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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. spot on with the 'neutral' hard to find when bike is running, should sneak in easy enough when stopped though. do not use 'hot' water to clean the filter only use luke warm the filter will definately shrink and you'll spend ages trying to work how it ever fitted in the first place (been there!)
  2. didnt think i had a problem with my beta until i did a 10 mile lap on a trial and it was dry after the first lap. i checked the float heights and they were spot on i adjusted the needle valve to the 1/16 movement as suggested (mine had about 5mm!) and i did the carb mod. it seemed wrong to be drilling crabs but the job was easy enough and took about an hour all in (i left the epoxy for 24 hours before adding petrol) ran the bike at the weekend and i had almost 2 and a half hours continuos running before i ran out of gas. easy cheap quick solution who could ask for more..
  3. 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 was going ( and will still try to post a pic of mine) best wishes
  4. i think he's riding in the SSDT, cant wait he's a genuine legend
  5. the larger diameter of the two (the smaller being the gearbox filler) i think this is where the distributer might be on some models
  6. Red Rose Classic although nominally in lancashire run events in the todmorden (used to be part of Yorkshire) Accrington Rochdale triangle plenty of different venues, quarries to traditional moorland. All sections are dual routed although even the hard route has been eased in recent months. So all sections are now rideable with no rockery of any note. Athough primarily a pre 65 club they do genuinely welcome twinshocks and recent trials have seen over 15 mont's bults' gori, swm, honda and Ty's. and all for 10 quid.. http://www.redroseclassictrials.org.uk/events.html from harrogate your probably best going to skipton on the a59 then cutting across to nelson/ colne then dropping in to todmorden a journey of perhaps just over an hour
  7. for every 5 litres of super unleaded use 70/75ml of something like PJ1 or Ipone , the 100 ml of castrol that your using will probably smoke a bit and give the feel of running rich when infact the bike will be lean with all that oil in it
  8. needle valve is like a light bulb its either on or off open or closed, if there is a tang to bend that affecta the valve movement 1/16th of an inch should be more than enough movement to close the valve
  9. i think you'' ll find that this bill is dead in the water as it does not actually have govt support
  10. how about this for a framework for a set of rules std frame std swingarm std carb std yokes that ought to be easy to police onus been on the rider to provide evidence of std fitment should work for p65 and twinshocks can i go back to the shed now..
  11. never had a drop out of my breather on the crankcase. although mine is an open pipe as described above. I am going to swap to the type of breather pipe found on royal enfields which have the open end 'nipped' up so that nothing can get 'sucked 'in
  12. if it sounds like somebody hitting your cylinder head with a toffee hammer and probably always under the same circumstances then almost certainly one of three cheap things will cure it, A, use super unleaded B, put a 32.5 pilot jet in, C, or take the head off and decoke the top of the piston as described above. the first will cost you a fiver and take no time, the second 8 quid and remove the carb and replace the jet 1 hour max, to get the head off ( and the rest to actually get at the thing) is going to take a leisurely morning and the price of a head gasket another few quid. not likely to be your rings..
  13. great site here http://www.kaila.net/tl125/
  14. certainly the breather using the cap in the top of the crankcase should have the most benifit and I followed this route using fuel type piping, having looked at a number of trials bikes since this method has been confirmed as the most popular, however pipes of much bigger diameter appear to be the norm with the max i have seen been 15mm ID, what differnce do they make unsure.. but making them up only took an afternoon and cost pennies,, music to any trials fan
  15. got a reply from my mp the nice paul rowen liberal in rochdale won by 40 votes says he a supporter of the countryside and is ok with trials he replied that although he wasn't in parliament for the vote ( probably got a foriener on a building site) he checked it out and it did not have the support of the govt and was doomed to failure. unlike some he sounds like a decent guy who'll ask the question and reply
  16. got to admire thier honesty and good close up photos of the nasty bits, got to be worth 400 quid if the engines really ok, you'd have a sorted bike new everything for under a grand
  17. so the punto cant even tow a trailer according to the chart, if thats the case how/ why does every towbar manufactuer include fittings for the punto in there range..
  18. http://www.keighleynews.co.uk/news/newskei..._thrown_off.php for 20 years we've ridden here never seen an accident never seen racing in the layby but the health and safety boys it must keep them awake at night, i have never seen or seen evidence, of riders leaving the site or riding on the moors adjacent the big fences might have something to do with that. Why cant the council just be honest instead of closing it for our own good.. I've spent the day here midweek watching dougie and big Mart training full transporter the works ( he can ride can that lad) at the weekend sure its busy to busy but surely thats its worth the council should be making provision for more parking and charging and then we'd all be happy.
  19. http://www.bradford.gov.uk/asp/councillors/annrep.asp?id=302 Heres the 'best' placed local councillor, lives less than half a mile from the gate on to the moor and the access road runs right by his house, as you can see he's also on the Area planning board, and keeps up todate with the local parish council ( a council which when i lived there had so few candidates to be councillers there wer'nt elections you just turned up and got the job.. no its true) mr. naylor also has interests in providing facilities for the young ( that will be trials then) and the old (that will be trials then) he also has had no training what so ever never never to fulfill his role according to the 'blurb' a good way to maintain his right to peace and quiet would be not to approach Addingham moorside from the centre of silsden but to take the road toward addingham and fork right just as you leave silsden village this will get you to the land and avoid the narrow steep lane past the golf club and mr. N's home.
  20. just for the record a mate of mine just put a dellorto on his cub, the cosidered norm would seem to be 22phbl but as his was fitted by Martin Adams I thought I would include the details here PHBL 20 40 slide D40 needle B2260 atom 45 choke 35 pilot 118 main these 'foreign' carbs are specifically ACCEPTED by ACU classic series, Red Rose Classic, Yorkshire Classic they are specifically NOT ALLOWED by Miller series or in the Pre 65 2 day Scottish
  21. as a caravanner (big admission to make) i know that there are 'rules' regarding nose weights for your caravan (Caravan must be less than 80% of car I think) i cant see how that would apply to a bike rack as no matter how heavy the load is the mounting points are the same for the rack, when i first used a rack 12 or more years ago i had it on the backof a polo estate and over the 18 months i had it the rear floor had bent a bit ( ididnt notice until i took the carpets out to clean before i sold it, i have checked the punto and 2 years with big bikes on the rack no dents)
  22. great looking bike you have there and all the more remarkable when you look at the 'before ' pictures. Certainly brave of you to take a less populer bike as your first restoration, that TY ought to be a breeze compared to the Ossa.
  23. had one on my punto for 2 years, carried my p65 bike the length and breadth of the country with it with no problems ever .the only problem with the punto is that you have to specify that you want a bolt on ball towbar otherwise you''l turn up and have a swan neck fitted. They can also be a pig to fit I had a mobile guy come and do mine and he said the punto was one of the more difficult cars to put a tow bar on. if having a new tow bar fitted get them to put longer bolts on to fit the ball so that you can use them again when you put the rack fitting on
  24. I think bo drinker has the right tag line '' Its not the winning its the taking part'' whilst Alans workmanship is to be marvelled at sadly all that bikes like that do is drive joe blogs into the arms of a 3 year old modern bike for the same money as the MAR frame this weekend at red rose was a good example, the venue is first class and the sections were laid out easy with dual routes, in fact the clubmans /rigid 'easy' route was very kind . and yet about a third of the entry were on twin shocks from early seventies 247 cotas though to tlr's and ty's and they virtually all rode the easier of the two routes leaving the pre65 boys to ride the harder sections, not one of these 40 odd p65 bikes could boast that they were even close to how it may have been way back when as they have had to develop with the sections to not only remain competative but so that they stand any chance of finishing the trial. only in the last 6 months have organisers recognised that to keep riders happy they would prefer not to have to be able to count to 100 when totting up thier scores at the end of each day. This has been largely succesful with increased numbers riding at both red rose and yorkshire classic this year, mostly new younger riders as well ( including dave on his cub) Some clubs seem not to recognise this though and Old farts like OTF put thier bikes up for sale with no intention of returning and still last weekend at the first ACU classic round we see heroes like Gaunt jnr dropping 77 i'm told how hard was that trial!!
  25. used to get my royal enfield in a berlingo diagonally no probs
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