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nitjay - hrc

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Everything posted by nitjay - hrc
  1. I have read through that whole article, and it explains what all the different adjustments do but my front suspension is quite stiff and requires a fair amount of force for it to go down, i find it very hard to load it standing still, i read that i need to reduce compression/rebound damping and this is done with the things at the top? do they need to be set the same? as ive always noticed the left hand one is screwed further out than the other. Thanks
  2. I dont really know that much about this sort of thing, but what do those (in my case black and red) things do on top of my suspension forks, you can turn them and they have a plus and a minus on them, are they for adjusting the front forks? If so how should i have them set? Thanks
  3. Right so my current ones are a 5.0 rise, thanks for that now i know! but Apico or Renthal?
  4. Ive got to get some new handlebars, ive got the choice between Apico ones. http://www.offroadaction.net/articles.php?var=2 and Renthal ones. http://www.trialsbits.co.uk/product_info.p...products_id=289 They are similarly priced, but I was wondering which would be better for my 99 GG, also what rise should i look at and what does the rise bit actually mean - something to do with the bend i gather. Thanks NJ
  5. i wonder how much that gassers been modified.
  6. nitjay - hrc


    Thanks, ill definately look to upgrade to one, as also i wont have the problem of getting on the wrong Sherco or Gasser if i upgrade to Scorpa. (a friend of mine made his 04 Sherco Black so he stopped getting on the other 30 Sherco 04s) It does look quite cool. Are the clutches on the Sys alright?
  7. nitjay - hrc


    Ive got a 200GG and im looking to upgrade to a scorpa, prob 04-05 model as funds limit me. A rundown of positives AND negatives if you could? I used to hate them looks wise, but someone told me the engine is strong and reliable and it wont start rattling after a hard ridden event or two. Also when i rode a 250 Gas Gas in proper mud, i couldnt get the bugger to get moving, compared to my 200GG which i can just pootle along through the mud, the extra power seems to just turn the backwheel in the mud, and i heard that the Scorpas have quite smooth toned down power delivery. Anyone here confirm or deny? Thanks
  8. nearly ever beta ive known has begun to sound rough after a few years, i dont know what it is, a reasonable number have electrical problems. I just cant say anyone in my riding group would get one after many have had bad experiences with them. Having said that if your lucky enough to get a good one and really look after it they can be excellent, a friend of mine had a 200 Beta that i loved becuase it was such smooth power delivery and it ticks along nicely. Then again 02-03 gassers have been known to have niggly little problems go wrong, i.e Kickstarts snapping etc etc...
  9. I was 14, when i learnt to ride on a 99 160, it was a reasonable starter bike never really scared me, i still use it 2 and half years later, it does me fine. But i must say the first time i rode a 250 i nearly crashed into a digger, as the power was just too strong.
  10. I quite often end up with 13, doenst make much difference.... i dont think. Unfortunately when i get no 1 it doesnt make me number one. Superstition like that is silly, i never get the no 13 shirt at football because they dont print one.
  11. I ve been out all day on my bike, and when i started to get tired, i noticed i couldnt operate the clutch very well as my first finger was really knackered. It felt uncomfortable all day, ive been trying to adjust the lever but cant get it right, i have to reach too far to reach the lever, which tires my finger really quickly. I know i can bring it closer by doing up the little screw that stops the lever from going away from the bike, but if i do that, then the clutch becomes slightly engaged which is not good, ive got quite hefty clutch lever and the clutch has a lot of spring in it (it pings back with a bit of force) I was wondering how to adjust it so that the lever is a bit closer but its not engaging the clutch, its so annoying as at the end of the day i cant do things because i cant operate the clutch properly. Also if levers themselves will make much different as the newer bikes seem to have little flimsy ones on there, will it be better to get short levers or longer ones? If you look at them on BVM can you recommend any? Thanks Dom
  12. There is a place you can ride. But get in contact with me for more information, its not far from where you live at all. Loads of things to ride, one of my favourites was a burnt out flatbed lorry that i was messing around on. Nitjay@btinternet.com Also i ride with Horsham Riders, but i have done a Eastbourne trial at..... (something)Farm they do tires there for trials bikes and all, it was a nice bit of land, and Eastbourne ride on saturdays which suits me as i work Sundays. I recommend that club, even though ive only been there once everyone was friendly. However if you want to get so muddy you cant move, 5 nearly every single section, get stuck in countless ditches in mud up to your knees, then come to HRC its the place for You!!! Just kidding its great fun, big woodland everyone is mega friendly, i realise its a little bit of a treck, but there is someone who comes from Ringmer who rides with us. Dom
  13. How much does the Kehin Carb cost? What sort of an increase does it give. I wouldnt want it on my current bike theres no point but on a future one..... Do they only do them for Gas Gas?
  14. I asked GasGas uk a question about my bike, and the guy at GasGas said this " Silkolene gums all the piston rings in & sticks everything together, this can make your engine knock a little when the bike is cold, when it gets warm usually the rings free off in there grooves & the engine stops rattling....." Ive been using the Silkolene that says it uses new technology to increase performance (and it also has a sticker from MCN agreeing) and ive found it to be really good. My bikes a rattly old thing, and the new oil doesnt make a difference here, but the power is perfect. So i really dont know who to believe!
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