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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. Your dead right dave, great riders can do well on any bike, average riders can do well on great bikes, poor riders can get by on great bikes , when researching a piece for the club newsletter ( I'm only just pre 65 myself and have to rely on others for information) I came across an articale from feb 65 describing a cub that finished 3rd overall on the welsh experts the previous year the modifications listed promted the question ''how competative would the bike be today?'' http://hometown.aol.co.uk/totalshell/myhom...newsletter.html (The item is at the very very bottom of the page..)
  2. its been a rule that has been in place for several years that all forks must have gaiters. I guess that the real reason is to maintain a period look. if you check out the clubs rules http://yorksclassictrials.co.uk/club_rules.htm they are fairly clear and to be honest resonably tight, and yet relaxed at the same time. the main emphasis is on enjoying british bikes and classic type trials sections, sure a number of bikes on every trial do not conform to every rule and they are asked to ride as 'non competeative specials' as can be seen from the results sheets for the latest championship trial several riders rode in this class. http://yorksclassictrials.co.uk/results/Re...kes07-01-07.xls the smile is from my 4 year old daughter who is waiting patiently for her goodnight story!!
  3. that front end especially the yolks and bar clamps is almost identical to mine that i had made via Dave Varley except that i had mine in black for that P65 look. i've been a customer of dave varleys on a number of occasions, i've bought bikes and parts from him and all the work is of the highest quality and good value he has an excellent reputation for his triumph twins PS to ride your cub in the Yorkshire Classic Championship you'd have to get some fork gaiters, otherwise although you'd be more than welcome to ride you'd not be able to score championship points.
  4. the important thing for montesa must be that he is not been beaten at the moment by the guys who are acknowledged as the worlds best Raga et al. his form and the bike can surely only promote the 4T cause but will simplicity and cost count more for the man in the street? the argument from a 'pollution' point of view of 4T over 2T is compelling but add into that noise and i think for the man in suburbia, if asked which of the two bikes he would rather were used, he'd opt for the quiet (2T) life as both have little or no descernable exhaust 'smoke' i believe that both engines are evolving with cleaner 2t motors available elsewhere (even in use on some Hondas) and quieter 4t bikes an inevitability ( why cant it be as from next week? sure they'd be down on power, but reduced imissions and quiet that would sell to the tree huggers, and if compulsory in the sport (as promoised ) would level the playing field) i'd love to buy a 4T but for the sake of the bank balance and ease of maintenace would stay with the tried and tested 2T
  5. check these out from, dave varley at d and c i have a pair on my cub and theier first rate http://www.dcclassicmotorcycles.co.uk/parts/BSA_mudguard.htm
  6. great post hopefully clears up some of the myths that appear in forums from time to time. the only grey area is the inspection by the DVLA they dont have to it its not part of any rule but about 50% of offices now do insist on inspecting at leeds they certainly do and actually insist on visiting your home or garage and recently refused to inspect one of my bikes as there were closer DVLA offices at manchester ( 2 miles nearer according to google earth) whilst at manchester thay couldn,t care less and will give you a reg no. there and then not interested in inspecting the bike'' dont have to mate would you like to make an oficial complaint about the leeds office?'' waiting times at both are usually in the 1 to 2 hours braket take a book.. Ps nice Blog and like the video.. I'm using a Blog for newsletters for the Pre 65 club and trials reports http://hometown.aol.co.uk/totalshell/myhom...newsletter.html it runs alongside the main site http://yorksclassictrials.co.uk/index.htm
  7. totalshell

    Rs360t Video

    great video clip, that boy in the glasses could ride and he wasnt from silsden either!! where are the other riders of the era now ??????
  8. my favourites are Phil Smiths 'Scott Trial' fascinating insight into the early trials and its move away from a factory ride out to the trial we watch today best how to book for me is Lanes 'motorcycle trials' simple stuff, explained simply and that works. probably not much cop for your monoshock but for us pre 65 / twinshock boys hes saved me quite a few dabs.....
  9. surely you'd need two anyway one for the cylinder on the bike and one for the spare that you put on. all in
  10. check this on ebay, i've seen them go as high as 60 in the past and have paid 40 but at 100 quid for a paperback this has to be a record. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...p;rd=1&rd=1 what other 'how to' trials books are available? am i missing any.. max kings trials riding editions 1 - 5 lanes motorcycle trials bernies observed trials don smiths complete book of trials don smiths trials bike riding miller on trials millers way to win trials
  11. most cameras will let you reduce the quality of the picture so a 5 or 6 meg camera will also take 1 , 2 , 3 etc meg pictures, they might show as sq, shq, hq, etc on your cameras menu doing this my 128xd card goes from 130 pictures to max 1100 then the problem becomes batteries not cards! although 1 and 2 meg photos dont print too well there more than ok for the computer screen... EG taken on lowest quality on my 6meg olympus with a 128xd card taking 1100 pictures on the card the std battery lasting for approx 150- 190 pictures
  12. Ilkley is a spa town built first by the romans (olicana) and then the victorians when they went big on the railways, popular with the mill owners of bradford, they built loads of big houses in tree lined roads or groves. famous as you say for the song ''Ilkley moor baht hat'' famous residents Alan titmarsh, most of the cast of Emmerdale, now sadly far too expensive to live in as now the centre of the world for retired gentle folk and capital of nursing homes in the UK decent motor club focus's mainly on cars but has a couple of trials of distinction. The New Years Day trial and most famously the Ilkley Moor Grand National a time and observation trial over 30 miles of grouse moor on what was once the approximate route of the Scott pre war, and actually on the other side of the valley to the real ilkley moor. best thing about ilkley easy to get out of and its only 9 mile from Silsden capital of the trials universe 'Calender girls' were from a tiny village near skipton again about 9 mile away and was filmed even further away although one scene with some school boys was filmed right on Ilkley moor on the famous cow and calf rocks wow i should work for the tourist board.. dont go
  13. the AA were the top dollar when the wheel bearing went on my trailer they just pulled the trailer and bikes on to the flatbed of the van and followed me home, great job.
  14. whilst playing on google earth looking for somewhere i checked and From the centre of the Lampkin industrial empire to the gate at addingham moorside its 2.5 miles so perhaps Kinell might not be as bad at route finding as reputation would lead us to belive.. the extra miles might be gary taking it home at the weekend? either way thats a fair old sized piece of kit i suspaect it wouldnt fit in the garage or even on the drive and how far do you get on a gallon of juice.. still it looks better than most of the B+Bs i've ever stayed in good luck with the hunt for 40k Andy!
  15. apologies for my ignorance, (we dont do geography eg place names etc any more at school in the uk) where on earth are the gulf islands... fantastic to hear that trials are popular all over the world (even in the remotest, I assume, corners) google earth here i come.. wow i've been (near ) there! South of Vancouver, beautiful spot. best wishes from the lancs/ yorks border on the Pennines ( not a beautiful spot... wet windy and wet, lots of trials though)
  16. going to be h**l of a project charlie, sounds like your going to have to cut up half a dozen bikes to make one!!
  17. the low miles must be explained by the fact its only 3 miles from silsden to addingham moorside,
  18. whilst we all agree and are coming from the same ''trials are great and dont hurt anyone'' direction to mr and mrs highstreet in suburbia we are a peril on the roads, all stood up wearing garish coloured clothing on dirty coloured motorbikes especially on a sunday, just the thing they should be calling the police about and then been proved right when a number are found to be riding illegally, just like thoses chavs in the community housing we absolutely have to have our house in order we have to dot every I and cross every tee. Mr and mrs highstreet are at war with people like you and me and we are going to notice big time if we dont ALL play by the rules..
  19. just as above a cheap helmat
  20. yes every bike has to have a number plate. surely we are doing our sport and the public a diservice if we do not demand and check that every bike is registered has an mot and is displaying its registration number correctly. spud makes some valid points in navigation rallying even though the cars are not travelling at speed and speed plays no part in the result all of his reccomendations HAVE to be followed as stipulated by the governing body in trials we have the 'not my job syndrome' which is quite alright untill the court decides otherwise. how would any of the above harm the sport. I know from this post alone that how the sport is been run at the moment has allowed one person to complain and for his complaint to be found to be true, by the police, at least in part and which you me and every trials fan should seek to remedy so that we can continue with our sport
  21. i very much suspect that should an uninsured vehicle or one of unroadworthy condition participate in a road trial and be the cause of an uninsured loss the lawyers are going to come after anyone with money firstly the rider then the organisers and then the governing body if the ssdt can scrut every bike and insist on number plate boards why cant all road trial organisers they cant be that much different in scotland can they..
  22. sounds exactly like the stereo type of off road bikes been ridden illegally on the road that we all get on our high horses about and say relates to chavs on the council estate and does not apply to us squaky clean legitimate sportsmen.. were the bikes not scruiteneed before the start the riders and the club should bel taken before the acu and challenged as to thier particpation.
  23. from the above mot tester guide scraping and light tapping of the affected areas with the Corrosion Assessment Tool is that like a claw hammer?
  24. we all worry too much about oil.. all i ever use is tesco value oil 1.23 a litre change the stuff virtually every trial..( thats value motor oil not coooking oil)
  25. daylight mot horn continuos tone eg electric not some rubber horn from a vintage car! brake light activated by fronta nd rear brakes speedo not req. for mot ( is for road traffic act but not to get your mot) registration document not required ( frame no. can be used) insurance not required the hardest bit is getting your brakes and all your bearings, forks shock/s, linkages, tyres, exhaust all to be working correctly..........
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