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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. i have seen a serco website ( once) and wasn't able to find it again, the best way i'm told is to use new mazoki fork legs either 32 or 35 mm stantions, the slider can be turned down to almost 'paper' thin and dropped into your original sliders you could re use your original yokes or have some alloy ones made up from an alloy billet all this doesnt come cheap although you will have the ultimate p65 forks, state of the art modern trials forks inside your original sliders and all p65 legal the guy who sorted me was dave varley at www.dcclassicmotorcycles.co.uk
  2. this is a classic example of fear the worst, spend ages agonising over the problem, then sharing it. Only to find the real problem was a really simple one to solve,( one of the real benifits of a site like TC) mechanical things in 2006 rarely go wrong and when they do its inevitably the small things and usually the more common things, happily in this case it was also one of the cheapest things to replace i think a good indicator of how reliable something is would be the size of the parts dept. at the distributor. having lived and worked in silsden for umpty years i've seen lampkins go down the post office to post boxes and bags and bits off to no doubt repair bikes and i've never seen more than an armfull of packages left on the post office counter and if you consider all the Betas out in the uk that has to say their pretty reliable..
  3. when i was cycling ( along time ago and six and a half stone lighter!) we had a grading system for races 1st catagory, second catagory and 3rd catagory you started out as third cat and when you had 3 top 5 finishs up you moved to 2nd cat or you could race out of class for no award no pot hunting no one really wanted to ride in a class lower than thier ability when mountain bike racing came along it had a strong 'ride because i like to' background so they came up with the 'fun ' class, no awards no finishing order just your time next to your name, we still knew who the 1st finisher was though but that didnt really matter cos it was you, your bike and the big hill..
  4. stuck a couple of alloy spacers (2/3rd of an inch) in and that seems to have done the trick so getting out the hacksaw and big hammer to get at some valve springs that are on an engine thats been behind the shed for sooo long.
  5. my whole argument is ..that on the same bikes raga and doug would be very evenly matched the only thing that differentiates is the machinery.. raga uses a machine that has remained substanialy unchanged for many years the mont is 3 years old at best and obviously still has some way to go down the development road that honda have managed to drag it to levels where 2 of the best 5 riders in the world can have it winning world rounds is a fantastic achievement and is one only honda or yamaha could have done and yamaha although moving forward are still some way off been as competative as the mont if the guys can fight off the aging process i'm conviced that honda will make the mont clearerly the outstanding trials bike of its time and we will all look back and say ''i remember when 2 strokes were good but i'd never ride one now'' as for doug winning world rounds... definately the world championship though will need him to capture the dominant form and motorcycle which he had when he could go virtually the full year without losing a round and i dont see that at the moment.. for a lad that used to deliver my papers though, good luck to him..
  6. at the moment he is riding bike that is at best 'in development' i imagine that another couple of years will have to pass before the mont has an evens chance against a well ridden 2 stroke and if thats a gas gas with a worthy world champ on board that may be even fiurther off trials is not motogp where the best rider in the world steps off the best bike in the world gets on the a completely different manufacturers bike and wins virtually every race although doug is one of the top 3 trials riders of all time he aint no rossi more a mick doohan and i'd settle for been mick but the difference is doug wants to be the rossi and hes going to throw that mont at rocks untill he does win again hes certainly still got talent and ability..
  7. my dealer said for everyday use by joe public 70ml per 5litres is spot on us the best oil you can buy locally i use ipone as for the suspension i saw gary from lampkins at the ssdt changing fork seals in under 5 minutes.. leg out of yokes then he disappears into van and reappears a couple of minutes later with new seals in leg, anything could have happened in van!!
  8. working on a cub to replace the seals ( i think the forks are actually bsa perhaps from a c15) i put 150ml of 15wt oil in and they 'sag' for fun (maybe an inch and a half under the weight of the bike and another inch when lardy boy climbs on board..) to stiffen them up do i put more oil in put thicker oil in put a longer preload spacer in put 'fresher' longer springs in ..
  9. had a 32a in my greeves i could never get it to run right until i fitted the 'greeves' electronic ignition first time starting every time any circumstances very tunable but hard to get the same setting twice as it was hard to work out exactly what the setting was expensive to do the job properly i had to buy the modified and wider outer casing and i think in all it came in about 450 tooo hard even when set soft i rode plenty of 32a that were much softer with different ignitions i think with hind sight i 'd try rex caunts if there was a next time
  10. i cant believe that people pay up the money for stuff on ebay that if it were a private deal they'd walk away from.. you cant blame the seller blame yourself buyers always think they've got a bargain and sellers always think they've made a killing..
  11. i thought i saw one on a gas gas at the ssdt although i had read on here 3 months or so ago thatt they were becoming hard to find as well, most gasgas riders seeemed to have stumped up for the long range tanks
  12. never mind this south african odessey , get yourself up to Yorks classics championship trial at pateley bridge, a drive out but well worth it. a nice long lap, stream sections, old mine workings, moorland bogs its got the lot and with two routes what more could you want for a tenner..
  13. shouldnt need a polish in the bore none of my villiers 32a , 8e never had. your carb, inlet manifold and air filter are the same as on my old greeves i remeber that the needle length was critical at 47.5mm but will have to dig out my notes for the rest of the numbers, BUT as all engines differ they would only be a guide but more importantly if your engine ran well before then that is the best starting place. i would take the carb , air filter and manifold off and strip it all down and CLEAN EVERY PART including the filter and the cylinder/ manifold joints and put it all back together again before i changed anything.. then i would check the timing before i changed anything.. always remember the golden rule dont change ANYTHING unless you are absolutely certain it is broken..
  14. nice looking bike with a neat exhaust.. althoug it must be nice to ride in the sun all day and we are very jealous here on the pennine even though we are having a heat wave, i dont think the air temp will be the reason for the seizure I suspect that the bike may be running alittle lean and would richen it up a bit is it a 32a villiers with villiers carb if so i can dig out my jettings if the bike has prevously run ok is there any air getting in on the engine side of the carb..
  15. the raga gass gas combination would seem better than a 4 rt even with doug on board sadly i think the 4stroke probably needs a couple more years before its ready to seriously challenge the best rider riding a two stroke after all how long have GG been developing thier two stroke..
  16. there was an observer on the ssdt this year who i saw making riders replace EVERY rock that moved as they walked up the section, he did it for everyone superstars or not ..
  17. watching on the scottish the ratchet was out for most rears to fit them back on the rim , a big truck ratchet about 2 inch wide around the circumfrence and pulled tight, micheal brown was turning a rear tyre and it would not go back on easily even with JL, Griffo and gary offering 'advice'
  18. looks like there some serious polishing goes on in that garage huntmaster how i dream of that level of tidiness and a clear floor in my humble workshop, having just cut up a trailer and sold 1 and a half bikes i can now walk around and touch all four walls regrettably her indoors has stuck her head through the door ( the last time she showed any intereat was to tell me we were having another baby!) and declared that the 'north end' should be cleared for the BBQ and garden furniture. thank fully i hope that a steamboat will be filling that space soon so the furniture can stay where its supposed to in the garden..
  19. i'm told that michlin and dunlop have dropped the tubed tyre fron thier ranges so go straight for a tubeless rim and save some money that you'd probably have to spend in a couple of years as tubed tryes run out yes i know some clubs dont like tubed tyres but hey whose ever looked at your tyres whoses ever been turned away or even asked to change them..
  20. sections are usualy dual route the easier route been designed for the sidecars but dont read that as 'easy' did the lake district round last summer that was two laps of about 18 sections with road work a nice ride round with excellent views over the fells there was an ossa there..
  21. cant comment on the pvl on a b40 but i have it on my cub and it is spot on bike starts 1st time every time whether its been sttod a month or i ve ridden it all day starts having been upside down in becks or laid on its side spark is 100% consistent stedy big blue spark buy one today its not shiney and you wont be able to show it off but it makes life so much easier..
  22. FANTASTIC and i think i'm right in saying not avaialble to buy at any money which is lucky as even a half decent DH bikes going to cost as much as a NEW two stroke trials bike.. so how much the honda would be i suspect would make it easily 4rt money
  23. i' ve ridden my bike on to the costa packet before as it was cheaper that way! sadly until a major operator sets up ( very very unlikely) or thier is a total boycott one year ( even less likely) we're stuck they run ferries year round and thier rarely full except at TT, MGP, 2 day, classic trial and the car rallies so until the drought sets in and the irish sea dries up the've got us..
  25. had the same pair of boots now for 5 years spent the first year washing and drying then heavy on with the dubbin, second year cleaned them at the car wash with the pressure washer at the same time as the bike .now i just wear them lay them down in the garage and wear them the next week stitching just starting to go on the top of one of them and the clasp on the top of one of them dropped off a year or so ago i bought good quality in the first place and there doing ok at least another year or two before i'd consider replacing them..
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