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  1. being a beginner myself I have been practising balancing on the spot and at first it seems impossible. however tonight after 20 seconds being my best 2 nights ago I managed 5 minutes. not sure if it was a fluke or I really have got it sussed? I have been watching as many videos on youtube as possible but is there any really good learning videos for learning. trying to do a trial most weekends long as its not paraglidable though the more I do the trials the more I enjoy it. the alwinton trial was just amazing getting to drive around the fells and great to watch some of the top guys showing how much control you can have on your bike. mind with easy causes seeming very difficult it is great learning a new sport again.
  2. lucky for me there is about 5 of us just getting into it and warden law is good when there is a few to push you along. mind it also can push you beyond your ability though if you don't try I guess you wont know. get the good lady to spectate just tell her there lots of folk falling off and she might think it sounds like fun. mind at a trial it is much more nerve racking and a good bit of advice is let most get out the way so it is less stressful. you will enjoy Alan though even though I am training 3 days a week and fairly fit I find after the trial I am very tired. certainly a lot more physical than it looks cheers Gary
  3. I just started couple of weeks ago and went to warden law first then next day a trial at woolsingham bedburn. must say was quite shocked that it was clased as easy but after all I am a novice so it all ooks a bit tricky. managed two rounds and was burned out but was great fun. last sunday was ridsdale and this was superb for novice and for practice one mate just decided he wanted practice so was a winner for all. I realised from my first trial was to walk the course as it makes it a bit easier than just give it a go. like what others say just bypass ones you don't like and move on to one that feels safe enough to try. the thing s it is a no brainer wardenlaw £10.00 trials £10-12 and all seems very friendly but I think after my wife seen my trials attire I may need some new clothing, apparently jodhpurs aren't cool cheers gary
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