Don't have a go at the guy, he might not think hes a big shot. Yes 290 Shercos are a bit nuts but, if he likes it then he can ride it.
Yep, i watched that and i thought , hmm theres something about that, which makes it look a little cumbersome and almost underpowered, i know they are just test riding it, but id love to see someone really give it all its got and thrash it about a little.
It weighs nearly 75KG
Also i did not like the sound it made from those exhausts, just doesnt sound right somehow.
Thats the one.
Good read that.
Perhaps not, i read one about someone sending a fake apple across seas and making the person who recieved it have to pay for it, they found his address and where he was and caught sight of him and everything, i cant remember where it was i saw it though, somewhere on the internet.
Ive read that laptop scam, that was pretty incredible.
Thanks for the Info
If iam being perfectly honest, i cant say i like those Trialstar graphics much.
When i first got my bike me and my dad knew nothing really, but luckily we have someone who knows a lot just up the road (pushing my bike distance ) and he helps me out when its something seriously mechanical. But if its something not really engine related (bearings etc) we just normally work it out ourselves.
Once we messed up the clutch and had to take it to a pro to get him to fix it, but it was buggered in the first place and didnt really make much difference.
If you dont try you don't learn. For instance im happy to mess around inside a
its smart but i cant stop thinking how much better it would look if the exhaust wasnt two into one, but two into two
Cool thanks for the replies!
At least now i know how they get in contact etc. il make sure to warn everyone who s starting to sell stuff on the internet.
I would just like to warn people, that using this i have been contacted by numerous people claiming to be from abroad, trying to get me into a weird "deal" (i presume) using shipping cheques, etc.
i will put down here an example
Thanks for your swift response toward the inquiry.About the present working condition of the item as stated by you,I am really pleased with it,but i belived you are telling me the real fact,because i cannot come over to your location now due to the nature of my work.Well, the asking price is okay by me for
Dont bother with getting them back like that.
It will just make you a target if they suspect you did it and then they will just retaliate, find some other way of getting to them if you must, i dont know how, but there must be something.
Oh right well keep posting the ones you get, i enjoy watching them!
are there any outdoor trials clips?
They are 70kg compared to the Gassers 69kg something like that , its pretty close, i dont think I will be able to use weight as an excuse for not cleaning things!
The Beta is actually the heaviest of the three, you can check it all out on the companies various websites, but they are all within a few kg of each other.
I always use hair spray, get the grip spray loads in there, shove the grip on (not too slowly or it will get stuck half way) leave it for a while then your done, it will stay on there and it will be easy to get on.
I know someone who thrashes a Sherco about and doesnt really wash it or anything and it doesnt seem to break down.
Just sounds and looks and rides awful.
I hate that blue, thats why i want an 05
Yes ive heard a few at the trials, the o3 one i rode was dead quiet, but i see some that seem to be a little rattley and noisy, iam just going to take my time and see what comes up.
How much does it cost to get the exhaust done, or if the middle bits gone how much for that?
I was going to ask about that backfiring they seem to do that a lot, is it a bad thing or doesnt it really matter.
So you mean check the rear mudguard screws are working ok?
Centrebox? from the exhaust?
Iam not asking if they are anygood, iam asking what to look at.
You could ellaborate though on that point.
Ive just sold my bike, and iam now on the lookout for a 04/05 Scorpa, i was wondering if there was anything to look out for SPECIFICALLY on Scorpas, i know about other bikes knocking and rattling etc, and i know there are already threads like this for other bikes.
Any help would be great.
My bike will be on there in the next few days.
its cheaper than tmx's
Thanks but ive sourced one!
Thanks guys and any info on the exhaust is still welcome.
I was just wondering where iam going to be able to get a yellow 99 rear mudguard from , they would probably have to be delivered.
Also what exhaust packing would be best suited to my bike.
ITs just these two things that are stopping me from getting my new bike!
Where did you get all the stuff from? I think Black wheels look great i would love them on my bike.