if Elvis is alive... its not hard to say what does or does not qualify..... if it wasnt made pre 65 you cant have it, end of.... the onus of proof falling on the rider that would be documentary contempory evidence, not somebodies recent recollection but only documents from pre 65 themselves HOW HARD WAS THAT... cant be done??? ask the production car rally drivers who have to carry brochures sales literarture to produce if/ when challenged.. and they said it would be too difficult.... whats next world peace or deciding whose the best looking one in ''Girls Aloud''..
  3. i have every Scott programme from the 50's... quote me some names and i'll let you know..
  4. 1953 Scott programme list 15 DOT's All Bar 5 from N.E 2 from manchester 1 from bedford 2 from penrith
  5. taking greeves breakdown of nationalities a step further, yorks classic,as surely the countrys biggest p65 club, has the majority of riders (even without several stalwart regulars making the cut..) it is interesting to see the same number again of yorks classic members entered under other clubs.. a deliberate ploy perhaps to avoid the ''theres too many of them yorkies in it...'' claim however if they are true yorkshire men i cant see them stumping up twice for club membership...
  6. i think i'm right in saying that duncan was part also of Pace mountain bikes originally and they were very effective simple square section alloy tubing machined on the outside to achieve strength at the welds and light weight wher less critical excellent cult bikes but sooooo expensive about 1000 pounds a frame back in 1990 when i had one.. the modern ones are only 500 pound a time and much more sophisticated ah to be younger..
  7. a regional classic trials 'clubman' class has been won by the same rider for the last umpteen years, but then if you dont want to do the harder sections why should you, and at least it gives us lesser lights something/one to aim for...
  8. well stick lad you make some valid points, move overseas or have an overseas address, (i know someone who does that), ride a pre unit ( nothing wrong with encouraging that) ride obscure bike( nothing wrong with that if the thing actually did exist and was ridden in Scotland pre 65) have your daughter ride with you ( well only a couple fall into this catagory and one daughter who rides with her dad will beat you and me any time so thats ok by me) post from scotland (nowt wrong with that it is the 'scottish trial') pop your entry in with a stars... well if you must for the rest of us try observing a couple of years that ought to help or if you've missed out more than a couple of times why not drop them a line and ask why...
  9. its not called electrickery for nothing
  10. the number of trials and motox bikes i 'discover' in kitchens 'dining rooms' on community housing estates is frankly unbelievable, TWO brand new Kwakers MX in one kitchen being the record....
  11. leaving bikes as well as locking up , even chained in the van, i always take the plug out so at least the buggers have to push the thing
  12. everbody else might as well not bother then... no doubt you'll be refunding entries from now till the start////
  13. get on e-bay and the local free papers, top tip get down your local council not the offices but where the electrcians, central heating, roofers start work each day put some posters up with pic's in the canteen offer a decent cash reward, then you have dozens of eager lads with access to the homes of dozens of the most likely characters in your area
  14. wh smith have a whizz bang computer which follows sales trends and only orders the number sold previuosly unless overidden by the buyer (either up or down and frankly something that rarely/never happens) i suspect that many of our local wh smiths dont move many if any coppies and that is reflected by the no.s in local shops...
  15. i think the fuel tank mod could be an oil tank...
  16. totalshell


    fuse wire thro the jet worked a treat on mine...... seriously.... best of all total cost NOWT
  17. or riders using more than 1 bike.... seen riders on same make and model but different bike..
  18. once fell out the side of a moving vw transporter that we were delivering milk from .. the fall didnt hurt as much as the half dozen crates of milk falling out on top of me.. made the road white i'll tell you. as for dealing drugs my mrs does that legally.. and i'm not doing anything today, the rains coming down and the mrs has gone xmas shopping, now whats on the telly...
  19. Riding round Europe 10 years ago I met a guy just like this, he was managing a camp site North of Provance. he'd tired of the rat race in uk, remortgaged his house deposited the cash and withdrew it in cash over 3 months, bought a cracking big estate car on HP taken out a hefty personal loan and then caught the ferry never to be seen or heard of in Blighty again, he was actually running for the local town council in France at the time I met him... was he a bad man or someone who saw an opportunity to take advantage of those willing to give easy credit.. Myself I jumped off the bus in Mid April, left a high earning job managing 500 people and now work what hours i want when i want as hard as i want foresaking the latest this and that and devoting myself to the mrs and kids... never felt better.. never been better off (its just the definition thats changed....)
  20. gobsmaked to see someone pay
  21. mail me I have excess copies of a couple Mark
  22. I'm sorry but coming from a retail background the line that Gary and John are great when you ring, just does not cut it in 2007. far from alone amongst the importers in failing to embrace technology to thier advantage (unusual for Yorkshire men who might want to earn a few more quid)( i am not aware of any brand that has a website where i can order a thing a ma jig for my 1999 bike) the availability of an up to date complete parts/ spares/accessories E-shop must dramatically restrict thier potentail income. The youth of today and Yesteryear are now able to buy ANYTHING online from pencils to Viagra, from cars to tomato ketchup.. but want something for your bike and you have to ring up.. Please, Please make the jump into the 21st century and give us access to the stuff we want to buy and I .....no guarentee, that sales will rise and rise Tesco have 1150 superstores in the country and outsell everybody else and yet they dont sit back and say 'well all customers have to do is ring up or pop in to thier local shop' no far from it they take the shop to the laptop.. Trials needs participants, importers need bikes being used and money been spent on them .. COME ON LADS ....
  23. a browse of yorkshire classics website photo gallery should reveal all you need. the best guys there in the vintage class run 8 e, usually at trials they have letters rather than numbers thier bikes are usually very soft and very controllable look for pics of atkinson morgan hill or gowan for the more competative bikes http://yorksclassictrials.co.uk/images/Rog...issBarnett..JPG http://yorksclassictrials.co.uk/images/Rog...RigidJames..JPG http://yorksclassictrials.co.uk/images/Rog...esSection6..JPGhttp://poacherspre65trials.co.uk/Pictures%202007/Wickenby2/f.jpg
  24. 199 cub never a problem with power shortage for this 16 stone lump, climbs owt i point it at and grips for fun (being big boned finally counts for something...)
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