I just started couple of weeks ago and went to warden law first then next day a trial at woolsingham bedburn. must say was quite shocked that it was clased as easy but after all I am a novice so it all ooks a bit tricky. managed two rounds and was burned out but was great fun. last sunday was ridsdale and this was superb for novice and for practice one mate just decided he wanted practice so was a winner for all. I realised from my first trial was to walk the course as it makes it a bit easier than just give it a go. like what others say just bypass ones you don't like and move on to one that feels safe enough to try.
the thing s it is a no brainer wardenlaw £10.00 trials £10-12 and all seems very friendly but I think after my wife seen my trials attire I may need some new clothing, apparently jodhpurs aren't cool
cheers gary