Well a few asked my to tell you how it went when i finally got to ride the thing so here goes.
It was a training trial today, so i could go round and ride the sections as often as i liked, it was a little wet so brilliant!
I cannot believe the difference between my old TXT and this, the engine is amazing, ive got a slow action throttle and you dont need to open it up most of the time, just keep it going with a little throttle, but when you do open it up it really pulls, it wants to backflip, just keeps going and going! There were climbs today where on my old bike i would be using third or fourth, whereas today i mostly used first, with a little second. I can finally jump across banks and up onto logs and stuff with a little blip of the throttle. Im so chuffed with it, it made the journey to buy it well worth it! It will take some getting used to, the steering is really light, and the handlebars can turn a long way before getting stopped, that caught me out a little.
There was someone else there with exactly the same bike, and his engine sounds identicle to mine, there is a knock there, but he said hes changed the piston and rings etc, and it still sounds exactly the same, so that got that worry out of my system, also someone who is a dealer had a listen and said theres nothing wrong with that, they do make that noise.
I have a few little things with it which can easily be sorted, the front brake feels a little distant and sqeaks, probably the pads need changing or something. Also the suspension is very soft, after a jump across a bank it was really close to bottoming out and the landing was a little violent!
Im so pleased i chose Scorpa, and can't wait to get out again on it in a couple of weeks time (hopefully)
Thanks for all your previous help
Ive just found about 300ml of Pro Cool, its covered in spiders and cobwebs, so ill top it up and ride it this weekend but do a full drain and clear next weekend.
tell me about it, was supposed to ride it Saturday but its really low on coolant,and i dont want to cook it, i thought no worries ill go buy some tomorrow. But no its good friday and then easter weekend.
Erm, well ive got some carbon fibre paper stuff off ebay, im not going to put it on the frame, as i dont think it goes with the blue very well, i have however put it on the clutch casing, as this gets a bit scratched by boots, but i fear it will come off and look tatty, not to worry though as its 1.99.
Well i was worried about the fan as i wondered if the engine was perhaps heating up too quickly for some reason?
Oh and ive put some blue metal bar ends in, as theres nothing i hate more than seeing a bike (especially mine) stuck with its throttle wide open.
Ive been having a little play on my bike this morning, and listening to it and inspecting it (perfectionist at work) I wish i could just ride it and forget, but until im in a proper trial i wont be able to.
It hasnt been even started for a month, and i started it up (took about 2 kicks with choke on) it took a while for me to be able to turn the choke off without it stalling, but i expected this as it hasnt been run for ages. When it was ready i just rode it round in some figure of eights, and going through the gears a little. I wanted to test my slow action throttle all worked properly. When i put it away after about 10-15 mins of running i noticed the fan had come on, i just wondered if this was right as i hadn't exactly been thrashing it about.
Ive still got the same fuel i had in it which is regular 95 with Silkolene oil at about 50:1 and i could still hear the knocking sound, but once it warmed up it was definately better, and i could only hear it loudly when i put my ear to the cylinder. I just wondered how i knew when it was pinking (as it was loudest on the climbdown from higher revs) and when it was other things.
Also on this, ive been following the IWTC and i am sure that the 06 Sherco makes the exact same noise, ive noticed it in nearly every round i have watched that the sherco has been in.
Im sorry to ask so many questions, but im still learning about mechanical things, and i love to be able to diagnose everything! If anyone could shed some light it would be much appreciated.
i was also suprised how much of a difference a slow action throttle made to the feel of the bike, theres no immediate slam of power, which is pefect for me as i dont ride steps.
Ye good luck getting that, i was well excited when i was going to get mine, and still havent ridden it - 1 month on
Roll on the weekend!
Thats lovely, but a few questions
1.Those stickers on the swingarm must be new, did you get them from Scorpa, have you moved them back and just covered them with some sort of tape?
2.How much are those 06 rear mudguards, i assume they are pretty much the same?
3. Are those YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE exhaust things worth it, i was thinking of getting one in silver as the other colours are too garish.
Congrats on the bikes both of you that have changed them
If your in England, where did you get the fork guards (front) and the big Yamaha Stickers?
Are you sure this 125 rule goes up until the age of 18? I didnt realise that, i was born before 1990, does this mean it doesnt apply to me?
If there is somewhere i can read about it on the internet that would be great.
I was pleased to see a Scorpa in a Indoor World Champ round, i like the straight rear mudguard!
Eurosport said the outdoor champs would be on, any ideas as to when?
Has anyone got a rear exhaust guard, do they look anygood? birketts got one but at
Ive managed to drain the oil from the filler cap, and refill it, ill wait till i next have to change it, then get it sorted, thanks for all your help.
The oil Filler Plug on my Sy250 is rounded off so i can't get it out. Iam going to have to take it somewhere for them to get it out as i dont have the know how or tools (probably) to do it. But i was wondering how you get out things like this that are rounded off, what sort of process the professionals are likely to use.
Ok thanks, i just dont like the thought of riding running out of fuel half way up a hill!
Thanks for the info, you learn something new every day!
Which type of oil is better?
So there is going to be an 07 Sy.
God mines going to look old before ive even ridden it!
Although just putting an 06 rear m/guard on and black wheels and it looks like an 06. I wonder what engine updates they are planning to do.
Why is that? currently my bike has mineral based Synth Oil in it but iam going to be using Castrol TTS from now on, whats the difference between the two types.
Im sorry but thats just stupid for two reasons.
1. Why keep something for 18 years and hardly ride it, i could not have any form of vehicle that i bought brand new sitting in a garage and just ignore it.
2. who ever is paying that much for it is a bit . I dont care how much they may be worth in the future, they arent particularly nice to ride and i always think the ones ive seen sound rough, i dont mind people paying silly money like that for proper classics but that bikes only eighteen years old.
If your o6 one sounds like that, then thats great (from my p.o.v) because it means theres nothing wrong with mine! I cant wait to trial it, i still havent been able to ride it properly yet!
Ill just have to not thrash it when i warm it up, give it a bit of time before i go flying into any sections!
Ive never ridden on rocks, a stream once, a car once and a flatbed lorry.
thats it, otherwise its just mud.
I would as if he still has the 05 mudguards, just so you can see what sort of condition they are in. Otherwise sounds good, if i hadnt bought my Scorpa, then id probably have been to look at it.
you havent seen some of my posts!
But if you got it for a grand who cares, you can save up some money to fix it.
You picked it up then?
Hows the engine?
Thanks so much for all your help, you have settled any fears i had over problems with the bike!
The knock iam talking about is pretty much the same as the one coming from the bike in this video *****CLICK ME***** Except mine is slightly deeper and a little quieter.
On closer inspection of the exhaust, there isnt any goo in there, but a sort of thickish layer of dry soot however the exhaust note is nice and mellow and doesnt pop, the previous owner was running the bike at 50:1 on TTS.
Thanks loads for all your help, i cant wait to get out on this machine and test it in the sections! (unfortunately that might not be for over a month!!!)
by the way, i new i had heard the whiring somewhere else other than Betas, from the Climber ive been riding whilst i was waiting for my new bike!
Shannon, whilst your views are obviously welcome, here in the Uk we basically get the choice between 95 or 98Ron Fuel Scorpa Reccommend 95Ron but im going to use Optimax @ 98Ron for at first just see how she likes it, i read on a french forums (in french) Scorpa saying something about running 1.5% oil at 98 fuel the only reason that Scorpa recommend such a strange fuel ratio (40:1) is because the engine is off a motorcross bike, hence that giant kickstart level (which is labelled kickstart incase you didnt know)
My dad reckons 50:1 i reckon 60-65:1 Scorpa reckon 40:1 other recommend 70:1 +
next time im getting a fourstroke !
Ive asked Birkett but he hasnt answered my email yet.
I dont think its that mate, its only really there when i let the cluth out, so iam guessing its something to do with the gearing, i like the noise and i remember listening to other bikes that made the same noise and thinking it sounded quite sweet. But iam a paranoid perfectionist with limited technical no-how (first one in family to own an offroad bike)
I thought it was weird that they said that, im goana run it at 60:1 or 62.5:1 with TTS and possibly optimax. I really hope that helps the knocking, as otherwise i love it.
Also i know Betas do it, but do any of your Scorpa's Whine?